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Раскройте скобки, употребив соответствующую глагольную форму. Укажите время сказуемого. Предложения перепишите и переведите.

10-11 класс

Образец: We have just finished the recruitment campaign. – Мы только что закончили кампанию по набору персонала. Have finished – The Present Perfect Tense.

1. Managers (deal) with all types of problems and their responsibility (be) to make decisions and take actions.
2. In two weeks they (conduct) a seminar for interviewers.
3. I (hope) that I (work) as a Managing Director in five years’ time.
4. We (just / finish) a very important project.
5. Now I (work) on a temporary basis in a small company.
6. They (make) redundant all underqualified workers by 25th of November.
7. Last month all the employees in HR department (get) a pay rise.
8. A classic definition of a “manager” (be) that “leaders (do) the right thing and managers (do) things right.”

ABC1999 06 авг. 2014 г., 17:49:26 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 авг. 2014 г., 18:41:17 (9 лет назад)

1 deal, is (present Simple)
2  will conduct(future simple) ?
3 hope, will be working(future continious)
4  have just finished( present perfect)
5 am working(present continious)
6 had made (pasr perfect)
7 got (past simple)
8 is, do,do (present Simple)


Другие вопросы из категории

Much, many, a lot of, little, few, more, less.

1. How ... milk would you like in your coffee?
2. You should eat ... meat. It is not good for you.
3. If you want to lose your weight, you have to eat ... sugar.
4. We had ... of fruit last summer, so we could make jams.
5. Can you give me some ... tea please?

Перепишитеследующие предложения и заполните пропуски, употребив глаголы в скобках в

соответствующем времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Past Simple,Past Continuous u Past Perfect. 1) Last night we(to go) to a football match. 2) we (to take) a bus. 3)

The bus (to be) full of people as many people(to want) to see the match. 4)We (to get) off the bus and (to go) in the direction of the stadium.

Читайте также

Раскройте скобки,

употребив соответствующую глагольную Форму
в сложноподчиненных
предложениях с придаточным условия или времени.
Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Раскройте скобки, употребив прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения.

1.The situation is getting (bad)
2. Pluto is (cold) of all the planets.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в present, Past или Future Passive
1. Yuor luggage (bring) up into your room soon,

Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Mark Twain (I — be) not only a famous writer but also a famous humorist. He (2 — travel) a lot and (3 — make) speeches in different towns. During these speeches he always (4 — tell) funny stories.

Wherever he (5 — go) he (6— follow) by reporters who (7 — write) down everything he (8 — say). His stories (9 —tell) and (10 — retell) and (11 — pass) down from generation to generation. Once he (12 — hear) a rumour that he (13 — be) dead and (14 — remark): "The rumours of my death greatly (15 —exaggerate)."

There (16 — be) a lot of humorous stories (17— connect) with the name of Mark Twain. Here (18 — be) one of them.

Once Mark Twain and two of Ms friends (19 — sit) in a restaurant. One of the friends just (20 — return) from a trip to the mountains. He (21 — say) that the air in the mountains (22 — be) very clear. In many places the echo of a voice (23 —come) back five times stronger than the original voice.

"That (24 — be) nothing," (25 — say) the second friend. "In Colorado, in many places the echo of a voice (26 — speak) in the morning (27 — come) back in the afternoon."

Mark Twain (28 — laugh) and (29 — say), "The echoes which you (30 — tell) us about (31 — be) very unusual. But in a small church in Hannibal where I (32 —be) born, there (33 — be) an even more unusual echo. If someone (34 — say) in a loud voice, "Good morning! How (35 — be) you?", the echo (36 — come) back after a moment very clearly, "I (37 — be) very well, thank you, and how (38 - be) you?"

Of course, Mark Twain's friends not (39 —believe) the story, but they (40— enjoy) it.

1. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в форму Present Perfect:

1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out ) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.

2. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The pupils are writing the dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10 You are putting the dishes on the table.

3.Раскройте скобки, переведите. Помните, что в некоторых случаях употребляется Past SIMPLE!
1. When he (to come) home, his mother already (to cook) dinner.
2. When we (to come) to my friend’s house, he just (to leave).
3. When her husband (to enter) her office, she already (to finish) her work for that day.
4. Jennifer (to send) him an email after he (to call).
5. Andy (to ask) his friend before he (to propose) him his help.
6. We (to eat) a cake which I (to bring) an hour before.
7. My sister (to take) my dress which I (to buy) in Morocco.
8. I (to work) on the computer yesterday which I (to buy) a week ago.
9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to complete) the test in the university.
10. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre at five o'clock.
11. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre by five o'clock.
12. She (to finish) my homework at seven o'clock.
13. She (to finish) my homework by seven o'clock.
14. They (to sell) their house before they (to buy) the new one.
15. He told me that he (to buy) a new car.
16. Yesterday I (to wake up), (to open) my eyes and (to remember) what I (to do) the day before.
17. She said that she (to have) a great vacation trip.
18. You (to complete) the test by Friday?
19. I (not to have) a lunch by the afternoon, so I was very hungry.
20. I (to fix) my car before my daughter (to return) back from school.

4.Поставь глагол в нужной форме (Past Perfect или Past Simple) в зависимости от смысла.

1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody _____________(go) to bed.

2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ______(go) straight to bed.

3. Sorry I am late. The car ______(break) down on my way here.

4. There was a car by the side of the road. It ________ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we _______ (stop) to help him.

5. Поставье глаголы в скобках в форму present, past или future perfect:

1. I hope you (not forget) all this by tomorrow. 2. I think she (cook) dinner by the time Mother (come) home. 3. He (be) a pensioner for ten years by next spring. 4. I hope they (tell) her the news by the time we (come). 5. Ask him when he (finish) packing. 6. What … you (do) when I (call) on you at 5
tomorrow? 7. He (search) every corner of your room before he (leave). 8. The plane (approach) Moscow at this time tomorrow. 9. By the time you (get) home we (prepare) everything for the party. 10. They (come) to see us next Sunday. 11. The doctor (examine) his last patient at this time tomorrow.

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