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She ----- ise-cream into the bowl.

1-4 класс

Boykoi98 05 дек. 2013 г., 23:47:33 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 дек. 2013 г., 0:35:47 (10 лет назад)

She putting

+ 0 -
06 дек. 2013 г., 2:40:11 (10 лет назад)

тут надо слово put(класть, ложить), но тут вроде прошедшее время и надо этот глагол поставить во 2 форму(put), если что это глагол исключние и имеет все одинаковые формы


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перевести, But when their mothers said night to them and went away, they got up, dressed quicly and went out into the street.

They walked to Town. In half an hour they were in the forest. It was late in the evening, but it was not very dark, because the moon was high up in the sky.
They walked, and walked, and walked. They passed by a lake, a large field and high hills
When they came to Town it was night. There was nobody in the streets. There were no lights in the houses.
At last they came to Mr. Shillings shop. All the doors and windows were closed. How could they get into the house? Then Rufty Tufty had an idea!
"The chimney" he said. "We can get into the house through the chimney!"

Амелия Беделия 6 часть. Переведите плиз. "My goodness!" she said. "I forgot about my cream puffs. I must go back and

fill them". Amelia Bedelia went back to the Rogers' house.
"I'll just make the chocolate cream", said Amelia Bedelia. She put a little of this and a bit of that into a pot. She mixed and she stirred. And soon her chocolate cream was cooked.
Mrs Rogers came into the kitchen.
"That smells good", she said.
"Well", said Amelia Bedelia, "I'll jusk fill the cream puffs. Then I will be on my way".
"Oh, no!" said Mrs Rogers. "I'm sorry I got mad. Please come back, Amelia Bedelia. We missed you".
"All right", said Amelia Bedelia. "I will be gald to".
Mr Rogers came into the kitchen.
"I'm hungry", he said. "Amelia Bedelia, please heat me a can of soup".
"All right", said Amelia Bedelia. She took a can of soup. She put it in a pot. And Amelia Bedelia heated that can of soup.

1-4 класс английский язык ответов нет
Amelia Bedelia looked in all the stores. She cam to a dress shop. It had HELP WANTED sign in the window. Amelia Bedelia went into the store. "What kind

of help is wanted? " she asked. "Sewing help", said the lady. "Can you sew? " "Yes", said Amelia Bedelia. "I am very handy with a needle". "Then come with me", said the lady. She took Amelia Bedelia into a back room. "Please shorten these dresses. They are already marked", said the lady. "All right", said Amelia Bedelia. The lady left her. "I don't need to sew to do this", said Amelia Bedelia. She took the scissors and shortened those dresses. Amelia Bedelia went back to the front of the store. "I'm finished", she said. "What is next? " "Finished! " said the lady. "How could you be? "

Test 7. Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.1. The girl decorated the room ______.2. The winner looked very proud of ______.3. She brought up her

children by ______.4. The cat is washing ______.5. The children enjoyed______ when they visited Disneyland.6. She was afraid of spiders, so she didn’t go into the room by ______.7. She decided to do all the cooking ______.8. He was asked to behave______ at school.9. He shouted loudly to make______ understood.10. Cats are very clean animals: they are always washing ______.11. Doctors advised us that we have to exercise ______regularly in order to keep healthy.12. In ______your problem is nothing to worry about.13. She loves looking at______ in the mirror.14. If you don’t behave ______, I shall put you all to bed early.15. The music was so loud that I had to shout to make ______heard.16. The teacher tried to make______ understood but she failed to get the class to understand.17. We painted the room ______.18. She was very pleased with ______when she got such a good job.19. I think I’d go back to France. We really enjoyed______ there.20. I don’t feel______ today. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.помогите пожалуйста=)за ранее спасибо)

Look, read and complete. Larry, Lulu and Chuckles are at the seaside today. The sun is 1).... (shine). Look! What 2)..... (Chuckles/do)? He 3) ....

(eat) an ice cream! Lulu 4).... (not/eat) an ice cream. She s 5).... (make) a sandcastle. Larry 6)..... (have) fun too. He 7).... (dive) into the sea!

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