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10-11 класс

Task 1: Choose the right form of the verb.
1)Every day I ….. to school.
2)I can’t speak to you at the moment – I ….. the cat.
am feeding
3)I ….. the book and now I can watch TV.
am reading
have read
4)I can’t eat a sandwich as my hands are dirty – I …. the horses.
have been grooming
had been grooming
5)Moscow …. by millions of people every year.
is visited
were visited
6)This poem … by Alexander Pushkin.
were written
will be written
was written
7)My mother likes to travel … car.
8)My grandfather prefers travelling …. foot.
Task 2: Translate into English, using the infinitive.
Учить английский – очень трудно.
Мои планы на будущее – сдать успешно экзамены и получить аттестат.
Я решил продолжить изучение английского языка.
Мне некому помочь.
У меня нет словаря, которым я мог бы воспользоваться.
Я пришел сюда, чтобы увидеть тебя.
Много людей учат английский, чтобы общаться с иностранцами.
Task 3: Fill in the articles when necessary.
___Asia, ___Panama Canal, ___Urals, ___Lake Baikal, ___Smirnovs, ___Red Square, ___Trafalgar Square, ___Pacific Ocean, ___Sahara Desert, ___Alexander Pushkin,___ English language, ___Everest, ___USA, ___Russia, ___Russian Federation, ___Nile, ___Black Sea, ___Japanese Islands, ___France, ___Baikal.
Task 4: Write the sentences in reported speech.
1)My mother said: ”I will go to the cinema tomorrow”
2)My father said: “I have never been to London!”
3)I ask him: “Carrie, give me this book”
Task 5: What do you think about your future? Write some sentences.

Sharanda868 11 мая 2013 г., 3:06:13 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 мая 2013 г., 5:53:16 (11 лет назад)

номер 2 в googl переводчик


Другие вопросы из категории

1. ... were not telling the truth.

1. neither of them
2. either they
3. either of them
4. them

2. Would George be angry if I ... his computer without asking?
1. used
2. use
3. will use
4. had use

3. Would you mind ... the window?
1. close
2. closing
3. to close
4. closed

4. The film was very sad. It made me ...
1. crying
2. cry
3. to cry
4. cried

5. She says we ... by our colleagues at the aiport tomorrow morning.
1. wiil be met.
2. wiil be meeting
3. been met
4. had met

6. - I`m sorry about yesterday. I had a lot to do.
1. Yes, I think so.
2. Excuse me!
3. How do you spell it?
4. It`s all right. Andrew played instead.

7. Great Britian is a ...
1. federation
2. monarchy
3. republic
4. commonwealth


определить залог и временные формы глаголов ,указать инфинитив,перевод
1..The puplwood chips are cooked in chemical solution and then the fibers are separeted mechanicaly .
2..This plant will installa new press section.
3..The wet paper sheet is dewatered in the press section of the machine.

Читайте также

Помогите решить тест по грамматике) 1) "Who is that man?" I don't know. I ___ him before.

a) do not see b) have not seen c) did not seen

2) I've been to Australia, but I ___ to New Zealand.
a) haven't been b) didn't go c) didn't been

3) Andew was late for school yesterday. When he got to the classroom, the lesson.
a) started b) has started c) had started

4) "How long has Sarah been living in Germany?' ____ five years.
a) Since b) For c) Ago d) before


Simple. Put the verbs into the correct
the Past Perfect or Past Simple.
A) Past Perfect B) Past Simple
Jane (to wash) all the test-tubes
the experiment.2. She (to do) the cleaning by 6 o'clock yesterday.3. After the stewardesses (to serve) lunch to thepassengers, they (to calm) down.4. I (not to have) my watch, so I (not toknow) the exact time.
He (to feel) sick because he (to eat) too
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