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make your own list of people whom you admire most .explain why admire them. 5-7 предложений( написать рассказ про выдающуюся личность, например

10-11 класс

кристиан роналду )

Natik9760 17 авг. 2014 г., 8:44:31 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 авг. 2014 г., 9:47:35 (9 лет назад)

I am the fan of football. I admire with game of all football players but as plays Cristiano Ronaldo it's  wonderfull. I look him all matches. At the given moment he is playing for club Real Madrid. I consider that that the most outstanding football player of the world. Hala madrid!!! послд. предл. , если ты фан реала


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Running your own business can (1) ……………. (make / present / provide /

suggest) really high job satisfaction – the satisfaction of being in (2) ……………
(duty / charge / head / position) of your own life and making your own (3)
………….… (alterations / ideas / proposals / decisions) about how things should be
If you are ambitious, you may want to achieve (4) ……………. (courage /
power / success / security) on a large scale and eventually become rich. Or it may be
(5) ………………. (many / enough / too / lot) for you simply to enjoy work more
and to achieve a modest increase (6) ……………. (at / on / in / for) living standards
at the same time.
It`s important to take into (7) ……………. (account / mind / thought /
contemplation) the less desirable aspects of the job as (8) ………………. (much /
also / too / well). For instant, if problems (9) …………….. (rise / raise / arise /
happen), it will be up to you to sort them (10) ……………… (up / in / through /
out). You`ll probably have to work harder and longer hours, especially in the
(11) ……………… (initiation /early / starting / beginning) stages. You`ll probably 50
see less of your family and friends too. And, of course, you won`t enjoy the security
of a (12) …………… (permanent / square / regular / usual) pay packet.
If you see all this as a challeng

ge (13) ………….. (rather / instead / otherwise /
other) than a disadvantage, you have at (14) ………………. (last / least / once /
most) one of the qualities needed for success. Other qualities (15) …………….
(compose / contain / consist / include): the ability to work on one`s own, a refusal to
(16) ………….. (give / work / turn / draw) up, and a willingness to take on

Write a letter of application (about 120-180 words) explaining why you want to participate in the programme. Use the plan below. 1)Describe the programme

you would like to participate in. 2)Explain why you think you would benefit from it. 3)Describe yourself and the qualities you have that are relevant to the situation. 4)Express your hope to succeed.

Помогите пожалуйста)))Write a letter of application (about 120-180 words) explaining why you want to participate in the STUDENT EXCHANGE

programme. Use the plan below. 1)Describe the programme you would like to participate in. 2)Explain why you think you would benefit from it. 3)Describe yourself and the qualities you have that are relevant to the situation. 4)Express your hope to succeed.спасибо)

помогите пожалуйста перевести текст срочно нужно (((((( Ok! Youre on your own here. Theres no Mummy doing all the searching for you and asking

all the right questions. So how on earth do you find a house? Don’t panic: everyones in the same boat. You need to begin by making a list of what you want in a house. For instance, do you want a bath or will just a shower be OK? Do you want a washing machine( my advice-YES- launderettes are a nightmare and you cant afford to have things cleaned for you ). Are you OK with sharing a bathroom or do you want an en suite of your own? You also need to think about where your house is located- bus and train fares can add up to a lot of money.

Secondly, make sure you take with you a list of questions you want to ask. Will you have to pay the rest of the rent if the other rooms aren’t filled? How big is the deposit and will it be returned at the end of your rent? Is there a garden-are you responsible for it? Are the rooms lockable? Is the house in good condition? If the landlord promises to have things repaired, get his promises included in the contract.

There are also a few things you should look our for: what is included in the rent and how much are the extra bills? So if you’ve found a house for 40 a week ,but it doesn’t cover any bills-you aren’t going to save money, especially if the other rooms are empty

Помогите, пожалуйста... 1. Everyday millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as YouTube. • Why have these sites become so

popular? Do you or someone you know what these clips? What kind of clips do you watch and why?

• What makes such sites different than television?

How do these clips influence society? Give examples.

2. Throughout most of the 20th century, music and art were considered equally important
as math and science. Some people are concerned that schools are placing less and less
emphasis on studying art and music.

• Do you think that students should be required to learn music and art in school? Why?

• How do you think our society will change if we stop learning about music and art?

• Who is your favorite composer or artist? Did you learn about them at school or an­
other way?

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