Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1) сохраняется ли частица to при спряжении глагола? 2) на какое место в повелительном предложении ставится глагол? 3) написать по англ.яз а)возьмите эту

10-11 класс

книгу б) дайте мне этот карандаш в)откройте эту тетрадь г) не берите эту книгу

Minvit81 05 янв. 2014 г., 19:59:57 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 янв. 2014 г., 21:50:15 (10 лет назад)

1) нет 2) на первое 3. а) take this book б)give me this pencil в)open this notebook г)dont take this pook


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста I. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Кто заботится о тебе, когда ты болен? 2. Сколько

студентов приняли участие в спортивных соревнованиях? 3. Мы обсудим эту проблему завтра. 4. Она не читает книгу, а смотрит телевизор. 5. В прошлое воскресенье шел дождь, не так ли? 6. Они не будут работать целый день (the whole day). 7. Я видел этот фильм несколько раз. 8. Мы выполнили свое задание к среде. 9. Я не прочитаю книгу к концу недели.

II. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните сказуемое, определите время и залог.

1. Along with a strong faith in education has also gone considerable distrust. 2. The increasing exploitation of land is expressed in the loss of precious natural areas.

Вы собираетесь в командировку в Эдинбург. Пошлите факс (структура делового письма) на фирму Blake & Co, господину Henry Smith по адресу: 10 Garden St.; уведомьте его о своем прибытии (дата, номер поезда, (или самолета), время прибытия) и попросите, чтобы Вас встретили.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА) Ex. III. Put the verbs to be and to have into the correct form of the Present Simple. 1. My friend (be) at home now. 2. We (have) Engl

ish classes twice a week. 3. Wealth (be) nothing, happiness (be) all. 4. She (be) an economist. 5. A good teacher (have) some of the gifts of a good actor. 6. Alex’s girl-friend (have) dark brown eyes. 7. Education (be) not just learning facts. 8.The Bakers (have) a new colour TV set. 9. School (be) an institution for educating children. 10. She (have) an annoying habit of biting her fingernails. 11. The 4th of July (be) a national holiday of the US. 12. They often (have) a swim in the morning. 13. It (be) his favourite expression. 14. I (be) very punctual. 15. The English language (have) an interesting history. 16. He often (have) headaches. 17. I (have) no interest in politics. 18. This ice-cream (be) as hard as rock. 19. English people often (have) roast beef for lunch on Sundays. 20. She (have) regular features.

поставить глаголы в скобках в правильную форму:

I am writing ...(to inquire) about your advertisement in the May edition of "Around The World" magazine. I am interested in ....(to visit) Italy and would be grateful if you could ...(to send) me further details.
Your advertisement states that the price includes a return flight from Borispol Airport. Will the flight ...(to leave) in the morning or in the evening? The advertisement also mentions that the price includes seven nights in a five-star accommodation. Will I...(to have) my own room or will I have ...(to share)? In addition, ...(to regard) the meals that the price includes, I'd like...(to know) if all meals are included in the full cost or if the price only includes breakfast. Finally, could you...(to tell) me whether the tour includes ...(to visit) Vatican and if there will be time to go ...(to shop)?
I look forward to...(to hear) from you. Thank you in advance for your help.

Раскройте скобочки,образуйте необходимую степень сравнения прилагательного:

1.She thinks this shop is (good) than in my town
2.These people are (polite) than in my town
3.Who is (old) student in the class?
4.Is Michael (intelligent) than Stephan?
5.What is the name of the (high) mountain in Europe?

Читайте также

Помогите пожалуйста за 80 баллов мне вставить глаголы в нужной форме по англ.яз. очень нужно....:***


Hi, I'm Sabrina.

(Searching/Having searched) for a student house, I found a room in a house five minutes away from the University. (Е-mailing/ Having e-mailed) the girl, who advertised it, I found out that her parents had bought the house for her to live in. I met her and we got on fine, so I decided that I'd take the room. The day we were signing the contract her parents were there (explaining/explained) that they were nice easy-going people. I was (pleasing / pleased) with what I saw and heard.

(Having read/Read) the contract, I realised that it ran till June. I didn't need the room till that late, so I explained that I'd like to move out in April. I was told this wasn't a problem, and it didn't matter what the contract said. So I happily signed, (thought/thinking) I'd been so lucky to have found a place with such great people.

It turned out it wasn't so great. The girl, whose parents bought the house, was very unfriendly, (leaving/having left) notes around the house and (complaining/having complained) about every little thing.

(Having had/Having) enough of that, I decided to move out early, but when the landlord heard this news, he wasn't sympathetic. The answer was, "I understand your situation, but you can't move out earlier." (Confused / Confusing), I said that he himself told me it would be fine to leave before, but he seemed to have forgotten about our conversation.

In the end it was my word against the landlord's. (Having paid /Paid) the rest of my rent, which was £700,1 moved out totally (disgusting/disgusted). The moral is: check your contracts, get everything (written /writing) down, don't be (impressing/impressed) by promises and smiles.

1) Выпишите предложения cодержащее глагол to be и to have.

2) Выпишите из текста существительное во множественном числе, образуйте от них форму единственного числа, 5 примеров.
3) Выпишите из текста местоимения.
4) Выпишите из текста предложения с оборотом there is,there are.
5) Выпишите из текста предложения с модальными глаголами.
6) Выпишите из текста предложения с притяжательным падежом существительного.
7) Выпишите из текста предложения с определённым и неопределённым артиклем.

A rich American went to Paris and bought a very strange picture painted by a fashionable modern artist. The American thought the picture was very fine because he had paid a lot of money for it. But when he came to his hotel and wanted to hang the picture up on the wall, he could not tell which was the top and which the bottom of the picture. The American turned the picture this way and that, but still could not decide which was the top and which was the bottom.So he thought of a plan. He hung the painting in the dining-room and invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, the American said nothing to him about the picture.When the artist began to eat his soup, he looked at the picture many times. When he began to eat his fish, he put on his glasses and looked at the picture again. Before he began to eat his fruit, he got up and walked over to the picture to look at it more closely. At last when they began to drink their coffee, he understood that the picture was upside down."Why, my friend", he said, "my picture is hung upside down".
"Oh, is it?" said the American. "Why didn't you tell me so at once?"
"Well, you see, I was not sure myself at first", said the artist.

Решите пожалуйста!))Расскройте скобки и подумайте ,где глагол в конструкции Complex ObJekt будет с частицей to , a где без нее?

1.I’d like him (to go) to the country, but I can’t make him (to go).
2.She noticed me (to cry)
3.Would you like me (to go)now?
4.We didn’t expert him( to be ) late for the show.
5.We watched the children (to play)in the garden.
6. The customs officer ordered us (to open)our bags.
7.I heard Marry (to say )something.
8. I want you ( to do)it for me.
9.Sam felt Susan (to touch) his hand.
10.What made you (to do) so?

V.​Составьте предложения, поставив глаголы в нужной форме:

1) (always/ early/ our manager/ arrive)?
2) (often/ we/ letters and faxes/ to/ send/ different firms).
3) (Kate/ finish/ early/ never/ her work).
4) (My boss/ meet/ seldom/ at his office/ customers).

VI.​Поставьте по одному общему вопросу к каждому предложению, используя
вспомогательные глаголы do или does:
1) Mr.Petrov lives in Moscow.
2) My sister's friend works at an office.
3) This secretary always does her work well.
4) These engineers often send letters to our firm.
5) We always type letters on the computer.
VII.​Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:
1) Our company is very 1 arge.
2) We've got offices in different cities.
3) Mr. Petrov meets customers every day.
4) Our managers usually come to the office at 9 in the morning.
5) We often stay in the office all day.

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