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Помогите вставить нужные слова в текст HI! Itali is great !I am having a fantastic holiday ... . The weather is ... . Sea and ... every

1-4 класс

day. Yesterday i ... a delicious Italian pizza. I ... here.They are from Germany.I can't speak German. But my friends and i can ... English. We are lucky to ... it together. Sorry, I am ... my letter:they are calling me to play volleyball now. See you soon.

Слова которые нужно вставить:

ate,wonderful,swim,lie in fhe sun,at the seaside,speak,made new,friends,finishing,practise.

Tujh1969 25 дек. 2014 г., 23:01:52 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 дек. 2014 г., 0:31:27 (9 лет назад)

Itali is great !I am having a fantastic holiday at the seaside. The weather is wonderful . Sea and lie in the sun?? every day.(???не уверена насчет этого предложения) Yesterday i ate a delicious Italian pizza. I made new friends here.They are from Germany.I can't speak German. But my friends and I can speak English. We are lucky to practise it together. Sorry, I am finishing my letter:they are calling me to play volleyball now. See you soon.



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How many apples can they take?
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Read Mr Wolf is postcard.(Прчитай открытку миестера Вульфа)

Willow the Witch,
The Old House,
The Forest
I am having a lovely holiday.
The weather is hot and sunny.
We can swim and surf in the sea
Mr Wolf
Задание: Write a postcard to your friend

помогите вставить нужные слов.

Boy: Is there ... in your hat?
Clown: Yes, there is ... in my hat.
Boy: Is there ... in your box?
Clown: No, there isn't ... in my box.
за место троеточий вставить слова правильные в диалог
помогите плизззззззззззззззззззззззззззззззз

Вставь глагол to be в нужной форме.Переведи текст.

I____Red Riding Hood.This ____my grandmother.We____good friends.This___my granmother house.And this____Mr Wolf.We____not friends.
На каждой строчке в двух словах есть одинаковый гласный звук или дифтонг.Подчеркни эти слова.
Допиши письмо,вставь недостающие слова.Переведи текст.
I____ ____.I_____in Russia._____is my friend.____lives in___.Write soon,____.Спасибо огромное за помощь всем.

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