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вставить нужный предлог to,by,with,on,at.

1-4 класс

vera`s parents are going...... holiday.Vera is going .....them. they are going ....novgorod.They go ....train. Their train leaves ....7-30. They need a taxi to get ...... the railway station

Brendi 17 янв. 2014 г., 19:38:57 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 янв. 2014 г., 22:08:14 (10 лет назад)

1) on
2) with
3) to
4) by
5) at


Другие вопросы из категории

Составьте из букв слова и переведите их

1 .colhso gab
2 .ronsyac

Помогите пожалуйста ответить на вопросы?..

Answer the questions.
1. When do you usually wake up?
2. What time does your school start?
3. What does your mother usually go to bed?
4. What time do you have your dinner?
5. What time do you wake up on Sunday?
6. What time is it now?

подчеркни правильные слова.

Where is Jack?It's your / his birthday today.
This isn't Mike and Bob's dog.Their/Our dog is white.
Is this my/your bike,Rita.
We are sisters. this is our/your bedroom.
they are brothers.Their /its names are Matt and Jask.

Читайте также

Вставьте нужный предлог: to, by, with, on, at Vera s parents are going ___ holiday. Vera is going___ them. They are going _____Novgorod. They

go____train. Their train ieaves____7.30. They need a taxi to get____ the railway station.

Выбери и обведи нужный предлог.

1) There are a lot/from/of/on/ books on the shelf
2)There are chairs /next to/in/on/ the fireplace
3)There is a computer/at/on/in/ the desk
4) There is a new carpet/at/on/of/ the floor
5) There is a big poster/on/at/in/ the wall
6) Have you got a walkman/of/from/with/ your own?

Выберите нужный предлог.

Образец: There is piano in / on / at the room
1)There are two desks next to / in / on the window
2)There is no pantry on / in / at his flat
3)There is a nice carpet at / on / in the floor
4)I share a large room of / from / with my brother
5)There are many interesting books at / on / in the shelf

^ 12. Выбери и обведи нужный предлог.

Example: There is a picture on / in / at the wall.
There are a lot from / of / on books on the shelf.
There are chairs next to / in / on the fireplace.
There is a computer at /on / in the desk.
There is a new carpet at /on / of the floor.
There is a big poster on / at / in the wall.
Have you got a walkman of / from / with your own?

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