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Помогите плиз срочно надо по англискому составить текст "на кого я похож" ну там у мамы серые глаза а у меня голубые у папы чёрные волосы а у меня

5-9 класс


маскаль 02 июня 2014 г., 15:14:12 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 июня 2014 г., 16:35:33 (10 лет назад)

напиши на джеймса бонда потому-что ты храбрый или что-то в этом роде о характере


Другие вопросы из категории

Complete the dialogue.Use the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.

Betty: Who is plaing the guitar? (play)
Ben: Duncan. He often_____ the guitar at the parties. (play) He can play the guitan very well.
Betty: What ____the gils_______? (do)
Ben: They _____an old English song. (sing) The gils perform in our School
Theatre. Look! Jim and An______.(dance) They are good dancers.
They ______in our School Dancing Club. (dance)
Betty: I see. And what do you do after classes?
Ben: I like photos. Do you like my photo?
Betty: It's great.

помогите составить пересказ: One day, Zarena was out searching for food. She was running through some high grass when she heard a noise. She stopped. ‘W

hat was that?’ she whispered to herself. Then she heard it again. Very carefully and quietly, Zarena went to investigate.Zarena soon discovered what was making the noise. It was Vantura, who was in serious trouble. There was an old rusty tin can stuck on her head.She couldn’t get it off, and was starting to panic. The noise Zarena had heard was a combination of Vantura shouting ‘Help!’ and her banging the can against the ground in attempt to remove it from her head. Zarena didn’t know what to do. ‘Vantura doesn’t know I’m here, so I could just leave quietly,’ she thought to herself.No, maybe I don’t like Vantura, but I still have to help her.’
Zarena went over to Vantura. ‘Vantura, it’s me – Zarena. Don’t worry, I’ll help you. Just keep still.’ Zarena tried to pull the can off Vantura’s head, but it wouldn’t move. ‘Oh dear,’ said Zarena. ‘It’s on very tight. I can’t pull it off. But don’t worry, Vantura, I won’t leave you. There must be a way to help you.’ нужно сегодня желательно на английском языке. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!


use the prefect or the present prefect continuous
1.I (to see) him this week
2.It (ti rain) since morning

ПОмогите пожалуйста


Your parents have a lot of work to do and they cannot manage all the housework themselves
1)What housework do your parents ask you to do?
Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Читайте также

Помогите плиз вот задание по англискому по 5 классу.make up the words translate them into russian 1. b.e.l.t.t.a.i.e.m. 2.j.t.e.c.p.o.r.

3.l.t.h.o.o.g.e.c.y.n. 4.u.i.t.a.e.r.r.t..e. 5.u.b.c.s.j.t.e. 6.i.n.f.m.o.o.t.a.i.n. Помогите срочно надо!!!


как составить рассказ по английскому: как мне добраться до чего либо -- например до почты

Составиь текст на английском языке , используя следующие слова:

To laugh
To be happy
To feel delighted
Famili reunion
Blond hair
To look lovely
Rose pin
Velvet dress
Signs of beauty
Shining blue eyes
Срочно надо. Помогите пожалуйста.

срочно надо сделать до завтра нужно сделать рассказ любая тема из

слов:active.friendly.hard-working.helpful.honest.lazy.outgoing.quiet.rimantic.shy.bored.happy.sad.serious.in a good/bad mood.tuesday saturday.wendnesday.thursday.sunday.friday.monday.acting.art.dancing.drawing.gardening.history.making models.musik.painting.playing chess.playing an instrument.science.singer.taking photos.watching films.bank.cafe.church.cinema.museum.newsagents.park.post office.railway station.restaurant.school.shopping centre.sports centre.theatre.art gallery.castle.clothes shop.club.department store.old building.palace.ski resort.ski slope.swimming pool плиз срочно надо не к завтрашнему срочно

помогите составить текст на англиском языке используя все эти слова:a journey(путешествие),flight(полет),ещ сфеср(успеть),to leave(покидать),to

arrive(прибывать),to miss(пропустить),to take(занемать время),to see off(провожать),to check in(регестрация),a ticket(белет),luggage(богаж)

если неполучится на англиском то хоть на русском составте.

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