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Дуже прошу хто може. На аглійській мові написати коротенький рецепт. Будь-чого. Печива, салату, солодощів чи чогось іншого. На ваше вподобання (але крім

10-11 класс

салату олів'є) Покроково описати процеси приготування на англійській. БУДУ СТРАШЕННО ВДЯЧНА

09101984 27 сент. 2014 г., 22:09:15 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 сент. 2014 г., 1:01:18 (9 лет назад)

ham or cooked sausage (you can substitute boiled chicken) - 200-250g,
     potatoes (medium) - 4 pcs,
     carrots - 1 pc,
     Eggs - 4 pieces
     onion (medium onion) - 1 pc,
     pickled cucumbers (gherkins) - 4 pcs,
     apple (sour) - 1 piece (optional)
     green peas - 1 bank
     freshly ground pepper


Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите пожалуйста
Помогите что делать с этим заданием по английскомуIII. Turn from direct into reported speech. 1. 'I'll phone you tomorrow,' she said to Peter. 2. 'They are

working in the garden,' he said. 3. 'I'll go shopping tomorrow,' he said. 4. 'I can't go out tonight,' she said to me. 5. 'I can't find my bag,' she said. 6. 'I bought a new car last week,' he said. 7. 'We aren't doing anything next week,' they said. 8. 'I forgot to pay the bill,' he said. 9. 'We got married six months ago,' she said to us. 10. 'We've brought you a present,' she said to me.


поставьте артикли,если они необходимы

1.My name is Charlie.I come from (1) pretty big (2) family.I have two brothers and (3) sister.I am (4) eldest and my (5) sister is (6) youngest;she plays (7) musician.She has other (9) hobbies,too,and she often goes swimming with her friends if (10) weather is nice

раскрыть скобки, используя Будущее время, настоящее продолженное, или идти в
1) I (go) to take my driving test on Wednesday .

2) Take a warm coat.It is very cloudy.I think it (go) to snow.

3) They (open) an exhibition here next year.

4) I think I (see) you tomorrow

5) May be I (buy) a car

Exercise 2. Раскройте скобки, используя Причастие I или Причастие II:

1. The British Isles (to consist) of two large islands, have their total area over 244000 square kilometres.

2. (To accept) the invitation, we made a tour round the Houses of Parliament.

3. The weather, (to change) very often, is constant topic of conversation in England.

4. (To be) a constitutional monarchy, Great Britain is governed by the Parliament.

5. The British Isles, (to separate) from the European continent, are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel.

6. The Prime Minister is the majority party leader, (to appoint) to this post by the Queen.

7. (To situate) on the British Isles, the United Kingdom is made up of four countries.

8. The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles (to make) it mild the whole year round.

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