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Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the text. Don’t write more than one word in each gap. Then transfer your answers to the table.

5-9 класс

Nowadays different people buy different 1) … policies. People who own cars buy car insurance, People who own flats and houses buy 2) … insurance, and for people, who travel a lot, travel insurance is highly recommended.
When we travel, something can go wrong and we have to face some 3) … risks. We can get ill, or our luggage can be 4) … or damaged or even stolen. Most people buy travel insurance from travel agencies because they want to have some 5) … during vacations and don’t want to worry about anything.

2500921 23 июля 2014 г., 14:45:52 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 июля 2014 г., 16:07:49 (9 лет назад)

1) insurance
5) relaxation


Другие вопросы из категории

The lesson_______.

We______ to go to Franse on holiday.
She____him three times,but he never answers.
Im really tired.I____ten miles today.
We____nine units of this book.
Please stay for dinner.My mum___a lot of food!
The plane___. Where are the passengers?

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Fill in the blanks with do, does, is, or are. 1. Where she work?

2. When you finish school?

3. Why you like that movie?

4. When the game?

5. What your brother's name?

6. Where my jacket?

7. How old your parents?

8. When Dan eat dinner?

9. What the answer to question number 5?

10. How the boys like the class?

Fill in the blanks with do, does, is, are.

1. Where you live?

2. How you?

3. When they come to school?

4. Where she work?

5. Why Kim sad?

6. Who your teacher?

7. What their names?

8. Who you sit with in class?

9. When the boys go to sleep?

10. How Tom like his new car?

4 Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or their derivatives.Ken is very hungry and he wants to eat 1)……………………. 2)…………………is at home to help him cook, so he

must make something himself. There isn't 3)……………………meat in the fridge but there are 4)…………………..tomatoes and peppers so he can make a delicious sauce and some spaghetti. Unfortunately, there is still 5)…………………..that Ken needs before he starts cooking. He needs some spaghetti as he hasn't got 6)……………………. He must go to the shop to buy some.
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.Every Saturday, Ben and his friends 1)…………………………(go) to the park. They usually 2)……………………………(play) football but at the moment they 3)…………….(have)a picnic. They 4)……………………..(eat) sandwiches and apples. Ben 5)…………………..(be) very happy. He 6)…………………(talk) to his friends and he 7)………………(laugh). Ben 8)………..(like) sunny days.
6 Fill in the gaps with in, at or on.This year, I spent my summer holiday in Capri, Italy. I arrived there 1)……………August 1st and stayed at my friends' villa for two weeks. 2)……………..the mornings, we usually went swimming and water-skiing. 3)…………….noon, we always had lunch and 4)…………….the evenings, we went to a disco. I had such a great time that I promised to go back next year 5)……………. winter.
7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.At 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, her mum 2)…………… (cook) dinner. Suddenly, the phone 3)……………… (ring). It was Lisa's dad. «I 4)………….(have got) a surprise for you, Lisa. Don't go to bed until I come home,» he said. A few hours later, Lisa's Dad finally 5)………….(arrive) home. He 6)……..(hold) something in his arms. It was a puppy! Her parents bought her a pet for her birthday.
8 Complete the conversation using shall, will or the correct form of be going to.Niki: Hi, Sam. 11)……………have a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?Sam: Yes, I would love to! What time 2)…………..it start? start?Niki: About 8:00 p.m.Sam: Oh, I 3)……………not be able to come until 9:30 pm because I 4)…………. visit my aunt on Saturday.Niki That's OK.Sam I've some great CDs 5)……….bring them to your party?Niki Yes, please!Sam OK! See you next Saturday.
9 Complete the sentences with one of the modal verbs from the list, could, must, don't have to, can't, may, should, couldn't, have to, mustn't, canJenny sing beautifully. Everybody likes listening to her.Lions fly.You forget to lock the doors before you leave.You take an aspirin if your head hurts.You cook dinner. I've already cooked.He reach the top shelf because he was too short.I tidy my bedroom. It's a mess.They go to the beach tomorrow but they don't know for sure yet. 9 Edward walk when he was two.10 Nurses wear a uniform at work. (study) for a test while her
10 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Fill in the gaps with information from the text.

(заполнить пробелы с информацией из текста)
1. Lena is from...
2. In summer she went..
3. She improved her English because...
4. She would like to visit London once more because...
5. Lena wants to be...
( текст вот It was great to get a letter from you.
I like to travel and learn more about different places. And I also
travelled a lot this summer. In August I went abroad. I spent two weeks
in Cambridge in a summer school camp.
In the morning we spent three
hours learning English. In the lessons we read and discussed texts,
learned English poems by heart, played games, and used the computers. We
also read interesting stories about English history and traditions. We
took a lot of pictures and had fun. Now I speak, read and write English
much better than last year.
We also spent three days in London. It was great! When we go to England, I'd like to visit London again.
That's great that you like St Petersburg. I like it very much too.
says Barbara Grey is your English teacher. Fantastic! Last year she
taught us English too. She was my favourite teacher! I want to become an
English teacher like Barbara. Send my best regards to her.
Best wishes,

Срочно прошу помогите пожалуйста Test №1. Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space. part, world, chance, luck, have,

in luck, win, million, lucky, round, worth, prize, competition, miss. Hello Den, I am in Canada. It’s wonderful. There is a lot of sunshine and lakes with warm water. You are surprised to get my message, aren’t you? As you know last summer I tried my … and took … in the World Teenagers’ Competition. It was a chance in a … . But it was … trying to … something for nothing. I was … luck and won the … . Now I and 47 other … winners will travel … the world. I enjoy visiting new places and finding new friends all over the … . I will send you postcards from the countries which we are going to visit. But you also … a chance to visit them. Take part in the same … next year. Don’t … your chance. Good … . Best wishes, Mike.

I. 1.Fill in the blanks choosing the correct variant. 1) He was guite ... with us. a. Frank b.Frankly 2) ... speaking I don't

like casual clothes

a.Frankly b. Frank

2.Fill in the blanks choosing the correct variant.

1)She was siting at the table and he was standing ...

a. beside b. besides

2) All the children ... Tom decided to go on excursion.

a.besides b.beside

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