Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1. Is cinema a popular art nowadays? Do people ofter go to the1. Is cinema a popular art nowadays? Do people ofter go to the cinema? What about your

5-9 класс

family and friends? 2. Where do you like to sit when you go to the cinema? 3. Do you think television and video influence the popularity of cinema? In what way? 4. Which of the two arts, cinema or theatre is more popular? Why do you think it is so? 5. What are the most popular cinemas in the place where you live? Where are they situated? 6. What war or historical films do you know? Do you like such films? 7. What famous cartoons are made in Russia/ in the USA? Can you say a few about their characters? 8. Do you think small children should be allowed to watch horror film? Why (not)? 9. Why do you think a lot of people are insterested in documentaries? 10. What are your favourite kinds of film?

Koroleva302 19 сент. 2016 г., 19:44:55 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 сент. 2016 г., 21:07:35 (7 лет назад)



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Вставте вместо пропусков слова celebrate celebrations compete gather holiday houses presents relatives songs traditional the tatar calendar of national

holidays and............................ begins with Nouruz. The tatars...............is on March 21. Madrasah students visit all .......................... . They sing................................... and get presents. Sabantui festival is also in spring. People .................................... in running, jumping and horse racing. Kurban-bairam is the most important Muslim............. In the morning muslims .....................in mosques. In the evening they eat a.............. meat meal. Kurban-bairam is also a time for visiting ......... and friends and exchanging.

There once was a white tailed deer Who thought spring was the best time of year Until he got wet Because a puddle he met Spring was no longer something

to cheer. Это лимерик- пятистрочный стишок основаный на бесмыслице. Нужно перевести, чтобы в рифму было. Пожалуйста.

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Дополните предложения: 1)I (did/do/does) not usually go to bed late last winter.2)Last summer my brother (did/do/does) not go to Italy.3)My littl

e sister (did/do/does) not like porridge.She likes cornflakes.4)We (did/do/does)not write a dictation last Thursday.5)They (did/do/does)not go to school, they are very young.6)The boys (did/do/does) not go fishing yesterday.

1. Do you fancy going to the cinematonight?

A. I’d love to but the courses are tooexpensive.

2. How about going on a picnic onSaturday?

B. That sounds great. The whole world wouldsee our

3. Let’s go to a cartoon campthis summer!

C. That would be lovely. It’s so hot today

4. Do you fancy going jumping into the seawater with

D. Maybe another time, when I’m less scared.

5. How about designing a web pagetogether?

E. I’m afraid I can’t. I have lots of homework to do
for tomorrow.

6. Would you like to go swimming?

F. Great idea! I’ll prepare the sandwiches.

Put the word enough in the right place. 1. Do we have water to water the garden? 2. Johnny is big to understand such things. 3. The skyscraper is tall

to see the whole city from its top. 4. She had wisdom to say nothing. 5. Do we have books on the Civil War in America? 6. Ben hasn't got farmland to raise cows.

Put in prepositions where necessary. 1. Americans have only one Constitution, but they make amendments _ it. 2. Germany began the war without declaring it _ Russia. 3. The Bill _ Rights guarantees to people some important rights and freedoms. 4. Everyone liked the boy and trusted him. 5. Do you have any respect vou these people? 6. I'll support __ your struggle. 7. The Statue of Liberty is a great attraction ____ tourists.

Express the same English. 1. Мы знали, что наш приятель родился в 1991 году. 2. Учитель объяснил, что он уже видел новый учебник и даже купил его. 3. Кто-нибудь рассказал детям, что Лондон — древний город, основанный римлянами? 4. Брат сказал, что в тот день он проснулся в девять часов. 5. Дети спросили, бывал ли путешественник в Южной Америке. 6. Все понимали, что знать иностранный язык полезно.

Составьте пожалуйста вопросы по английскому.: 1.you/ go/ cinema/Do/on/usually/to/Sundays/the .Образец: Do you usually go to the cinema on Sundays? 2. alway

s/on/basketball/ l /play/ Saturdays. 3.wake up/never/ late/We. 4. avter supper/wach/you/always/the/Do/dishes.5. usually/don*t/ l / sleep late. 6.goes/sometimes/park/He/the/to/afternoon/the/in.

Помогите, пожалуйста, очень надо! Write questions using the words in brackets. 1. Jim is going to eat a pizza. (What)... 2. I saw an old friend last wee

k. (Who)... 3. Tom has got a radio. (computer)... 4. Jane cleans the room once a week. (How often)... 5. He works in a bank. (Where)... 6. I left school ten years ago. (When)... 7. Jill goes to the cinema once a month. (How often)... 8. I have been a teacher for ten years. (How old)... 9. Mike is going to cut the grass. (What)... 10. I saw my grandfather yesterday. (Who)...

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