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ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!!!!!№6 Нужно вставить вместо ........ • Can I take your order?•How about pizza ?•There come.•Enjoy your meal.•That would be

10-11 класс


1.A-Would you like a gless of mik ?



B-I'd like a cheese sandwich,pleas.


B-Thank you/


b-I don't think so.

5.A-Is there any orenge juice ?


Korba2014 15 июня 2013 г., 6:07:08 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 июня 2013 г., 7:24:42 (10 лет назад)

1 b - that would  be nice

2 a - Can i take your order

3 a - Enjoy your meal

4 a - how about pizza

5 a - there come

думаю так


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите плиз) Ради бога

1 I have a toothache.
You..........visit the dentist.
2 Dolphins ...... swim but they ........ fly.
3.......... you go away for the weekend?
No, I .............
4 You ....... make any noise in class.
5............. I have a piece of cake , please?
Of cource you............ .
6 Students ......... always bring their homework.
7 visitors ........ take pictures in the gallery. It s not good for the paintings.
8 Tonia has a headache. She ....... take an aspirin.
9 .......... you play the piano?
No, I ....... but i ...... play the guitar.
10 In the future there ........ be any schookls.
Stident ........ have classes online.

b) В следующих предложениях подчеркните глагол-сказуемое, определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Many expensive designer clothes are now manufactured cheaply in Asia.
2. We are looking for a more economical way of heating our offices.
3. Some companies have found ways to work in a bilingual market.

please continue the following situations a) If I were a bird, I would be a ...{what kind of bird, and why do you like to be the one?} b)

If I were an animal, I would be a...{what kind of animal and why do you like to be the one}

c) If I were a flower, I would be a ...{what kind of flower and why would you like to be the one?}

английский язык.

ansver the questions.
1.Do you like to go to shool?
2.Do you always get to school on time?
3.Do you sometimes leave your school things at home?

Читайте также

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!Нужно вставить слова за место цифр.

Steven Sonnenberg (1) in Germany,but he (2) to Boston,USA with his parents when he (3) six years old.He (4) there languages-German,English, and Russian.I (6) law at Harvard from 2000-2004.Now i (7) a course in international studies at the Sorbonne in Paris.After the course,i (8) on holiday to Russia.I can't wait to see the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg.
Слова которые нужно вставить:has, studied, speaks, emigrated, was born, 'm going, was, 'm doing.

I. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложения.

1. Nick ... a nice man.
2. Ann and Mary ... university students.
3. We ... not journalists.
4. I ... ten years old. How old ... you?
5. ... you in the kitchen or in the living-room?
II. Вставьте вместо пропусков глагол to have в нужной форме.
1. My brother ... a new car.
2. She ... some friends.
3. They ... a two-room flat.
4. How many English books ... you?
5. ... you friend any English books?
III. Вставьте соответствующие личные местоимения в объектном падеже.
1. Close your books and put ... on my desk.
2. Is it your school? Show it to ....
3. He is coming. Open the door for ....
4. Give ... some flowers. She likes them.
5. My phone number is 5543. Say ... to Nick.
IV. Выразите принадлежность одного предмета/лица другому, употребив притяжательные местоимения my, her, his, our, your, their.
1. (You) house isn`t high and modern.
2. (He) coat is black.
3. (She) dog is small and funny.
4. (I) teacher of Maths is a very clever man.
5. (We) hometask is very difficult.
V. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.
1. This is a large room and that is a small room.
2. Her dress is beautiful.
3. The woman is young but the man is old.
4. She has a little child.
5. The text is English.
VI. Употребите притяжательный падеж вместо словосочетания с предлогом of.
1. The father of Jane.
2. The books of the school children.
3. The names of his cousins.
4. The brother of this boy.
5. The parents of John.


сюда нужно вставить time words : first/ as soon/ as/ after/ etc|When|befort.... и т.д.
и слова weather: cloudy|wet|sunny|... и т.д. помогите срочно надо очень

one Danish village in 2007 was discovered the skull, which is called Силендским. Studies have shown that it was several times перепрятан and that its owner had existed in the 13th and 14th centuries. Dimensions of the skull in one and a half times the human and the most interesting feature is the huge orbit - judging by their size the owner of this skull could see well in the dark. And the smooth surface of the cranial bones indicates that it is being successfully surviving in cold conditions

Очень срочно!!! Пожалуйста

Употребите нужный модальный глагол (can may must) и переведите предложения .
1) The clients ... change the currency in this bank.

Очень срочно!сочинение нужно!!!

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