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5-9 класс

помогите написать сочинение на тему как я провёл лето на английском!!!
писать типо первый месяц была на даче 2 месяц гуляла с друзьями отмечала день рождения 20 июля и 3 месяц была на даче с подругой

Roooooza 26 марта 2015 г., 16:45:20 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 марта 2015 г., 17:55:45 (9 лет назад)

The first month of my summer vacation I spent in the country. I like it very much, because I like to live far from the city, where the air is clean and quiet everywhere, lots of trees, fruits and berries. The second month I spent with my close friends. We went to a cafe, walking in the fresh air in the park. Sometimes we were going to my home, where they ate different delicious food, playing board games and just talked about various things. On 20 July, I celebrated my birthday in a circle of relatives and friends. The third month, I also spend in the country, but now it was not the country of their parents, and in the country of parents of my girlfriend. We loved to live together, every day we went for a walk, and at night telling each other scary stories. I am glad that I was able to spend so cool my summer.

+ 0 -
26 марта 2015 г., 20:40:03 (9 лет назад)

This summer was very exciting!But it was too hot, that's why I constantly swam and ate a lot of ice-cream. I walked a lot, watched films.I wanted to go somewhere, but this is a good place too. My birthday is in summer, that's why I like this season. I lived near the lake. I hope next year the weather will be not so hot.


Другие вопросы из категории

Look at the pictures and answer the questions 1. What do you think the young people are doing? 2. If you had months to do one of these

jobs abroad, which job would you choose?Why?

Только без гугл-переводчика. Заранее спасибо))Картинки во вложении.

1) I............ what I'll do in my holidays.

a decide b haven't decided c decided
2) I haven't washed the car............
a just b already c yet
3) You've read that book,......... you?
a have b hadn't c haven't
4) The capital of Germany is Berlin,........?
a isn't it b doesn't it c hasn't it
5) I've just seen Kate, but I ........ to her yet.
a haven't spoken b didn't speak c don't speak
6) Tony and Sarah have just moved to London, ........?
a haven't they b didn't they c aren't they
7) You haven't got a new car, .....?
a have you b isn't it c haven't you
8) He doesn't he b isn't he does he

Читайте также

Людии,помогите пожалуйста,срочно нужно сочинение по английскому на тему Школьная система в Казахстане или другое

Школьная система в Британии, пожалуйста люди помогите...срочно..........

!!!Привет, мне нужна срочная помощь с домашней работой. Мое домашнее задание во вложениях.

!!!Срочно!!! Номер 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Без обмана а то удалю ответ и вас заблокируют!!!

Ребята плииииииз срочно!!!

Как правильно задать вопрос?
canРебята плииииииз срочно!!!
Как правильно задать вопрос?
can you cheat if the teacher left the room?
do you cheat if the teacher left the room?
would you cheat if the teacher left the room?

Перевод срочно


Переведите в косвенную речь ,пожалуйста СРОЧНО!)

(Если что спрашивает КОРОЛЬ)
1) Are you happy , my Queen?
2)Are you a good fairy or a wicked one?
3) How much bread have you baked today?
4)What are you doing here?
5) Did you make clothes for any other kings?
6)Have you won the war ?
7) Would you like to play chess with me ?
8) Can you get more money ?
9) Where are you from?
10) Do you look after my roses well?

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