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Прокомментируйте пожалуйста: можно ли так написать --> It is very hard to decide where to study language the best; или так лучше

10-11 класс

--> It is very hard to choose the best way of studying language;

если кто писал на эту тему сочинение, подскажите еще примеры как начать.

Milenluiz 08 июля 2014 г., 2:18:33 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 июля 2014 г., 3:10:28 (9 лет назад)

It is very hard to choose the best way of studying language.

+ 0 -
08 июля 2014 г., 5:16:43 (9 лет назад)

2 вариант абсолютно правилен.


Другие вопросы из категории

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. a) What I appreciate most about my grandfather is his

wisdom. His advice is always____________

(HELP) and______________ (SENSE).

b) Never go to Sue with a serious problem. She is very__________ (MATURE) and____________


c) I think that boxing is a_______________ (SENSE) sport. What is the point of trying to hit another person

until they are________________________ (CONSCIOUS).

d) We'd been walking along the_______________ (USE) railway track for hours before we realized

that the map was out-of-date and____________ (USE).

e) The only thing poverty leads to is_____________ (HAPPY) and_____________ (LITERATE).

f) My aunt isn't fond of today's children. She thinks that they are all_____________ (POLITE) and

_______________ (RESPECT).


Помогите ,
3 Номер, про
Хелен и Бэтси.!!!!!!
На английском

Write questions to these answers? Очень срочно!!!

1. In the art studio near the Boulevard Montparnasse. (Where...?)
2. With Susie Boyd. (Who...?)
3. She had heard a great deal about the young man. (Why...?)
4. In a school for young ladies (Where...?)
5. She had a great affection for Margaret. (What...?)

Укажите функции глаголов to have и to be ( смысловой гл., вспомогательный гл., эквивалент модального гл).

1. The bookeeper had prepared a trial balance by the end of the quarter.
2. All assistant general managers are at the conference now.
3. According to the contract, the goods are to arrive at the port at the end of the week.
4. Closer links are being established between these two companies.
5. Payment for the goods is to be made by a letter of credit.
6. There are several ways that a remmitance from an overseas buyer can be transmitted to an exporter.

помощь срочнооооо умоляю

Читайте также

2. In some homes the atmosphere is quite formal. In others, it is informal and you may sit at the kitchen table to eat dinner. Informality is a way of

taking you into the warmth of the family circle. It is always customary to sit at dinner table as we do in Russia. When you are at the party you may be walking from one sitting-room to another, talking to the guests with a glass of wine in your hand. Food is served in one of the rooms and you can help yourself to whatever and whenever you like.Переведите пожалуйста,без помощи переводчиков типа гугл или яндекс и им подобным

Many people say that it is extremely useful to learn foreign languages. It allows to develop the I.Q., it is prestigious, it is useful for many spheres of

life and in general it is interesting(исправьте ошибки а то я не уверен что правильно написал)

Помогите перевести пожалуйста. Нужен точный смысл. А в переводчиках простой набор слов:(:( it is so constructed that a greater part of surface in

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ПРОВЕРТЬЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СОЧИНЕНИЕ, there are some ways of English. I think that a good way to study English on the Internet. It is an available way for all pe

pluses in that you can study English on the Internet when you want. You can choose time. On the Internet there can be more detailed material. also you shouldn't leave the house. one more plus that you won't spend money. Now each person can allow himself it.
Minuses of studying of English on the Internet, it is laziness. It is sometimes very difficult to sit down most at the Internet and to start studying English. You can use helps. if you have no progress, you can give up English studying on the Internet.
Presently English needs to be known all. Many professions demand knowledge of English. Studying of English is a hard work. Many efforts are necessary that, to study it. English language is an international language. His knowledge can help you with rest abroad. I think that English studying on the Internet, more popular way. After studying, you will be able to watch movies in English, to listen to music. the most important you will be able to communicate with foreigners, to study their culture. I very much like English, I completely would like to seize it. 15:09:39

помогите пожалуйста вместо многоточия вставить артикли: A;THE;-- I find it very difficult to be optimistic. To tell... truth I have applied for

130 jobs in ... last two years and it's always ... same story. Come back when you've got ... bit of ex­perience. I mean, how can I get... experience if nobody wants to give me ... job?

Just... note to say thank you for ... lovely day yesterday. If was really very hard to get back to work after such ... relaxing time. Delicious food, good company, ... beautiful garden - it really felt like ... mini-holiday. ... kids had... great time too, and are still talking about... dog and... pool. Would you like to come over to us... next weekend? You could come for ... lunch on ...Saturday or... Sunday, and we could go for ... walk in ... hills afterwards if... weather is good. Looking forward to seeing you all next weekend, and with ... lot of thanks again for yesterday.

...man had ... row with his wife. This made him leave ... home later than usual so he drove to work very fast. While he was going round ... corner, ... dog ran across ... road. ... man stamped on ... brakes,... car skidded (... road was in ... very bad condition),... man lost control of his car and crashed into ... lorry which was parked on ... double yellow line.

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