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People will forget it very soon пасивный залог?

10-11 класс

VeraOmelchenko 28 апр. 2015 г., 23:56:18 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 апр. 2015 г., 2:41:16 (9 лет назад)

People will forget it very soon - действительный залог


It will be fogotten very soon - страдательный залог

+ 0 -
29 апр. 2015 г., 3:34:58 (9 лет назад)

it will be forgotten by people.........


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перевести в пассивный залог предложения.

They often invite me to their party.
People speak English in different parts in the world.
They built this house in 1950.
People will forget it very soon.

Ответьте на вопросы. текст по английскому языку(CAN WE LIVE LONGER?) Scientists say that in the future people will live longer. With healthier lifestyles

and better medical care the average person will live to 90 or 100 instead of 70 and 75 like today. When the human genome is decoded, we'll probably live up to 150. Incurable diseases will be cured and "bad" genes replaced.
But that's tomorrow. And today, we continue to stuff ourselves with fast food — chips and pizzas, hamburgers and hot dogs. We are always in a hurry.
We have no time to enjoy a home-cooked dinner with family and friends. We want to eat now and we want to eat fast.
What is tasty is not always healthy. Doctors say that chips and pizzas are fattening, cola spoils our teeth and coffee shortens our lives.
If we eat too much, we'll become obese, and obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes and other serious illnesses. But the world today is getting fatter and fatter. America is the world's leader in obesity, but Europe is quickly catching up.
Lack of exercise is another serious problem. We spend hours in front of our computers and TV-sets. Few of us do morning exercises. We walk less, because we prefer to use cars or public transport.
Research shows, however, that young people who don't take enough exercise often suffer from heart attacks.
It's common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Cigarette-smoking, for example, kills about 3 million people every year. Many of them die from lung cancer. Some aren't even smokers. They are people who live or work with heavy smokers.
Yet many young people smoke and drink. Why? One answer is that tobacco and drinks companies invest enormous sums of money in advertising their products. For them cigarettes and alcoholic drinks mean money. For us they mean disease and even death.
We all know that the healthier we are, the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer we live. So why not take care of ourselves?

scientist ['saiantist] ученый healthy ['helSi] здоровый
lifestyle [laifstail] образ жизни
medical care ['medikl ,kea] медицинское обслуживание
average ['aevarids] средний
human ['hju:man] человек; человеческий
genome ['d3i:naum] генетический код, геном
to decode [,di:'kau<3] расшифровывать, декодировать
incurable [in'kjuarabl] неизлечимый
disease [di'zi:z] болезнь
to cure ['kjua] лечить, излечивать
gene ['d3i:n] ген
to replace [ri'pleis] заменять
to stuff [sUf] oneself with зд. набивать желудки
pizza ['pi:tsa] пицца
hamburger ['haembaiga] гамбургер
fattening ['faetnirj] способствующий ожирению,
cola f'kaula] кола
to spoil [spoil] портить
obese [au'bi:s] тучный
diabetes [,daia'bi:ti:z] диабет
to catch up догонять
lack [laek] нехватка
to prefer [pri'fa:] предпочитать
research [ri'saitj] исследование
to suffer f'SAfa] страдать
heart attack ['ha:t a,taek] сердечный приступ
it's common knowledge ['nolidj] общеизвестно
dramatically [dra'maetikali] резко
lung cancer ['!AQ ,kaensa] рак легких
heavy smoker заядлый курильщик
tobacco [ta'baekau] табак; табачный
to invest [invest] инвестировать, вкладывать
enormous [i'no:mas] огромный
to advertise ['aedvataiz] рекламировать
product ['prodAkt] продукт, товар
alcoholic [,aelka'holik] алкогольный

1. Do you think people will live longer in the future?
2. Do you believe that one day genetic engineers will be able to correct "gene" mistakes?
3. Do you like fast food? Is it tasty?
4. Why is fast food bad for us?
5. What illnesses does obesity lead to?
6. Are Europeans getting fatter?
7. The USA is the world's leader in obesity, isn't it?
8. Do you take regular exercise?
9. How often do you go for a walk?
10. Do you spend much time in front of your TV-set?
11. Why is smoking dangerous?
12. In some countries tobacco and alcohol advertising has been banned (to ban запрещать). Do you think it's a good idea?
13. Is passive smoking dangerous?
14. Would you like to live a long life?

А. Переведите на русский язык: 1. Will they forget it? I hope not. 2. Who preached in the church last Sunday? 3.

Not until yesterday did she tell me the news. Seldom do these people give money to charity. 4. How am I to do all that in one hour? How am I to do all that by tomorrow? 5. I shall have him return it. I can't have him repent of his sins. 6. He will have his car repaired. The priest had this organ repaired last year.

Переведите на русский язык(грамотно).

The Spirit of an Organization
After Peter Drucker "The practice of Management"
Two sayings sum up the "spirit of an organization." One is the inscription on Andrew Carnegie's tombstone:
Here lies a man
Who knew how to enlist
In his service
Better men than himself
The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs for the physicallyhandicapped: "It's the abilities, not the disabilities, that count ."
Management by objective tells a manager what he ought to do. The proper organization of his job enables him to do it . But it is the spirit of the organization that determines whether he will do it . It is the spirit that motivates, that calls upon aman's reserves of dedication and effort , that decides whether he will give his best or do just enough to get by.
It is the purpose of an organization to "make common men do uncommon things" - this phrasing is Lord Beveridge's. No organization can depend on genius; the supply is always scarce and always unpredictable. But it is the test of anorganization that it make ordinary human beings perform better than they are capable of, that it bring out whatever strength there is in its members and use it to make all other members perform more and better. It is the test of an organization that it neutralize the weaknesses of i ts members.
Altogether the test of good spirit is not that "people get along together"; it is performance, not conformance. "Good human relat ions" not grounded in the satisfaction of good performance and the harmony of proper working relations are actually poor human relations and result in poor spirit. They do not make peoplegrow: they make them conform and contract . I shal l never forget "the university president who once said to me: "It is my job to make it possible for the first-rate teacher to teach. Whether he gets along with his colleagues or with me - and very few of really good teachers do either - is irrelevant . We certainly have a collectionof problem children here - but , boy, do they teach." And when his successorsubstituted for this a policy of "peace and harmony", both the performance and the spirit of the faculty rapidly went to pieces.
There are five areas in which practices are required to ensure the right spirit throughout management organization.
1. There must be high performance requirements; no condoning of poor or mediocre performance; and rewards must be based on performance.
2. Each management job must be a rewarding job in itself rather than just a step in the promot ion ladder.
3. There must be rational and just promotion system.
4. Management needs a "charter" spelling out clearly who has the power to make life-and-death decisions affecting a manager; and there should be some way for a manager to appeal to a higher court .
5. In its appointments management must demonstrate that it realizes that integrity is the absolute requirement of a manager, the one quality that he has to bring with him and cannot be expected to acquire later on.
A man should never be appointed to a managerial position if his vision focuses on people's weaknesses rather than on their strengths. He should be a realist ; and no one is less realistic than the cynic. A man should never be appointed if he is more interested in the question: "Who is right?" than in the question: "What is right?" Management should never appoint a man who considers intelligencemore important than integrity.
The men wi th whom a man works, and especial ly his subordinates, know in a few weeks whether he has integri ty or not . They may forgive a man a great deal: incompetence, ignorance, insecuri ty or bad manners. But they wi l l not forgive himlack of integri ty. Nor wi l l they forgive higher management for choosing him.

read the following "angry" letter to the editor. Write a letter in defense of technological progress. Use the arguments from the box and/ or

your own ones.

Dear Editor,
I really don't think that readers need your journal any more. In your articles you write about new achievements of scientists and about all those "man made wonders". I'm strongly against the propaganda of technological progress. It has done people more harm than good. It has created the nuclear bomb, it has made lots of animal species extinct, and now it's destroying the ozone layer and causing global warming. It will bring us to collapse very soon.
I demand that scientific research of any kind should be prohibited, and journals like yours should be closed. People need fresh air and clean water and don't need any technological progress.
Sincerely your,
John Lester

Useful language
Achievements in medicine make it possible for people to live longer.
Different devices are able to sustain people's life during operations.
Household appliances have altered our lifestyle considerably.
Efficient means of transport and communication can bring together people who are separated by the ocean.
Computers and robots accelerate research in the ocean and the cosmos.

Dear Mr Lester
I've read your letter on the technological progress but cannot agree with you. Though technology affects nature and the environment, it would be unfair to say that they don't do people anything good.






However,you are right that we should do something to stop the negative effects of the technological progress. We all need to think about it and be reasonable and constructive.

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