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Пожалуйста прокомментируйте "It is a privilege to be able to work, well and be pleased with the results" Прокомментировать в размере 4-7 предложениях.

5-9 класс

фука 23 авг. 2014 г., 17:19:23 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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23 авг. 2014 г., 18:00:13 (9 лет назад)

There is no doubt that  work is a privilege. Work makes people happy, and give them a lot of different opportunity


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Open the brackets. Use the correct tense form: 1) If it stopped raining, we (to be able) ... to go out. 2) We wish there (not to be) ...

so many people there.

3) If you (to come)... at ten tomorrow, you would probably find him in.

4) If you didn't give up smoking, you (not to be)... healthy.

5) If we (not to go)... to their party, they would have been very angry.


( ЕСЛИ нужен перевод я кину в комментарий)
Has technology become such a big part of your life that existing without it now seems impossible ? In answering this question , many would answer yes and I fully agree with their opinion , because nowadays it is very important to be able to quickly contact the person .
I , in turn, can no longer live without the Internet. Computer work takes up most of my time. Thanks to the computer I can read books, get the necessary information for me , play games , also I can quickly connect with people and continue to communicate on the Internet.
For billions of people around the world, the Internet has become an essential component of their everyday
social and business lives. Internet greatly simplifies the lives of people . People are not necessarily going to the library for the book, because we can read it on the Internet. People are not necessarily to buy CDs with your favorite music, because we can also listen to it on the Internet .
Of course, working with a computer in many ways brings harm to the body . But technology become such a big part of your life that existing without it now seems impossible.


( ЕСЛИ нужен перевод я кину в комментарий)
Has technology become such a big part of your life that existing without it now seems impossible ? In answering this question , many would answer yes and I fully agree with their opinion , because nowadays it is very important to be able to quickly contact the person .
I , in turn, can no longer live without the Internet. Computer work takes up most of my time. Thanks to the computer I can read books, get the necessary information for me , play games , also I can quickly connect with people and continue to communicate on the Internet.
For billions of people around the world, the Internet has become an essential component of their everyday
social and business lives. Internet greatly simplifies the lives of people . People are not necessarily going to the library for the book, because we can read it on the Internet. People are not necessarily to buy CDs with your favorite music, because we can also listen to it on the Internet .
Of course, working with a computer in many ways brings harm to the body . But technology become such a big part of your life that existing without it now seems impossible.

It is only two weeks since my family and I ...on holidays in Spain.The weather ...fantastic,it ...really hot and sunny.We ...lucky to see

corrida.I...sitting on the armchair now and looking at the photos we took in Madrid.Madrid ... the capital of Spain.We... happy to visit many places of interest there.But it...nice to be back home again and see all my friends. Помогите вставить Am, is,are,was,or,were.

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