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Read the texts again and answer the questions: 1.Is Big Ben a clock or a bell? 2.The tower of Big Ben is a symbol of London and Britain isn't

5-9 класс

it?And what tower and clock are the symbols of Rassia&

Злюка30 16 нояб. 2014 г., 23:47:45 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 нояб. 2014 г., 1:38:42 (9 лет назад)

Автор, читай внимательнее задание! Там написано, что READ (читать) прочитать текст  снова и ответить на вопросы! 

по своим знаниям могу ответить
1.Big Ben is a bell.
2. Yes it is.
3. Spasskaya tower and its clock is a symbol of Russia.


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Здравствуйте. Пожалуйста прошу Вас, помогите! срочно! Надо сделать 2 задания. №1 ( надо перевести слова на русский ) 1) farmland 2) Grasslands 3)

Wildland 4) great-grandpaents 5) canoe 6) endless 7) waterways 8) mighty 9) to rise 10) to streach 11) a shore 12) a desert 13) a chain 14) an attraction 15) mixture 16) to melt 17) a melting pot.

№2 И вот с этим же словами на английский, вставить их вот в эти предложения: 1) Rivers have always been used as important ... 2) A ... is a long, light, narrow boat, first used by American Indias. 3) What do children usually do on the ... ? 4)This tea is ... of three different sorts. 5) Disneyland is a place full of ... both for children and grown-ups. 6) At what temperature does uce ... ? 7) Do you know where the Miskva River ... ? 8) From the deck they could see a beautiful cottage on the .. of the sea. 9) There were some rocks on the eastern ... of the lake. 10) The ... was sandly and we often played there in summer. 11) The eagle flew up tp the sky on its ... wings. Спасибо Вам большое заранее!

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Read the letter again and answer the questions 1. where did Dima spend his summer holidays? 2. why did Dima like his holidays? 3. what did Dima do during

his stay in Boldino? 4. when did his friends make a fire? 5. what do you know about Boldino?
Dear Julia Thank you for your message. I think it s a great idea to visit you in London.All of us will be happy to get the invitation letter very
soon.What can l tell you about my holidays? They were great! I spent my holidays in Doldino. My granny has a country hjuse there.Boldino is near Nizhniy Novgorod, one of the oldest Russian cities.Many years ago Alexander Pushkin, the greatest Russian poet, ...(live) in Boldino. He created about 60 tales, poems and novels there. Now there is a tradition to celebrate" Boldino autumn" when many poets go there and recite their poems. The weather ... (be) fine every day. My friends and l spent a lot of time outdoors. We...(swim), played and rode our bikes.We also picked berries and gathered mushrooms in the nearby forest. In the evening we usually... (make) a fire, played the guitar and..(sing) songs. I..(take) a lot of photos of my friends and me.This one is for you. I hope you ll recognise me. You know l have a sweet tooth, so l asked my granny to make some cherry jam.I..(help) her a little to make it.I ll take some of it to London with me and you ll get a chance to taste it. Sending you best wishes from Jim and all of my classmates,Dmitriy.

Read the texts again and answer the questions
Read the text again and say: What did the boy do in July? You will answer this question easily if you find the word July in the text.

1. September has come, and it is still very warm. The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and red, a cold wind was blowing, but suddenly it got warmer again. I like early autumn because it reminds me of the summer. But October and November are not my favourite months. It's usually chilly and wet and every day it gets colder and colder.
2. This summer I did all sorts of things. In June I went camping. It was a real adventure. I learned how to put up a tent and make a campfire. A friend taught me how to play the guitar and I learned a lot of good songs. I also took a lot of pictures of my friends, our campsite, the forest and the river.
The river was fantastic. We went canoeing and some of us enjoyed fishing. We were lucky with the weather, so we could swim and lie in the sun. There were some problems, but it was OK in the end.
3. In July my parents and I went to Holland. People there speak Dutch, but they also understand English. The trip was very interesting. We did some sightseeing and made a lot of friends. I'll never forget how beautiful this small country is and how friendly and polite the people are.
4. In August I had to go to see my grandmother. She lives in a small village not far from our town. She has a big garden and needs help. I was busy all the time. Together we picked fruit and vegetables and made jams and pickles. She showed me how to find mushrooms in the forest, and I found a lot of them.

Read the text and be able to do the tasks below.

The King and the Painter.

There was a king who thought he could paint very well. His pictures were very bad but the people to whom he showed them were afraid to tell him the truth. They all said that his pictures were wonderful and they liked them very much.

One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said, "I'd like to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them? "

The painter looked at king's pictures and said, "My king, I believe that your pictures are bad and you will never be a good artist. »

The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison. Two years had passed and the king wanted to see the painter again.

"I was angry with you, » he said, "because you didn't like my pictures. Now you're a free man again and I am your friend. "

The dinner was wonderful. And they enjoyed it very much.

After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, "Well, how do you like them now? " The painter turned to a soldier who was standing behind him and said, "Take me back to prison. "

A Write down whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The king was proud of his pictures.

2. The painter told the king the truth.

3. Some years later the king became a good painter.

B Answer the following questions.

1. Why were people afraid to tell the King the truth about his pictures?

2. What happened to the great painter who told them the the truth?

3. Did the painter change his mind when he met the king two years later?

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