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Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком, нужно: перевести предложения в косвенную речь.

5-9 класс

061083 12 дек. 2014 г., 12:06:40 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 дек. 2014 г., 14:26:52 (9 лет назад)

1. Mary said that she had gone to London with her sister.
2. My friend said that he(she) watched a lot of soap operas.
3. Kate said that she wouldn't help Jack about the house.
4. His cousins said that they weren't interested in politics.
5. Mike said that He couldn't phone Bill.
6.   Frank said that they had already missed the nature programme.
7. Her teacher said that He(She) wasn't going to ask Susan.


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Перевести текст срочно!!!!! Заранее спасибо Well, Petey ran on and on. Bui he couldn't find a dog who would give his boy away. Petey was very sad. His

little legs were very tired. My mother was right, he thought. There isn’t a boy to be found [невозможно найти мальчика). Just as it was getting dark, he came to a large building. Petey was walking by it slowly when he saw a sign: Home for Boys. “Maybe I could find a boy here!” said Petey to himself. “These boys have no parents, and no dog to take care of them." He walked slowly up to the home. He was so tired he could hardly lift his little paws (едва переставлял свои лапы). Then Petey stopped. He listened. He could hear music. He looked through the window. He saw a Christmas tree, and children singing carols (новогодние песни).Then Petey saw something else. In front of the building, all by himself (совершенно один), sat a boy! He was not a very big boy, and he looked lonely (одиноко), Petey gave a glad little cry. He forgot that he was tired. He jumped up and landed in the boy's lap (оказался па коленях у мальчика). Sniff, sniff, went Petey's little nose. Wag, wag, went Petcy’s tail. He licked the little boy with his warm, wet tongue. How glad the boy was to see Petey! He put both his arms around the little dog and hugged him (обнял его). Then the front door opened and a lady looked out. “Why, here you are, Ricky!” she said, “What are you doing here all alone (совсем один)? Come on in and sit near the Christmas tree.** Petey sat very still. The boy sat still* The boy looked up at the lady and down at Petey. Petey began to tremble (дрожать). Would the boy go in and leave him {бросит его)1 *Tm not alone,” said the boy, “I've got a puppy.” “A puppy!” The lady came out and looked at Petey in surprise (удивленно).Can he come, too?" said the boy. “Why,” said the lady, ‘"you’re a nice little dog. Where did you come from? Yes, bring him in/' “Come on, puppy,” cried the boy. A lot of boys were playing around the Christmas tree. They rushed (бросились к) to Petey. They were so happy to see him. Petey wagged (вшч) his tail. He wagged his fat little body. He licked {облизал) every one of the boys. “Can we keep him?" said one, “Can we give him some dinner?” said another.“Can we make him a nice warm bed?” said a third. “We will give him some dinner and a nice warm bed,” said the lady.tomorrow we will find his mother and see if she'll let him stay," Petey knew his mother would let him slay. She knew how much he wanted a boy. “She’ll be surprised.” said Petey to himself, with a happy little smile, “when I lell her I got fifty boys for Christmas!"

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Срочнооооооо™!!!!!!! Срочноооооооо!!!!!!!!! Помогите пожалуйста по английскому языку!!!!! Мне вообщем задали сочинение!!!!! Оно у меня на русском

написано, а надо чтобы было на английском перевидите пожалуйста на английский язык!!!!!! Текст на фото. Буду очень благодарна если поможете)

Привет!!!Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком!!!Нужно перевести с русского на английский.

Плавание это самый полезный вид спорта.Оно имеет необычайно давнюю историюЕщё Древними славянами проводились соревнования по плаванию, суть их была такова: люди плавали в реке и ловили рыбу руками, тот кто приносил на берег самую крупную рыбу, того и считали победителем. Эти соревнования совсем не похожи на современные, но тем не менее, умение плавать имело в них решающее значение.


Буду очень благодарен!!!20 БАЛЛОВ!!!

В данном задании предложения с английского языка нужно перевести на русский, обращая особое внимание на употребление и правильность перевода времени

Future Continuous.
1.Will you be seeing your dentist next Friday? Can you ask him a question?
2.They won’t be going to the park tomorrow because they have a lot of work to do.
3.Next Monday at this time I am going to be swimming in the Indian Ocean.
4.We will be waiting for him next Wednesday at the usual place.
5.Will you be booking the tickets to Alaska for tomorrow? Please, book one for my friend.
Данное задание аналогично предыдущему, но в этом случае перевод нужно выполнить с русского языка на английский.
1.Завтра ночью ты будешь работать в одной смене с Джимом?
2.Они не видели Анну сегодня, поэтому нам пришлось позвонить ей.
3.Марк будет завтра вечером брать машину или я могу покататься со своей девушкой?
4.Моя мама еще не будет в это время завтра в Испании, поскольку ее полет еще не закончится.
5.Ты завтра будешь ехать в Германию весь день и всю ночь, чтобы успеть на конференцию?
6.Мы можем встретиться с тобой после девяти часов, к тому времени я уже закончу свою работу.
7.В это время завтра Джейкоб будет взбираться на гору?
8.Завтра весь день я буду убирать свой гараж, поэтому если хочешь, можешь прийти ко мне после шести вечера.
9.Ты будешь завтра проходить мимо почты? Можешь купить мне марки, пожалуйста?
10.Сьюзен завтра утром не будет читать книгу, поскольку ей нужно будет собираться в школу.

Данное задание состоит в том, чтобы раскрыть скобки, поставив заключенный в них глагол в правильную форму Future. В данном случае – во Future Continuous.
1.This time next year I (not/work) for this company any more.
2.I (sit) at home. You can come at six tomorrow.
3.At nine o’clock the day after tomorrow, she (study) at the university.
4.We won’t be at home this evening as we (look) after our neighbor’s baby.
5.He (have) breakfast at ten o’clock, so, please. Do not disturb him.
6.Jacob can give the papers to him as he (see) him this evening.
7.I will meet you tomorrow. I (wait) for you at eleven at the station.
8.He can help you in the library tomorrow as he (prepare) his work anyway.
9.My parents (paint) the house all the weekend.
10.They can’t visit you on Tuesday because they (play) volley-ball then.
11.My parent this time tomorrow (fly) to Canada.
12.Between 11 and 12 I (have) lunch tomorrow.
13.Rebecca (talk) to her tomorrow so she can ask about your situation.
14.Next week at this time Tom (leave) for Russia.
15.My parents (drive) to the railway station next Saturday so they can give you a lift.
16.We can’t go to the cinema with you tomorrow as we (prepare) for exams all day.
17.This time next month Matt (sail) with his brother to Europe.
18.Tomorrow evening I (meet) my great parents, so I just can help you.
19.My boss (work) now so we have to ask him in the evening.
20.I will thank George for you as I (call) him tomorrow morning.


Помогите пожалуйста очень нужно перевести предложения в КОСВЕННУЮ РЕЧЬ !!!

1) I going am to find a new job.
2) He said : "I have been going to school ".
3)I am arrived in Atlanta a week ago/
4)I will have returned to Atlanta by the first of august.

Помогите пожалуйста!

Нужно изменить предложение в косвенной речи.
1. Why do they come late?
My grandmother asks........late.
2. Why did they invite Pete?
Tom asks..........Pete.
3. When did they go to the country?
She wonders............. to the country?
4. Where does he come from?
The pupils wonder.............from.
5. Where do you come from?
The children wonder...........from.
6. How much cheese did you buy yesterday?
Mother asks..................yesterday.
7. When do you go to the swimming pool?
My teacher asks....................to the swimming pool.
8. When did you go to Kaluga?
My friend wonders..............to Kaluga.
9. What does he like?
She wonders...............

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