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заполните пропуски местоимениями:some,any,no:

10-11 класс

1)Are there ... flowers in the garden?
2)There is ... snow on the ground in may.
3)Have you ... books in your bad?No, I haven't ... .I have only ... exercise book in it.
4)Has your farm ... lorries?-Yes, it has ... .

Max0077 14 мая 2013 г., 20:16:22 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 мая 2013 г., 20:56:21 (11 лет назад)

1)Are there any flowers in the garden?
2)There is no snow on the ground in may.
3)Have you any books in your bad?No, I haven't any .I have only some exercise book in it.
4)Has your farm any lorries?-Yes, it has some .


Другие вопросы из категории

правильно перевести, соблюдая правило согласования времен:

1)she said that her brother knew four foreign languages
2) He realized that he was trying to unlock the wrong door

It cover the territory of
Нужен перевод на русский язык

Meet the Town Mouse.The Town Mouse lives in a town.She lives in a big house.She is white and marry.She has got a funny face.She likes to play computer games.In the morning she listens to musik.She can dance well.
On Sundays the Country Mouse comes to visit her.The Country Mouse is her friend.The Country Mouse is grey and smart.She has got black eyes,small ears and a long tail.She likes to read and draw pictures.She can write poems.

ребят, помогите перевести на английский в нужном времени. очень нужно. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА.

если ты переведёшь эту статью на русский язык, то я использую её в своем докладе.
если я в это время буду в Москве, я встречу тебя на вокзале.
если ты не поторопишься, мы опоздаем на самолет.
если будет дождь, мы не поедем за город.
когда мой друг приедет в Санкт Петербург, мы пойдем с ним в "Русский Музей".
я смогу перевести эту статью, если ты дашь мне словарь.
что ты будешь делать, когда уедешь жить в Лондон.
мы не будем ужинать, пока родители не придут домой.
мы соберемся у нас дома, когда мой брат приедет из Африки.
как только я приеду из университета, я тебе перезвоню.
после того, как моя сестра закончит школу, она поступит в университет.
как только я увижу Тома, я расскажу ему обо всем.

Читайте также

Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some, any, no и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. What book shall I bring you? - ... you like. (some, any)
2. He can answer ... question on the subject. (some, any, no)
3. Can we have ... milk? (some, any)
4. Will you have ... tea? - ... more, thank you. (some, any, no)
5. I can't see ... suitcases or bags here. Have you got ... luggage? (some, any, no)
6. Sue was very helpful. She gave us ... very useful advice. (some, any, no)
7. I want to write ... letters but I haven't got ... paper. (some, any, no)
8. There are ... eggs in the fridge if you are hungry. (some, any, no)
9. ... children learn very quickly. (some, any, no)
10. Have you seen ... good films recently? (some, any, no)
11. The scientist knew English well and was in ... need of an interpreter. (some, any, no)


Заполните пропуски местоимениями some,
или их производными. Предложения переведите.

2. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no. 1. There are... schools in this street. 2. Are there... documents in your safe? 3. There were...

flowers in the vase yesterday, but now there are. 4. 1 can see... children in the yard. They are playing. 5. There arc... people in the park, because it's cold. 6. Have you got... time to spare? I'd like to ask...questions.

9.3аполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every или производными от них. 1. You must ask somebody to help you with this work. 2. If I have some

free time, I shall go...tonight. 3. Have you heard anything about our plan? 4. Did anybody see this film yesterday? 5. Did you say something? — No, I said nothing. 6. Don't tell her anything about me. 7. ... is waiting for you, Mother. 8. Don't worry, everything is all right. 9. Is anybody absent today? 10. I can see...there, it is so far. 11. Could you tell me anything interesting? 12. It is an old joke. Everybody knows it.

10. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время. 1. They (to send) us several telegrams already. 2. How many languages you (to speak). 3. We (to be) in the theatre yesterday and (to come) back home by 10 o'clock. 4. Last year Professor Jones (to teach) us English. 5. Nick (to have) lunch in the cafeteria now. 6. My friend (to pass) English exam soon. 7. I (to forget) to bring my notebook to class yesterday.

заполните пропуски местоимениями some any

1 there are...new words in this lesson

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