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ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста с переводом. Гуггл переводит плохо и непонятно.Заранее спасибо ) I can't remember ever having a normal

10-11 класс

family life. I first got taken into care when I was six. My mum could not look after me properly as she has a mental illness that makes her act a bit. I do not know what happend to my dad-I never knew him. So I had to stay with foster parents or in the children is home to give her a break for a bit.

Although the children is homes are okay, they ere not the best places to live. The staff are always nice and frindly, but you are surrounded by stanges. I sometimes have to share a room and if you don't get on with the other girl, it is not much fun. Also,I never know how long I am going to be in for, so I have to just keep my stuff in a suitcase under the bed .

I've had some nice foster parents, but nithing else lasts for long.If my mum is okey, I get to stay with her, but we only have a small flat, and I feel like I am the one who is running it. I worry about whether the bills have been in and out of hospital a lot, so I understand that she is not always able to look after me. Doreen, one of my foster mums, used to be a nurse, and the explained to me what was wrong with mum. This helped, because when I was younger, I felt like Mum just didn't want me.Now I know that it is because of her illnes.

My life is okay in some ways.I go to the same school and I have some good friends.Obviosly, I fee a bit jealous of them when I go to their houses for tea. They’ve got a nice place to live, with a nice family, but they do not really appreciate it-they are complaining about them all the time! My friend Michelle wanted me to go and live with her, but it is not as easy as that. For a start, I couldn’t just leave Mum.When she’s healthy, I have to be there or her.

It’d be nice if I had a brother or sister-at least then I’d have someone around all the time. I get fed up being on my own. I think Michelle feels sorry for me, living in different all the time, but because this is what I’m used to, it doesn’t seem too bad.I still have my mum, I have my friends and I know all the staff in the homes.It’s not like I’m completely alone in the world.

When I leave school, I’m going to get a job and a nice flat for mum and me to live in. Then I’ll be able to put my pictures and unpack my stuff, because I’ll know for sure that I’m there to stay.

Zhikhareva 10 июля 2013 г., 6:47:40 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 июля 2013 г., 8:18:54 (10 лет назад)

Я не могу припомнить ни нормальной семейной жизни. Я впервые получил приняты в помощи, когда мне было шесть лет. Моя мама не могла смотреть после меня правильно, как она страдает психическим заболеванием, что заставляет ее действовать немного. Я не знаю, что случилось с моим папой-я никогда не знал его. Так что я вынужден был оставаться с приемными родителями или в детей домой, чтобы дать ей передохнуть немного.


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помогите пожалуйста!!!очеень прошууу!!!!буду благодарна))) 1)if you want to choose a holiday the best way to start is to read a travel


a) brochure

b) guide


2) Tourists who go abroad must buy traveller's ____which are exchangeable for the money of the particular country

a) cash

b) cheques

с) cards

3) For many countries you need to have a ____before you're allowed in


b) travel brochure

с) visa

4) A ____ is someone who attends people on board the plane

a)fellow passenger

b) porter


5)There was a fight on the train, but we were able to climb abroad one of the _______

a) carriages

b) compartments

c) berths

6) At the railway station we were thirsty and hungry , so we tried to find a ____

a) dining room

b) waiting room

c)refreshment room

7) Short visit often no longer than a day returning to the place you started from is :

a)a cruise

b) an excursion

c)an exhibition

Написать сичинение 200-250 слов по поводу высказывания: Roles as men and women start when we are born and there will always be male and female jobs in any

society. Нужно привести аргументы за и против. И прошу, ребят, не надо копировать его с сайтов! Мне очень нужно его написать "самой") Help!

что можно добавить сюда,чтобы было 120-180 слов? (задание,по которому сделан текст внутри).

Hi Mark! I am happy to see you soon. Everything is fine here but I miss my family and friends a lot. It would be great if you bring some books and CDs from home. I put them on my table. Don't worry, I will meet you at the station at around 5.15 and we will walk to my place.Though if you want we can take a taxi. As for the plans, I really would like to show you London. It is just 70 km away from here. But we will discuss it. Be careful! Say hi to my parents ! Tom.

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Помогите пожалуйста срочно!

нужно сочинить сказку для ребёнка 3его класса, не очень сложную и не очень длинную буквально на страницу, используйте пожалуйста нетрудные слова мне потом эту сказку на английский переводить, заранее спасибо

Помогите пожалуйста исправить ошибки в английском

тексте. Я написала сочинение, но я плохо знаю английский, поэтому в моём
тексте могут быть ошибки, помогите пожалуйста проверить это!!! Заранее
My best and memorable day in my life is
considered the new year! On the eve of my always covers the strange
feeling that something needs to happen and joyful magical. Throughout
the festive atmosphere , all selected beautiful Christmas tree, buy
different fruits , sweets, prepare gifts for loved ones.

We begin
preparing for the holiday in advance. Clean the house , decorate the
Christmas tree ,Decorate the room with balls, garlands, beautiful toys.
Mom always cooks for the holiday table something unusual and very tasty.
I try not to sleep time of arrival of the new year under the chiming
clock . After the final blow on the street fireworks begins, which can
last for an hour! We usually have fun, hold various contests , dance,
sing . It's really fun!

Especially good when New Year's Eve worth
frosty snowy weather. In windows of all the houses flashing colored
lights . Celebrating and having fun .Apparently, due to the fact that
the New Year a general holiday , celebrate it so fun!

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