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Answer the questions and be ready to describe yourself.

10-11 класс

1What colour are your eyes?
2what colour is your hair?
3 Is your hair straight or curly?
4 are you tall or short?
5 is your nose big or small?
6 are you ears big or small?

ТолкачеваВаля 18 февр. 2015 г., 16:37:07 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 февр. 2015 г., 19:11:23 (9 лет назад)

1.My eyes are напиши какого цвета твои глаза .2.My hairs are какого цвета твои волосы напиши.3.my hairs is волосы кудрявые или прямые?.4.i am a tall.5.my nose are small.6.my ears are small 


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Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.

1)He has some new English books.
2)There were some newspapers and magazines on that little table.
3)They can speaksome foreign languages.
4)He knows some engineers of our office.
5)We sent some letters to foreign firms yesterday
6)There is some milk in the cup.
7)You can see some cables and telexes on that desk.
8)Our director received some businessman the day before yesterday

Антоним к слову lend

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Помогите решить текст, пожалуйста. 53. The best way to learn a language is to live in a country that speaks that language. a) True b) False c) Not given

54. Socialising can help reduce culture shock. a) True b) False c) Not given 55. Try to like everything about the new culture. a) True b) False c) Not given Questions 56-60 New graduate, new job. Summer turns most people’s thoughts to holidays, but those leaving university or school will be thinking about the big, wide world of work. Whatever job you decide to tackle first, it will prove to be a valuable training ground. Filing or typing memos may not be your idea of a great career move, but be prepared to learn these lowly tasks. You may have a top degree, but no boss will hire you if you can’t answer the telephone in a proper manner. Most graduates and school leavers will be coming into the employment market in the summer, so competition will be tough. Start searching sooner rather than later. You should highlight any work experience you have and say you are keen to learn. It also helps to research the firms and what the job involves. Remember that most junior hiring decisions are made on personality. Firms are looking for reliable, conscientious and punctual employees. While most employers want Junior staff to take the initiative and be receptive to their ideas, you must be realistic about timeframes for promotion. And even if you end up spending your career doing something other than your first job, bear in mind that you will learn very useful and often transferable skills in the process. Aim to be hired by the firm that has the best reputation for employee training. At the interview you should ask about what sort of experience you will gain. The faster you can pick up the experience, the faster you can move up the corporate ladder. A good company will start you in a ‘proper’ job, which is mixed with technical and personal training. As well as learning computer and other professional skills, good firms also offer training which focuses on interaction with colleagues. In many companies trainees are allotted a ‘mentor’, a senior member of staff (not their immediate boss) who they can consult on difficult areas. New employees are encouraged to socialize and network with other trainees, which is again another way of finding support and advice but this time through their peers. In fact once installed in your new position, the first thing is to work out the pecking order. Many people try to deny it but office politics does exist. If you’ve never been in a work environment before, use your first job to learn about how to handle it or how to avoid it. 56. The writer points out that in a first job you have to. a) use your qualifications. b) expect to do menial jobs. C) be good at communication d) go through rigorous training 57. What should jobseekers do? a) Make sure they know the competition b) Work n a temporary summer )ob first c) Show evidence of any previous positions d) Apply for a range of jobs 58. The writer warns people in their first jobs,.. a) not to want to move on too quickly b) not to waste time learning nontransferable skills c) they should be model employees to make an impression d) that they will have to accept the company’s ideas 59. The writer suggests that if you get a job with a company which offers training, you will... a) gain worthwhile experience quickly b) benefit from its good reputation c) meet senior people d) be trained in the latest technology 60. What are new employees advised to find out about initially? a) The way to process new orders b) The times of breaks c) The office hierarchy d) The schedule for the office gym

Read the text and answer the questions: 1) When and where was Caxton born? 2) Where did he start his business? 3) How many books did Caxton print?

William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1422. His father was a farmer . William did not want to be a farmer like his father. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office that is traded with other countries . William loved to read new books that have been published in Europe. When Willian Caxton was thirty , after the death of his master he started his business in Belgium. In 1471, he left his business and began translating French into English . He became interested in the press and at IAST he recognized him. William would like to have your own news one day, and he did it. In 1476 he brought his own print shop in London . Printing was the work of the devil. Some people like to break his press . Caxton printed his first book in 1477 . It was the first book printed in English . The book has been translated Caxtons French Tales of Troy William Caxton about eighty printed books. He turned thirty-one books from French. Caxton died in 1491

Read the text and match items A-G to the gaps 1-6. There is one item you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table


There are many different kinds of activities for us to enjoy nowadays. In fact, there is something for all personality types.

If you are the brave, adventurous kind,

you can try skydiving or white-water rafting.

Many people are crazy about sports like these (1). Today we live in the 'extreme' sport world. We seek adventure instead of


If you are the quieter type, you may enjoy gardening or fishing. These activities are more relaxing 9 (3). Seeds sewn in the spring result in beautiful flowers that can brighten up your mood; fishing with friends can strengthen the relationship you have, or may just be a relaxing day out with a tasty supper at the end!

The imaginative may take up art classes or learn sculpture. In today's fast-paced world we all appreciate the opportunity to express

ourselves and take it easy (4) . Solitary

activities like knitting or stamp collecting, once considered to be old-fashioned, are becoming popular again.

Traditional team sports like football or basketball are great for developing team spirit and a sense of national pride. However, shy, reserved types prefer to watch them from the comfort of their couches rather than practise the sport itself. It is a pity(5).

Today's pastimes are often linked to technology and may encourage us to be lazy. Surfing the Net or chatting online is a popular pastime for many but more sociable types prefer to go to the cinema or go to an exhibition (6).

Whatever we like to do in our free time, the main thing is to find something that we enjoy doing and be open to new experiences.

A as sports like these have the ability to make us fit and strong

B and they bring many rewards

C because some people would rather go snowboarding

D where they can be in direct contact with people

E because of the adrenaline rush they get from them

F after a hard day at the office

G staying at home and playing cards or board games

Answer the questions and ready to describe yourself.

1.What colour are your eyes?
2. What colour is your hair?
3. Is your hair straight or curly?
4. Are you tall or short?
5. Is your noes big or small?
6. Are you ears big or small?

Ребят, помогите пожалуйста с английским, буду очень признателен! Which of the words would you use to describe the people below? Sometimes there

is more than one possible answer.

1) She gives a lot of money to charity, and she likes to share everything she has with other people.

2) She’s great to go out with to parties and discos. She makes me laugh.

3) He never gets angry. He’s always calm and relaxed.

4) She always thinks about how other people may feel.

5) Sometimes he does stupid things. He should grow up!

6) He doesn’t like spending his money.

7) She is only interested in herself

Note which adjectives from exercise 10 have a negative prefix and list them under the correct heading. Add your own verbs with negative prefixes.

dis- in- un-

dishonest … …

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