Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Пожалуйста 10 предложений со всемиПожалуйста 10 предложений со всеми формами to be в Present Simple(am,is,are)и Past Simple

1-4 класс


Мазека 04 июля 2013 г., 20:19:38 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 июля 2013 г., 21:14:54 (10 лет назад)

I like to listen to music but I am not listening to musci now.
She had been cooking for an hour when I came.
I will have been working at the project for a month when you join me.
She will be writting a test tomorrow at 5.
I will have finished this work by 6 o'clock.
When he came his mother was cooking a dinner.
We had finished the work and went to a cafe.
I worked there three years ago.

+ 0 -
04 июля 2013 г., 22:56:38 (10 лет назад)

He works at school.
She works at school.
They work at school.
We work at school.

 I worked at school.
He worked at school.
She worked at school.
They worked at school.
We worked at school.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите перевисти!!! Пожалуйста не пишите что сам не можеш перевисти!!!

Where is Pam
Sam's little boy. He's seven. Pam is a little girl. She's five. Sam and Pam are good friends. Sam likes to play with Pam and Pam likes to play with Sam, too.
Pam has got many toys: big and little dolls, nice puppies and kittens, funny monkeys, yellow giraffes and ducks and many other toys.
Sam hasn't got many toys but he's got very many balloons: ren and blue, green and yellow, brown and white.

Впиши недостающие фразы в диалоги .Воспользоваться словами из рамочки.

Слова Good morning, You are welcome, Thank you, Help yourself
Mag: Happy birthday to you!
Jill: Oh, it"s great!______________
Mother: Good morning, Jim!
Jim:____________________, Mum!
Mother: Here you are._______________
Jim:Thank you, Mum.

помогите правильно выбрать

Is this / these your exercise-book ?
No, it isn't . Thas is /These are my exercise -book. It is green .
This is / These are my scissors , and thas is / those are her pictures .
This / These aren't your pensils. They are my pencils .
Are this / these your cassettes ?
No. Those / That are my cassettes in that / those bag.

1.вопрос. Will you give Ozma a gift for her birthday? 2 ответ. . Yes, I

will. I will make a great cake

Читайте также

Помогите! Прочитай предложения. Выбери правильный глагол в Precent Simple (am, is, are) или Past Simple (was, were) и запиши предложения в тетрадь.

Пример: My book is или are more interesting than your film. Я выбрала is... Теперь помогите мне с другими предложениями! 1) There is или are a lot of cows in the field. 2) The weather was или were rainy last summer. 3) Were или Was you in the country last Sunday? 4) My mum, s eyes is или are blue. 5) Where was или were they a month ago? 6) We wasnt или werent in the desert last year. Заранее спасибо!.....

прочитай прочитай предложения, выбери правельный глагол в present simple (am,is,are) или в past simple (was,were) 1.there is/are a lot of cows

in the field
2.the weather was/were rainy last summer
3.was/were you in the country last sunday?
4.my mum's eyes is/are blue
5.where was/were they a month ago?
6.we wasn't/weren't in the desert last year

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