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написати речення My brother likes windsurfing в заперечній і питальній формі

1-4 класс

сережкинане 27 сент. 2014 г., 12:12:14 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 сент. 2014 г., 13:08:14 (9 лет назад)

My brother doesn't like windsurfing.-отрицательное
Does my brother like windsurfing.-вопросительное


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составте предложения : 1) play, puzzles , didn`t , Becky, yesterday . 2) my , tomorrow , I, ride , will , bike. 3) got , grandma , , My , two , letters

, yesterday. 4) were, the country , summer, in, They , last. помогите пожалуйста !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My brother didn't like loud music when he was young and he still doesn't like it.

My brother ? loud music.

Выбери правильное слово и обведи его букву:Example:My brother likes to.......(b)photos of his friends a)put b)take c)do.

1)The sister ....... their beds in the morning. a)make b)do c)clean.
2)Did you...... the flowers yesterday? a)clean b) water c)make.
3)I'll ... my homework on Sunday. a)go b)make c)do.
4)Jane,will you help me to ...... the washing up? a)make b)do c)clean.
5)Mag's father....... the stars in the evening. a)sees b)looks c)watches.
6)Helen and Betsy like to ....... shopping. a)walk b)go c)make.

Здравствуйте!Помогите,пожалуйста,с английским.Нужен перевод.***My brother and I often help mum and dad to work in the garden.I help dad to sweep the paths

and Fred helps mum with the roses.I often help my brother,too.He is five.I love him.I help him to make the bed.I read and tell him tales.I help him to gather toys.We often play games together.Fred likes playing football.We watch cartoons together.Fred helps me,too.He helps me to wash the dishes.

I like Green Day.My sister likes Green Day too.Сделайте как по образцу:1)I go to school by bus.My best friend.........too.2)My

parents work in London.My uncle.........too.

3)I play tennis every Saturday.My brother.......too.

4)I live in Belgrade/My best friend.........too

5)I study English at school.My little sister......too/

6)My parents go to the cinema every Friday/My brother....too/

7)I get up late on Sunday mornings. My best friend...too

8)I speak three languages. My cousin...too

вставьте подходящие слова из рамки в правильной форме clean,play,chase,clean,help,wash, cook, climb. My father ____ the garden. My brother Ben __ him.

Dad ___ tasty meat. Pete _____ the cat. My brother ____ the trees. We _____ football. After the barbecue my father and Ben____ the garden. Mum and grandma _____ the dishes. I _____ them.

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