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1.How many rooms Was|were in the house?

1-4 класс

2.Was|were a dining room in the house?
3.was|were a living room?
4.how many bedrooms were|was in the house?
5.were|was any bathrooms there?
6.how many bathrooms was|were in the house?
7.was|were a kitchen?
8.was|were sny modern coveniences?
9.what pieces of furniture was|were in the house?

Mascha199 23 февр. 2015 г., 10:55:52 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 февр. 2015 г., 12:16:21 (9 лет назад)

1 How many rooms were in the house?
2 Was a dining room in a house?
3 Was a living room?
4 How many bedrooms were in a house?
5 Were any bathrooms there?
6 How many bathrooms were in the  house?
7 Was a kitchen
8 Were any modern conveniences?
9 What pieces of furniture were in the house


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1)The...bedrooms in the house. 4)There ___ a kitchen in the house 5)There ____a living room in the house 6)There

____a pantry in the house

7) There___a lot of windows in the house

какие слова нужно вставить ?

Rex tells Tiny about the brown house.But he misses some words.Help Tiny to fill in the words. 1)There ____ bedrooms in the house 2)There

___ doors in the hall

3)There ____ no windows in the hall

4)There ___ a kitchen in the house

5)There ____a living room in the house

6)There ____a pantry in the house

7) There___a lot of windows in the house

какие слова нужно вставить ?

Make up sentences | | |in the field | is | |in the forest There | was | somebody |in the house | will be | |at the


| | |in the swimming pool

| | |at the sports ground

|at shool

|at home

| - это черточка

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