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I like my flat. There isn't 1.____ space in it but there's 2.____ light. I haven't got3.___ things, just 4.___ furniture like a bed, a table and 5.___

5-9 класс

chairs. I haven't got 6.___ TV but i have got 7.___ DVDs. I watch them on my computer. How 8.____ are there? I don't know... I think about eighty.
1. a) Many b) much c) a
2. a)

Vitalinkavia 29 нояб. 2014 г., 2:14:42 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 нояб. 2014 г., 3:55:37 (9 лет назад)

2)a lot of/much
4)a peace of
5) some


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Заранее спасибо

Когда употреблять can can't ,must mustn't , should shouldn't , will won't ?

Пожалуйста помогите

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Помогите) Put in some/any. 1)Have we got ....... cheese at home? - No,there isn't ....... . 2)There was ......... juixe in the


3)Could i have .......... tea,Mum?

4)Take .......... butter and put it on the slice of bread.

5)There isn't .......... ice cream on the plate.

6)Would you like .......... more milk? :)

вставьте 1 any 2 how much 3 how many 4 some No, there isn t ... milk in the fridge.But there is ... butter and a little cheese. OK.Have

we got ... bread?

Yes.But we haven t got ... biscuits and there is only a little sugar and marmalade.

What about pasta?... have we got?

There is ... . But I think we have to buy pasta.There isn t enough.

... eggs are there in the fridge?

Only three eggs.Mum, can I have ... apple juice?

Of course.

только надо седня закончить

Помогите составить текст про свою комнату.... Вот все что я составила: I like my bedroom best because it's a very bright and cozy(как это

слово читается?кази или как?) room.It gets a lot of sunshine (как читается это слово?)There isn't much furniture(как читается?)in it.there is a bed a table and a world robe.Продоллжите 2-3 предложения....Потому что это я написала а дальше не знаю что!(((напишите что в этой команате я играю,делаю домашнюю работу....


1 There isn’t / aren’t a lot of young people in the

village now.
2 The scenery isn’t / aren’t very nice around
3 There is / are a lot of pollution in the city
4 There is / are several car parks in the town.
5 The entertainment in towns is / are usually
better than in the country.
6 There is / are always a lot of traffic on Fridays.

ВЫБЕРИ ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ 1) There is a/the cat in the garden. 2)These/This are Jack's


3) Sarah is in a/the living room.

4) This is our/ours nwe car.

5) There isn't much/many cola in the bottle.

6) Those/That is a snake.

7) Threre are a lot of/much cakes on the table.

8) My friend's /friends' name is Akim.

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