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по англискому языку какой твой любимый урок

1-4 класс

Оксана9989 03 апр. 2015 г., 2:42:35 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 апр. 2015 г., 4:03:50 (9 лет назад)

перевод- what is your favorite lesson

+ 0 -
03 апр. 2015 г., 6:00:14 (9 лет назад)

My English lesson - Урок английского языка
We study many subjects at school . We have classes in the Russian Language
and Literature , Mathematics , Biology, Geography , Physics , Chemistry , History,
Computer Science ( 1 ) . English is one of my favourite subjects .
We have our English lessons in a very good language laboratory . It has all
necessary technical equipment ( 2) : a record- player, a cassette- recorder, a filmstrip
projector , a TV set , tables with different rules , pictures , maps and a large book- case
with many English books . That makes our lessons more interesting and attractive .
At our English lessons we learn to speak English. We study pronunciation ,
vocabulary and grammar . We learn many poems and songs , read texts , listen to
spoken English on different cassettes , imitating the sounds and intonation of native
speakers ( 3) .
At the lessons we have a good oral practice ( 4) . They say ( 5) that the best way
to improve ( 6) one' s English is to speak aloud . We discuss different themes , ask
questions on a given topic and answer them , make up stories and dialogues , do a
lot of grammar exercises . We dramatise texts and dialogues and set up role- plays .
Sometimes we take part in different quiz -games. They are very interesting. We
learn rhymes and poems by heart and recite them at the lessons or at our English
parties . I am fond of English and it is not difficult for me to learn it . I can cope
with ( 7) all the tasks without any effort . But there are some pupils in our class who
can' t cope with all teachers ' requirements ( 8) in a proper way . They can' t
understand English well and find it difficult to speak and write . Our teacher helps
them to improve their knowledge of English after classes .
I like my English lessons very much because it is very interesting to know
something new about other countries and to speak with foreigners without
interpreters ( 9) .

+ 0 -
03 апр. 2015 г., 7:54:50 (9 лет назад)

what's your favorite subject?


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