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помогите перевести!!!The Indians finally showed themselves. In the morning when we were returning from one of our expeditions, some arrows shot out

5-9 класс

from one of the trees and hit us. We were caught at the worst possible moment because some of us were tired and had put down our guns a few yards away. We ran for our guns and fought back. There were twenty of us against forty Indians, who were fit and strong and fought really bravely. However, the Indians had only bows and arrows and couldn't do much against our guns. We won that first battle and, fortunately, nobody was killed.
When we reached the ship, we finally decided to leave Cape Cod and sail to Plymouth.

Bagi99 22 марта 2015 г., 9:34:41 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 марта 2015 г., 12:25:57 (9 лет назад)

Индейцы, наконец, показал себя. В то утро, когда мы возвращались с одной из наших экспедиций, некоторые стрелы, пущенные из одного из деревьев и ударить по нам. Мы попали в самый неподходящий момент, потому что некоторые из нас устали и подавили наше оружие в нескольких ярдах. Мы провели для наших орудий и отбивались. Существовали двадцать из нас против сорок индейцев, которые были в форме и сильным и действительно воевал храбро. Тем не менее, индейцы были только луки и стрелы, а не могли бы многое сделать против наших орудий. Мы выиграли первую битву, и, к счастью, никто не погиб.
Когда мы подошли к кораблю, мы, наконец, решили оставить Кейп-Код и плыть в Плимут.

+ 0 -
22 марта 2015 г., 13:14:00 (9 лет назад)

Индейцы наконец, показал себя. В то утро, когда мы возвращались с одной из наших экспедиций, некоторые стрелы, пущенные из одного из деревьев и ударить по нам. Мы попали в самый неподходящий момент, потому что некоторые из нас устали и подавили наше оружие в нескольких ярдах. Мы провели для наших орудий и отбивались. Существовали двадцать из нас против сорок индейцев, которые были в форме и сильным и действительно воевал храбро. Тем не менее, индейцы были только луки и стрелы, а не могли бы многое сделать против наших орудий. Мы выиграли первую битву, и, к счастью, никто не погиб
Когда мы подошли к кораблю, мы, наконец, решили оставить Кейп-Код и плыть в Плимут


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переведите! На следующих канмкулах я хочу поехать в Москву .Это столица России. Это большой и красивый город. Это очень древний город с

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вопрос жизни и смерти!

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8 December

The Indians finally showed themselves. In the morning when we were returning from one of our expeditions, some arrows shot out from one of the trees and hit us. We were caught at the worst possible moment because some of us were tired and had put down our guns a few yards away. We ran for our guns and fought back. There were twenty of us against forty Indians, who were fit and strong and fought really bravely. However, the Indians had only bows and arrows and couldn't do much against our guns. We won that first battle and, fortunately, nobody was killed.
When we reached the ship, we finally decided to leave Cape Cod and sail to Plymouth.


After nearly two months in the new land we decided to go on shore and build our first village. This place is a lot better than Cape Cod. We found a lot of trees, different herbs and berries, and we hoped to find animals to hunt.

Помогите перевести плиз World Animal Day started in 1931 when ecologist meeting at a convention in Florence decided it would be a good way to highlight the

difficult situation of endangered animal species. Animal lovers hold events in all major cities and towns on all five continents to increase awareness of animal welfare and to do something special to help animals in need or in danger. Many zoos and nature reserves open their gates and allow people free entry to see and learn about animals. World Animal Day is a great way to come together and to do something truly worthwhile. If you care aboutt animals, don't miss the opportunity to join in on the next World Animal Day to help make the planet a better place for all living creatures.

помогите пожалуйста перевести: As seen from one of its seven hills, Richmond was beautiful, with its broad streets, its noble trees and the

shimmer of the gently flowing river. The Army Bill was under discussion and it was clear Jefferson Davis thought none but himself qualified to speak on the issue. Don't stray from the point at issue. I want to get to the bottom of this. He was trying to catch a gleam or gesture that would lessen the gap which lay between his present and his past. The boy was struck dumb by a suave turn of carpeted stairs and a pendant glitter of chandeliers and a mute gleam of gold frames. He continued then for a moment to turn the brooch this way and that in the light to see it sparkle. It sparkled very nicely. His skull and face were shining from a recent scrubbing, so that the little bridgeless nose glistened between the protective points of the cheekbones. Her eyes opened wider as she contemplated the sea-green figured velvet, the shining brass, silver, and glass, the wood that gleamed as darkly brilliant as the surface of a pool of oil. The sun was glaring from the pale sky, and just over the horizon a shifting silvery haze was shimmering.

5 ВОПРОСОВ К ТЕКСТУ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, РЕБЯТ, ХЭЛП it was a dull and rainy day. The house was as melancholy as the weather. Everything was gloomy

around and i had a feeling that something terrible would happen soon. In the evening i decided to go for a walk on the moor. I wanted to see the rock where the stranger had stood the night before. When i went out it was raining so i was glad i had put on my raincoat. All was silent there and i could not find any trace of the unknown man. As i was walking back i was overtaken by Dr Mortimer. He was returning from one of distant farms. He told me that he was much troubled, for his little spaniel had disappeared on the moor. I remembered the pony on the Grimpen Mire and said nothing.

Помогите сделать по 3 вопроса к каждому абзацу пожалуйста. СРОЧНО!!!

When we were tired from a mental or physical work , it's a good idea to relax. One good way to relax is on a visit to a place where you have never been before. at our dispocal we have different means of transport. Some people choose a simple bicycle while others cross seas and oceans by luxurious ships .

But travellingis not only relaxation if a traveller does't know some rules. And a traveller, especially an inexperienced one may have different problems. before any travel you'll have to make your preparations .

Packing your suitcase might also cause problems if you are not an experienced traveler, as they say there is an art in packing suitcases.If you don't buy tickets in advance you'll have to stand in long queues.

There are also things a traveller should know about a new country or city he is going to visit . For example, if he knews whether to tip or not he is sure not to have embarrassing situations.

One of the greatest problems in a new placeis finding one's way to food, a place to stay , medical help. big cities may have a complicated network of transport, so, it's a good idea to master the transport system that is to become familiar with the local routes and timetables.

When we travel long distances we quicly transported into a different time zone . We discover that the sun is rising when we expect to be asleep and our body becomes confused at the change and tries to correspond with the new time zone . As a result we have "jet-lag - a condition of mental and physical tiredness and disorientation.

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