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прошу помогите плиз сократите текс так чтобы можно было пересказать так как нибудь 3-5 предложений плиз срочноLondoners love their parks and are proud

5-9 класс

of them. London is very rich in parks and gardens. You can spend the whole day in the country - without leaving London. London's parks are full of trees,grass,flowers and water. You can walk among old trees,relax and admire flowers and plate or take part in the many activities such as tennis,swimming and horse-riding. The Royal Parks are the property of the Royal family. In central London they include Hyde Park,Green Park,St James's Park,Regent's Park and Kensington Gardens. Hyde Park is famous for its outdoor entertainments and its Speaker's Corner. On a Sunday morning anyone can make a speech about something he believes to be very important. You can also visit Regent's Park where you will find London Zoo,aboating lake and an open-air theatre, where in summer you can enjoy Shakespeare's plays. St James's Park, the oldest London park,is very beautiful with its trees and flower beds and view of Buckingham Palace. The statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter Pen,can be seen in Kensington Gardens. Parks are free in London.

Voloboevayulia2 24 авг. 2013 г., 3:32:21 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 авг. 2013 г., 6:16:28 (10 лет назад)

London is very rich in parks and gardens. You can spend the whole day in the country - without leaving London. You can walk among old trees and relax St James's Park, the oldest London park,is very beautiful with its trees and flower beds and view of Buckingham Palace. The statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter Pen,can be seen in Kensington Gardens. Parks are free in London.


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+ 19) Jim is very untidy.He... his things all other the place.
1) leaves 2) leave 3) left

Вставьте артикли 1. Once there lived .... king. ...... king had ..... daughter. ...... daughter had ....... kitten. ....... king, ........ princ

ess and ....... kitten lived in ....... very beautiful palace. ........ palace was on ...... Thames.
2. Do you like ...... fairy tales about ..... queens?
3. Who was ...... Quenn of ..... England at ..... end of ..... nineteenth century?

4. Once there lived ..... king and ..... queen.
.....queen had ..... magic mirror. ............... mirror could speak.

5.Did you visit ........ Westminster Abbey ....... last year?

6. Did you visit ..... Tower of ..... London on ..... last trip to ..... London?
7. Today is ..... lasy day of our holidays.

8. Did ...... Porters go to ..... South ..... last summer?

9. Did ....... Mr Porter go to ...... Sought Africa ..... last year?

10. I don't remember ....... last words of ...... poem

Помогите пожалуйста с домашним заданием по английскому языку. Нужно к завтрашнему дню! За ранее спасибо) copy the sentences using the articles

where is necessary 1)I haven t ... idea of going for a walk

2)It was a nice place with ... green trees near .... river

3)Vitya is playing ... football in... yard

4)You need ... fresh air, fruit and vegetables

Copy the sentences using the past indefinite or past continuous

1)They … a lot of interesting things when they …. In the South (to see, to travel)

2)The students …when the teacher….(to shout, to come)

3)We… supper when the telephone ….(to have, ring)

4)It … when we … to the village (to rain, to get)

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прошу помогите плиз сократите текс так чтобы можно было пересказать так как нибудь 3-5 предложений плиз срочноLondoners love their parks and are proud

of them. London is very rich in parks and gardens. You can spend the whole day in the country - without leaving London. London's parks are full of trees,grass,flowers and water. You can walk among old trees,relax and admire flowers and plate or take part in the many activities such as tennis,swimming and horse-riding. The Royal Parks are the property of the Royal family. In central London they include Hyde Park,Green Park,St James's Park,Regent's Park and Kensington Gardens. Hyde Park is famous for its outdoor entertainments and its Speaker's Corner. On a Sunday morning anyone can make a speech about something he believes to be very important. You can also visit Regent's Park where you will find London Zoo,aboating lake and an open-air theatre, where in summer you can enjoy Shakespeare's plays. St James's Park, the oldest London park,is very beautiful with its trees and flower beds and view of Buckingham Palace. The statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter Pen,can be seen in Kensington Gardens. Parks are free in London.

прошу помогите плиз сократите текс так чтобы можно было пересказатьLondoners love their parks and are proud of them. London is very rich in parks and garde

ns. You can spend the whole day in the country - without leaving London. London's parks are full of trees,grass,flowers and water. You can walk among old trees,relax and admire flowers and plate or take part in the many activities such as tennis,swimming and horse-riding. The Royal Parks are the property of the Royal family. In central London they include Hyde Park,Green Park,St James's Park,Regent's Park and Kensington Gardens. Hyde Park is famous for its outdoor entertainments and its Speaker's Corner. On a Sunday morning anyone can make a speech about something he believes to be very important. You can also visit Regent's Park where you will find London Zoo,aboating lake and an open-air theatre, where in summer you can enjoy Shakespeare's plays. St James's Park, the oldest London park,is very beautiful with its trees and flower beds and view of Buckingham Palace. The statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter Pen,can be seen in Kensington Gardens. Parks are free in London.

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New York is on the Hudson River. Another name for New York is Big Apple. It consists for five boroughs .
The heart of New York is Manhattan . It has a lot of sightseeing. One of them is the Empire State Building. It is the tallest skyscraper in New York but only since the 11th of September. One of New York's most famous museum is the Guggenheim. It's famous for it is building , which was designed by Frank White . Those who are interested in theater will be able to enjoy different musical and shows on Broadway. The fastest way to see New York, is by subway. You need to buy a metrocard and it will take you all over the city.

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русского языка! The upcoming Skyfall was known as "Bond 23 " prior to the announcement of the movies name, because it will be the 23rd in the series-sort of . In the 50 years from Dr.No to Skyfall, 23 James Bond movies will have been released by Eon Productions, the company founded in 1961 by Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman.

That doesn`t mean there haven`t been other movies. Bond first appeared onscreen in 1954 television version of Casino Royale, a spy movie spoof, was released in 1967 by a man who had purchased the rights to the book but didn`t want to complete with Eon. It starred Bond girl Ursula Andress , Peter Sellers , Orson Welles and young Woody Allen as " Jimmy Bond ". Another notable non-Eon Bond movie was 1983`s Sean Connery vehicle and Thunderball copycat Never Say Never Again , which opened just a few moths after Octopussy .Переведите пожалуйста качественно. Не переводите через онлайн переводчики. Сделайе так чтобы перевод был качественным со всеми правилами русского языка!

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