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помогите пожалуйста буду вам очень благодарна (((заполните пропуски артиклями где это необходимо .

10-11 класс

Do you want to go to....country? My wife asked me on sunday I'd love to. I answered. We decided to go to.......Kuskovo and got there at eleven in.....morning....weather was fine and we had....long walk in.....park. We went back to....town at four in ......afternoon. We had....dinner,and in.....evening we went to..... teathre .We often go to.....cinema or to......theatre on.....Saturday or....... Sunday. ........play was very intresting and we liked it vwry much. Then we went......home .At.....home we had .....supper,played....game of chess and went to....bed at 12 o'clock

SophieChan 14 апр. 2015 г., 17:39:07 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 18:58:13 (9 лет назад)

Вы хотите, чтобы перейти к .... стране? Моя жена спросила меня на воскресенье я с удовольствием. Я ответил. Мы решили пойти в ....... Кусково и получил там в одиннадцать ..... утром .... Погода была хорошая, и мы .... долго ходить в ..... парк. Мы вернулись к .... города в четыре ...... днем. У нас было .... ужин, а в ..... Вечером мы пошли в ..... театр Мы часто идут на ..... кино или ...... театр на .... .Saturday или ....... воскресенье. ........ играть было очень интересно, и мы очень понравилось. Потом мы пошли ...... домой .В ..... домой, мы были ..... ужин, играл .... игра в шахматы и пошел в .... кровать в 12:00

+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 20:32:38 (9 лет назад)

помогите пожалуйста очень надо!!!


Другие вопросы из категории


ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ЗАДАНИЕOpen the brackets.Put the verbs into the Future Indefinite.
1.I (not to go) to the Hermitage tomorrow.
2. Kate (to give) it to you this afternoon.
3.We (to have) orange juice.
4.He (not to phone) her tonight.
5. I (to help) you with it.
6. They (not to have) coffee.
7. It is hot here, I (to open) the window.
8. I (to get) a taxi.
9. It is cold here, I ( to close) the window.
10. I (not to tell ) anyone what happened.

Читайте также

Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1) He took … deep breath and said, “ I have … confession to make “. 2) “ You are … very best, and …

apple of my eye. I do not want you to get into …mess.” 3) … summary is …shortened version of … passage, in your own words. 4) … Dean need not finish … work if he is in … hurry. … report can wait. 5) … dress is … dream! It fits you like … glove! Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо.

помогите пожалуйста очень надо(((заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

My friend likes playing.....chess. He spends a lot ....time....it.
Yesterdaday he played chess...six...the evening and only got... home...ten.
We spent Sunday...the country. We went ....there early...the morning and got back....town late....the evening. We decided to ask our friends...dinner tomorrow....dinner we're going ....Central Park.
What are we having....dinner today?
My friend lives....the country and he likes it very much. His house is a long way....his office. He Does.... town every morning. He is always....time...work.I don't want to go....the cinema tonight. My wife and I are going....a walk. Does your friend play......chess well? I am going to hawe a game....chess.....him. When did the meeting finish? It finished....four . I got .....home late yesterday evening and went ....bed....onice. Peter spends a lot money.....books.I ofen ask him.....books read.

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо. 1. My friend is ... college now. 2. I don't

like playing ... fotball, but I often play ... tennis. 3. Ann's children were ... hospital last week. 4. I stayed ... home ... ten yesterday.

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями.

1. There is ... outside but I don't know him. 2. My son refuses to listen to ... but his granddad. 3. There is ... waiting for you in the hall. 4. ... can be changed. We missed the chance. 5. ... wanted to be his friend.

Задание 3. Поставте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.

1. Our teacher always speaks English in class. 2. Sometimes we have classes in the evening. 3. I work at the Ministry for Foreign Trade. 4. They do a fantastic job there. 5. It is raining now.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в соответствующей форме.

1. Please, (to listen) to me. 2. His German (to be) awful last September. 3. The academic year (to start) on the 1st of September. 4. You (read) a lot these days? 5. It (to take) 4 hours to flight to Berlin.

Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. … England has to import … raw materials, such as … timber, petroleum, wool and others. 2. Many ships with … grain, oil, cotton and other goods come to … London along river Thames. 3. I usually drink … tea with … sugar. 4. Will you have … cap of tea? 5. Pass me … sugar, please. 6. … tea is very hot; I’ll put … milk in it. Don’t pour milk into my cup, please. I don’t like … tea with … milk. 7. … Peace is … life, war is … suffering and …death. 8. What … beautiful flowers!

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