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Помогите пожалуйста составить текст по английскому языку на тему" My meals " на 10 предложений ( среднего уровня по сложности )

10-11 класс

Krissss007 22 апр. 2014 г., 18:54:36 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2014 г., 20:19:30 (10 лет назад)

It goes without saying that I prefer to have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like that. But on weekdays I'm always short of time in the morning. So I just have a cup of strong tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches.

As I spend a lot of time at school (usually eight or nine hours) it's necessary to have a snack at midday just to keep me going. That's why I have to go to the school canteen to have lunch. Our school canteen leaves much to be desired. It has become a tradition with our canteen to serve chops and watery mashed potatoes every day with a glass of cocoa or stewed fruit.

But I enjoy my evening meal at home. My mother is a wonderful cook and her dinners are always delicious and various.



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Поставьте слова по порядку

Предложение-I haven't heard from you for a long time.How are you? I'm at camp now.It's fun to be here.The weather is fine.It's_______________________and hot.I spend a lot of time_______.We ride horses and walk in the fields.We have different sport competitions and outdoors games.We also make fires,play the guitar and sing songs in the____________.
I__________________my parents and friends a little,but I will be home in a week.Where do you __________your summer hollidays?

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. каждая буква каждого слова употребляется один раз
1)Sir. 2)Sit. 3)Chat. 4)Pay

I really enjoy using my computer.
вставьте правильный ответ. 1] My sister... her homework in the afternoon.a]makes.b]has.c] does. 2] After breakfast Mag...the washing up.a]washes b] cleans

c] does 3] Do you ...your bed in the morning.a]clean b] do c] make. 4]Will...photos of our friends. a] make b] take c] do 5]The boys usually ...lunch at 2 pm . a]have b]do c] go вставьте пожайлуста и на пишите

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