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Somewhere, anywhere, nowhere.

10-11 класс

1.1 haven't seen him ... . 2. I know the place is ...
about here, but exactly where, I don't know. 3. Did you go ... yesterday? - -
No, I went ... , I stayed at home the whole day.

Вставьте some, any, no, every или их

Kas33 20 дек. 2013 г., 0:49:51 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 дек. 2013 г., 3:45:41 (10 лет назад)

1.1 anywhere. 2 somewhere. 3 anywhere. Nowhere.

+ 0 -
20 дек. 2013 г., 5:45:37 (10 лет назад)

1. 1 Nowhere; 2 somewhere; 3 anywhere, nowhere

1. Some
2. Some
3. Some, some
4. No
5. Any, someone, something
6. Anybody/anyone
8. No
10. Some, anything, any
11. No one /nobody


Другие вопросы из категории

Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в present indefeinite, present continuous, past indefinite bkb future indefinite 1 Look! Nick

______ ( to read) a book.

2 He usually______(to read) books at home.

3Yesterday he______(to read) a book at school.

4 I think tomorrow he. ______ (not to read)

1Kate and Ann usually____ (to go) for a walk together.

2Yesnerday Ann______ ( to go) for a walk with Mary

3Look! They ______(to go) to us

4 They _____ ( to invite) us to play with them i think.

Поставьте глагол в нужную временную форму.

I am sure he (to be) make a good lawyer.
I (have) never (to be) to any court, criminal or civil.
Is he (study) law at the Academy?
Please, don't (to touch) anything until

Читайте также

8 Вставьте somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere. 1. I put my dictionary ... yesterday and now I can't find it ....-- Of course, that is because

you leave your books ... . 2. You must go ... next summer. 3. Did you go ... on Sunday? 4. Let's go ... . The weather is fine. I don't want to stay at home in such weather. 5. I cannot find my glasses .... I always put them ... and then look for them for hours. 6. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people. There are flags, banners and flowers ....

Вставьте somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere. 1. I put my

dictionary___yesterday and now I can't find it___.-- Of course, that is because you leave your books___. 2. You must go___next summer. 3. Did you go___on Sunday? 4. Let's go___. The weather is fine. I don't want to stay at home in such weather. 5. I cannot find my glasses. ___I always put them___and then look for them for hours. 6. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people.

Помогите пожалуйста вставить местоимения (someone (somebody), anyone (anybody), something, anything, nobody (no one), nothing, somewhere,

anywhere, nowhere.)

1. It's too dark here. I can't see ... . 2. Can I do ... for you? 3. They went... at all during the holiday. 4. It was very disappointing. Absolutely ... happened. 5. I want to tell you ... . 6. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell... burning. 7. It was quiet in the room.... said anything. 8. Has ... seen Paul today? 9. Was there ... interesting in the pa­per yesterday? 10. ... likes to stay in town on a hot day. 11. Everyone was listening to the guide. ... said anything.

12. Speak louder. I don't hear .... 13. Is ... going to see the house today? 14. Are you going ... today? - No, I am not going... today. I am too tired. 15.... understood the rule and the teacher had to explain it again. 16. I know ... at all. 17.1 can't add ... to what I've said. 18. There is ... waiting for you in the lobby. 19.1 don't want... to eat. 20. He looked at my pictures but didn't say .... 21. The accident looked serious. Fortunately ... was injured. 22. That's a very easy question. ... can answer it. 23. There is ... interesting at his exhibition. 24.1 don't think there is ... in the office. 25.1 am bored. I'd like to go ... tonight. 26.1 left the house without saying ... to her. 27. He's lazy. He never does .... 28. She's standing over there, near the bookshop. I think she is waiting for ... - 29.1 can't find my watch .... I've looked all over the house. 30. The bus was completely empty. There wasn't... on it. 31. It's a stupid idea. Ask ... and they will tell you. 32.1 don't know ... who speaks Chinese.

Помогите пожалуйста решить!!! 1. He hasn^t got so ___money. a)a few,b)many,c)much,d)a little. 2. ___ do you see in the park

?a)Which,b)Whom,c)Why,d)Whose. 3. ___ book is it? a)Whose,b)Why,c)When,d)How. 4. ___ do you usually have for breakfast?a)Which,b)How often,c)What,d)Where. 5. ___ do you have meals? - As a rule,three times a day. a)How,b)How far,c)How often,d)When. 6. ___ them your dictionary,they left theirs at home. a)Take,b)Lend,c)Translate,d)Buy. 7. Are you going to tell ___ the truth? a)my,b)his,c)they,d)us. 8. I can see___and___brother.a)their,Mary,b)him,Mary^s,c)us,Maries^,d)your,Mary^s. 9. A lot of people ___ in English. a)interested,b)are interesting,c)have interested,d)are interested. 10. I would like to talk ___ the phone___him.a)in,to,b)on,to,c)at,with,d)for,without. 11. He speaks English ___better than French.a)more,b)much,c)many,d)most. 12. You enjoy the film,___? a)do you,b)don^t you,c)aren^t you,d)don^t you. 13. He is going to look ___his father until he is well again.a)for,b)after,c)up,d)through. 14. Mark Twain^s words: "When in doubt___the truth.a)tell,b)say,c)talk,d)speak. 15. He___ mistakes and it___him a lot of harm.a)make,does,b)does,makes,c)made,did,d)makes,did. 16. My father is a journalist. He ___ articles for newspapers.a)writes down,b)translates,c)looks through,d)writes. 17. Please,___slowly. a)tell,b)speak,c)don^t say,d)understand. 18. I couldn^t buy___book___. a)this,anywhere,b)a,nowhere,c)an,somewhere,d)-,anywhere. 19. There ___ snow on the road. a)is any,b)are much,c)will some,d)is some. 20. I hope my plans do not ___ with yours. a)interrupt,b)observe,c)interfere,d)interest. 21. If you don^t know a word ___in a dictionary. a)look it up,b)look for it,c)look after it,d)look through it. 22. I want tea___coffee.a)in spite of,b)instead of,c)except for,d)because. 23. Where do you___? -I am from Russia.a)get from,b)are from,c)come from,d)go from. 24. ___Canaries are___ good place to have a rest for those who enjoy the sun.a)The,a,b)_,the,c)The,an,d)_,_. 25. Her yellow dress catches everyone^s eye___. a)at least,b)slowly,c)immediately,d)at the same time. 26. ___ do it,he is too young.a)Not to let him,b)Let him not to,c)Do not let him to,d)Do not let him. 27. Let^s ___ into two groups and start looking for them.a)divide,b)separate,c)isolate,d)share. 28. This room has such a nice ___over the sea. a)look,b)view,c)sight,d)appearance. 29. I am going to tell ___about it, I promise to keep it a secret.a)anybody,b)somebody,c)everybody,d)nobody. 30. I___ all that newspapers say. a)am not believing,b)not believe,c)don^t believe ,d)doesn^t believe. 31. Let^s go. The ___,the___. a)sooner,better,b)sooner,best,c)soonest,well,d)soonest,good. 32.It is typical ___ woman. They all behave the same in this situation. a)of some,b)from a few,c)for any,d)with many.

Bye, see you … Tuesday!

a) in b) at c) on

My hair … clean.
a) are b) – c) is

When do you usually get … home?
a) to b) at c) –

These are very good books. Where do you get … ?
a) them b) they c) it

He usually finishes work … six o’clock.
a) in b) at c) on

She often … at this photo.
a) look b) is looking c) looks

Baseball is … summer sport in America.
a) the most popular b) the popularest c) the most popularest

- Is it your car? – Yes, it’s ….
a) my b) mine c) me

Who … German in your group?
a) speaks b) does speak c) do speak

f I …. Helen tomorrow I … to her about the accident.
a) shall see … shall speak b) shall see … speak
c) see … shall speak

How … milk is there in the bottle?
a) much b) many c) little

They didn’t go … last Sunday. They decided to stay at home.
a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere

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