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Помогите пожалуйста! Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в нужной форме грамматического времени Simple.

10-11 класс

1. They ... very good at skiing.
2. In three years they ... students.
3. Kate ... fond of playing tennis.
4. The Earth ... hotter in the future.
5. These computers ... of the latest type.

Berta 29 янв. 2014 г., 13:58:31 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 янв. 2014 г., 15:17:53 (10 лет назад)

1 are
2 will be
3 is
4 will be
5 are


Другие вопросы из категории

. «You (to know)_______________

that children under the age of sixteen (not to allow)_________________
in here? You (to see)_________________the notice on the door?»

Use the verbs in the right tense.

1) a) Is it all right if I get to the theatre at 7.30
b) Oh, I think it's too late, the play___(to start).
2) a) we have two more weeks of rest here.
b) oh, dear, we _____ (to run) out of money by next week.

3) a) I've got to hand in the composition next Thursday.
b) That's soon; you ___ (to write) it by Thursday.

4) a) You know, my brother has come back from Australia.
b) Oh, now interesting, I'd like to have a talk with him at 7.00 p.m.
a) Oh, but I'm afraid he ___ (not, to come) home by 7.00 p.m.

Читайте также

I. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.

1. Nick ... a nice man.
2. Ann and Mary ... university students.
3. We ... not journalists.
4. I ... ten years old. How old ... you?
5. ... you in the kitchen or in the living-room?
II. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to have в нужной форме.
1. My brother ... a new car.
2. She ... some friends.
3. They ... a two-room flat.
4. How many English books ... you?
5. ... you friend any English books?
III. Вставьте соответствующие личные местоимения в объектном падеже.
1. Close your books and put ... on my desk.
2. Is it your school? Show it to ....
3. He is coming. Open the door for ....
4. Give ... some flowers. She likes them.
5. My phone number is 5543. Say ... to Nick.
IV. Выразите принадлежность одного предмета/лица другому, употребив притяжательные местоимения my, her, his, our, your, their.
1. (You) house isn`t high and modern.
2. (He) coat is black.
3. (She) dog is small and funny.
4. (I) teacher of Maths is a very clever man.
5. (We) hometask is very difficult.
V. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. This is a large room and that is a small room.
2. Her dress is beautiful.
3. The woman is young but the man is old.
4. She has a little child.
5. The text is English.
VI. Употребите притяжательный падеж вместо словосочетания с предлогом of.
1. The father of Jane.
2. The books of the school children.
3. The names of his cousins.
4. The brother of this boy.
5. The parents of John.

Помогите пожалуйстааа прошуу:*** Заполните пропуски глаголом to be? употребляя соответствующую форму настоящего времени : 1.They...old friends. 2.I...a

teacher. 3. The weather...is good today. __ Заполните пропуски глаголом to be? употребляя соответствующую форму будущего времени: 1We...interested in his progress. 2.I... your new teacher.

заполните пропуски глаголом ту би ,употребляя соответствующую форму будущего времени: 1)she ... our new teacher. 2)these exercises ... very difficult

for you. .3)they ... glad to see their old friends. 4)there ... many examinations next term. 5)there ... a new club in our town next year. 6)we... very tired after the long walk. 7)I ... happy to be here again. 8)we ... interested in his progress..

Буду очень признателен за помощь! Заполните пропуски в предложениях глаголами to be,

to have, оборотом there + to be, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) I … a new modern computer.

2) This man … a very good memory, he can remember everything very well.

3) … a lot of classrooms in this Institute.

4) Mr. Black … an engineer, his brother … a mechanic.

4. Заполните пропуски нужными предлогами в скобках. Переведите предложение на русский язык.

1) The plane arrives in London… 8.30 a.m. (from, at, with)

2) He prefers travelling… plane. (by, for, on)

3) My sister plans to take a trip… car. (by, for, on)

4) She enjoys riding… a car. (by, in, for)

5. Употребите глагол, данный в скобках, во временах Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, добавив необходимые обстоятельства времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

She (grow) nice flowers

Всем привет, помогите, пожалуйста, сделать английский Задание . Заполните пропуски глаголами can, can’t, couldn’t, could, was/were able to

1. They didn't want to buy our goods but we … to persuade them.

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски глаголами must, had to, mustn’t, needn’t , should, shouldn’t

1. Keep these documents in a safe place, you … lose them.
2. We … write the letter now, we can do it tomorrow.
3. I think everybody … learn a foreign language.
4. We have lots of time, we … hurry up.
5. He doesn’t usually work on Saturdays but last Saturday he … work.
6. John is our potential customer. You … meet him.
7. You … tell Marilyn what happened. I don’t want her to know.
8. I … go to the post office, I need some stamps.
9. If this hotel is too expensive for you, you … stay there.
10. I … go to the bank yesterday to get some money.

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