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Переведите на русский. She has raked leaves for an howr. Paul has ridden horses since he was four years old. Только не в

5-9 класс

переводчике там не правильно! Плиз=)

Schurchen2011 16 апр. 2014 г., 6:43:38 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 апр. 2014 г., 7:29:21 (10 лет назад)

Она гребла листья для чистоты
Пол ездил на  лошади, так как он 4 года уже катается


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Write sentences. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

What happened to her?She usually__________________(draw) or _____________________(watch) TV in the afternoon.-She has fallen ill.
СРОЧНО УМОЛЯЮ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ПОЖАЛУСТА помагите перевеcти на русским языке

Sport helps people to stay in good shape keeps them fit healthy and makes them more organized better disciplined in their daily activities and energetic.
Many sports are popular in kazathstan.They are football,tennis,hockey, weight-lifting, track and field, basketball, volleyball, boxing, judo,carate,cross-county skiing, figure skating, climbing mountains, horse-racing.
All there sports have their stong supporters and fans. Thousands of people go to the stadium to support their favorite team and many thousands more watch the game on tv. For many people sport is the main form of entertainment. the people in the republic of Kazakhstan are not only sports fans. they take an active part in all sports and sports activities, professinal and amateur
There aredifferent sporting societies and amateur clubs in the republic of kazakhstan. Some of them constantly take part different international tournaments. Football clubs Kairat and Vostok are well- known to their fans.
Kazakhstan sportsmen have won a great number of world records in gymnastics, judo, wrestling, athletics.
International and national matches attract many fans. Some most important games and sport events are transmitted over the radio and tv
My favouride kind of sport is tennis. I have been playing it since I was 11 years old.There is a good tennis court vear my house and I go there a friend of mine.He is a very good tennis player.He dreams of playing tennis at Wimbledon.

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ НА РУССКИЙ. She moved about the room softly with quick secret movements.First she took Jane's box ,opened it and

shut it quickly.Then she opened the wardrobe and took somethink out.Then she went out.

In the garden somebody was speaking in a low voice.There were some people there.Jane and Michael got out of bed and came up to the window.They saw a little figure and two gigantic ones near their gate.

Mrs. Corry with Fannie and Annie , said Jane

Fannie had two long ladders on her shoulder and Annie had a large pail of something that looked like glue and a large brush.Then the front door opened and Mary Poppins came to meet them.She had a basket on her arm,and in the basked there was something.It gave out a soft,mysterious light.

"Come on , we must hurry!We haven't much time ," said Mrs. Corry

Jane and Michael saw them go down Cherry Tree Lane,and then they turned to the left and went up the hill.When they got to the top of the hill,where there were no houses but only grass and flowers , they stopped.

"What are they going to do ? " asked Michael.But there was no need for Jane to answer bacause they could see what was happening.

Annie and Fannie fixed the ladder with its one end on the ground and the other in the sky.Mrs.Corry took the brush and the pail of glue and climbed the ladder.Mary Poppins with her basket climbed the other ladder.

Then the most surprising thing happened -Mrs.Corry started covering the sky with the glue and Mary Poppins took something shiny from her basket and fixed it to the glue.She was sticking the gingerbread stars to the sky!They understood it when she took her hand away.When the star was placed on the sky it began to shine brightly.

Перевести текст(пожалуйста)на русский Betsy has just finished reading the first part of the book about London.It is about its history.Betsy has

read some very interesting things about London Bridge.She has never been to London,but she already knows much about it.Here are some facts from London history.

1. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса —ment. Переведите на

русский язык.

To improve, to measure, to disappoint, to pave, to announce, to agree, to state, to govern, to require, to arrange, to move, to develop, to achieve.

2. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффиксов —ion, -ation, -sion, -ssion, -tion. Переведите на русский язык.

To collect, to combine, to connect, to dictate, to include, to introduce, to produce, to restrict, to submit.

3. Образуйте от данных прилагательных существительные с помощью суффикса —ness. Переведите на русский язык.

Bitter, absolute, damp, cold, dark, kind, happy, weak.

переведите на русский язык срочно заранеее спасибо

Traditional British school . Well, I went to a traditional British public school . I left it four years ago. The school is in the city. It has about 700 students, and it's mostly a boarding school. There are lots of facilities for sport - tennis courts, a swimming pool. There are also good science laboratories and lots of computers. The classes are small, so if you fall behind with you work the teacher will help you with it. It may have changed now, but we did a lot of subjects and we even had lessons on Saturday mornings! We had some free afternoons when we could be together. They have us lots of homework and we had tests all the time. I remember that afterschool clubs were quite popular. I was in a drama club- we once put on a performance of Hamlet. There lots of rules and discipline was strict. We could only go out of the school at certain times, and we had to wear a uniform.

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