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Find the mistakes and correct them

10-11 класс

You are at school or at the stadium?

You sister and your brother is a good pupil.

I not am a teacher.

Tsurin 03 дек. 2013 г., 20:08:47 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 дек. 2013 г., 21:07:04 (10 лет назад)

Are you at school or at the stadium? (это общий вопрос, на первом месте должно стоять сказуемое)
Your sister and your brother are good pupils. (речь идет о сестре и брате, то есть о двух людях сразу, поэтому здесь будет множественное число)
I am not a teacher. (порядок слов в предложении - подлежащее, сказуемое, отрицательная частица и т.д.)

+ 0 -
03 дек. 2013 г., 23:00:10 (10 лет назад)

Are you at school or at the stadium? = это вопросительное предложение = 


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Заранее благодарю!

Добрый вечер! Помогите пожалуйста с домашним заданием:

Portfolio: Write a short paragraph about yourself (40-50 words).

-how much money you get

Translate the sentences.

1. Если бы я работал в вашем банке, я бы не опаздывал на работу.

2. Если бы я продал тогда машину, я бы каждый день ездил на метро.

3. Если бы я не купил машину, я бы сейчас ездил на метро.

4. Если бы мы не встретились в Праге, мы бы не поехали встречать Новый год вместе.

Читайте также

Find the mistakes and correct them.1)Today is Saturday and is at the shopping centre. 2)Every Saturday my mother is taking me shopping with her. 3)She is

wanting to buy a new skirt but she not like the one that the lady showing her.

Open the brackets. Use only infinitives in the proper tenses.

1. there__(to be) any good theters here.
2. __you__(to have) any time?
3. Why___she__(to dance) badly?
find the mistake and correct it( the modal verbs), e.g. can - ought
1. Helga can not come to the party tonight. She isn't feeling well.___
2. It couldn't be possible to choose the form of musical endeavour.___
3. You need decide what 'making it' consists of for you.___

Find the mistakes and correct

You is a pupill.

I am Russia.

You are an engineer?

Is you mother a doctor?

Who are you? - I am fine.

Are you from America? - No, I am

Are your sister a doctor?

How your mother is?

We is fine, thank you.

Where is you from?

You is funny.

3) Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Find these lines

and correct them

(1)The Pen-Pal scheme makes up every effort to match individuals _____up_______ (2) in different countries. Only when on rare occasions have we ______________ (3) failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested in you should ______________ (4) fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to ______________ (5) know the hobbies and sports you like as only if then ______________ (6) can we match you with a suitable partner. To tell us ______________ (7) which subjects you like doing at school and if you have ______________ (8) any requirements as far as a food is concerned. Most pen-pals (9) end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel ______________ (10) at ease when you will visit each other. We do our best to ______________ (11) avoid obvious clashes. Before you make out your ______________ (12) choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several ______________ (13) possible partners; someone they may make a very good ______________ (14) impression on you until you will have seen the other pen- ______________ (15) pals so take your time before you make up your mind. ______________

Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

1)Woodman works with the metal.
2)Moscow is a capital of Australia.
3)Doctors treat animals.
4)The earth goes round the moon.

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