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Поставьте правильное граматичесское время.

5-9 класс

1)How long you (know) each other?
2)They (play) their electric bill this month/
3)He (not eat) today.

Kyrdan 13 окт. 2013 г., 11:03:23 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 окт. 2013 г., 13:47:56 (10 лет назад)

Do you know
Have played
Hasn't eaten


Другие вопросы из категории


and superlative adjectives.

the correct word in ach sentence.


СОСТАВЬТЕ МОНОГОЛ!! C2. Student Card Тask 1 Give a 1.5 minute talk about jobs for teenagers. Remember to


why teenagers do a some jobs

whether any of your friends/brothers/sisters do some jobs;

what jobs are they whether you would like to do some job or not, why

You have to talk for 1.5 - 2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Читайте также

Поставьте правильное время. 1. I know Anna. I......her at a party two weeks ago. a)have met

b) met c) had met d) were met
2. Liza........in London before she moved to Paris. a) has lived b) lived c) has lived d) Has been living

надо поставить правильно время


Поставьте в нужное время презент симпл или презент континиус)Срочно и правильно

Name _______________________________________________________ Date___________________________Put the Present Simple or the Present Continuous1. My friends ____________________ (not/like) skating very much, but they _______________ (love) skiing.

срочно помогите умоляюююююююююююююююююю !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! нужно поставить правильное время !!!!!!!!!!an old blind man(sit) on busy

street corner in the the rush hour(beg) for money.on a cardboard sign next to an empty tin cup he(write) blind please help!!!noone (give)him any money.a young advertising writer walked past asnd saw the blind man with his sign and empty cup and also (see) the many people passing by completely unmoved let alone stopping to give money.the advertising writer took a thick marker pen from her pocket turned the cardboard sheet backtofront and re wrote the sign then when on her way

immidiately people began *put) money into the tin cup .after a while when the cup was over flowing the blind man asked a stranger (tell) what the sign (say) now

it says said the stranger it(bt) a beauriful day !you can see it i connot

Поставьте правильно время и глагол в нужной форме:

1. I .... ( learn) the poem tomorrow.
2. We .... (go) to bed very early last night because we ...... (be) tired

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