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вставьте предлоги (for,without,on,of about,before) в предложения:

5-9 класс

What do we think________ when we use the words"The world around us"?
We see _______ us many things such as large lands and mountains,woods and rivers.
We know that there are many seas, lakes and rivers_____the Earth.
Water is a source_____ life on the earth.
All living beings are not able to live_____ water.
Many rivers and lakes are polluted and cannot be used_____drinking.
Заранее спасибо!

Мартушенька 14 авг. 2014 г., 2:43:57 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 авг. 2014 г., 5:02:06 (9 лет назад)

1 about


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Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Isaac Newton so much (1 — interest) in
different problems that he (2 — become) quite absent-minded. One day a
gentleman (3 — come) to see him, but he (4 — tell) that Sir Isaac Newton
(5 — be) busy in his study and that nobody (6 — allow) to disturb him.
As it (7 — be) dinner time, the visitor
(8 — sit) down in the dinning room (9 — wait) for the scientist. The
servant (10 — come) in and (11 — place) on the table a (12 — boil)
chicken under a cover. An hour (13 — pass) but Newton not (14 — appear).
The gentleman (15 — feel) hungry, (16 — eat) the chicken, and (17 —
cover) up the skeleton. He (18 — ask) the servant to prepare another one
for his master.
Before the second chicken (19 — cook),
however, the scientist (20 — enter) the room and (21 — apologize) for
his delay. Then he (22 - add), "As I (23 - feel) rather tired and
hungry, I (24 -hope) you (25 — excuse) me a little longer, while I (26 —
take) my dinner, and then I (27 — be) at your service." With these
words he (28 — lift) the cover, and without emotion (29 — turn) round to
the gentleman and (3*0 — say), "See how strange scientists (31 — be). 1
quite (32 — forget) that I (33 — dine) already."
At this moment the servant (34 — bring)
in the other chicken. The visitor (35 — explain) how matters (36 —
stand). After he (37 — laugh) heartily, the hungry scientist (38 — sit)
down and (39 — eat) his dinner.

Переведите пожалусто.

Читайте также

Вставить предлоги : at,in,on,by,during,for,till,until.

0) Пример- I'll stay in the library from four till six.
1) The book will be published a month.
2)Children stay at primary school 6 years.
3) I left school 2005.
4) We'll meet five o'clock near the school.
5) Sunday our class went to Edinburgh on an excursion.
6) my stay in London I visited a lot of museums.
7) I must finish my report in History Friday.
8) I have to stay at school 7 pm. to finish my task.
9) the morning we went to the museum.
10) The homework was so difficult that he finished it only midnight.
11)Tomorrow we'll be busy 5 o'clock.
12) David's work has improved the last month.

1. Вместо инфинитива употребите глаголы в Present Indefinite или в Present Continuous:

1. Many ships (to enter) and (to leave) the port every day. 2. It is 9 a.m. now. The ship “Pechora” (to leave) the port. 3. He (to work) at a plant. 4. He (to work) at his report now.
2. Вставьте предлоги for, on, at, in, from, into, without:
1. The Captain is responsible ... the ship’s safety. 2. Mr. Orlov is a scientist. He is ... the Far East now. 3. My friend studies … the Maritime College. 4. Translate this text … Russian ... English.
3. Вставьте модальные глаголы can, may или must:
1. Sam is ill, we ... visit him. 2. You … take my dictionary. 3. Cadet on duty … clean the blackboard. 4. … you show me the way to the port? 5. You … get there by bus № 2.

Помогите разобраться. Пожалуйста...........

Как разобраться, куда писать to, куда in, куда for, куда on, куда about, куда at, куда of????

вставьте предлоги at или on

1.1 get up___seven o'clock or___a quarter past seven. 2. ___Sunday I usually get up___nine o'clock or half past nine. But last Sunday I slept very long and got up only___noon. 3. Lev Tolstoy liked to get up___sunrise. 4. Our lessons are usually over___twenty minutes to two. 5. They returned from the wood___sunset. 6. I began writing my composition___seven o'clock and finished only___midnight. 7. My birthday is___the ninth of July. 8. The school [ year begins___the first of September. 9. ___the twen-ty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas.10. ___Wednesday I usually have a lot of homework

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