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переведита Life is getting for us.There is a new boy next door. And he doesnt like animals.He likes scaring us! He puts rubbish in our

5-9 класс

garden.Father says that it is dangerous to live near the fence.

Dobro131 28 апр. 2013 г., 13:52:35 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 апр. 2013 г., 16:00:45 (11 лет назад)

Жизнь получается у нас

+ 0 -
28 апр. 2013 г., 17:01:02 (11 лет назад)

Жизнь добирается для нас. По соседству есть новый мальчик. И он doesnt как животные. Ему нравится пугать нас! Он помещает мусор в наш сад. Отец говорит, что опасно жить около забора. 



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нужно перевести эти вопросы :

what do you think is important when choosing a career?
do you think people work too hard nowadays?
how do you think the world of work is changing?
what do you think is would be like to work is changing?
what problems do people face when they are unemployed?


Сварить гречневую илм овсяную кашу?
А можно сосиськи с тушеной капустой? У нас осталась капуста?
Да, сейчас разогрею. А ты пока поставь чацник и завари свежий чай. У нас есть лимон и кусочек торта к чаю.
О, чудесно!
На обед приготовить курицу или рыбу?
Лучше рыбу.

Читайте также

переведите They have a boy of my age. Poor hedgehogs! We are already in our new house!It is smaller and less cosy then our old

house,but Bill cannot see us here . We are safe.But he is looking for us.He knows that we like yoghurt and appies.Yesterday he left an apple on the fence.My little brother came to the fence, and Bill pinched his nose and laughed.My poor brother cried.

за лучшее 12

Проверьте грамотность! 1. Is art important for us nowadays? In the modern society some people recognize

that art is very important. Others don’t think so.

On the one hand works of art make our life more interesting, more fascinating, because artists give feelings, emotions, experience with the help of their music, paintings, sculptures. Moreover art develops our spiritual life. Without art people become pour inside.

On the other hand I know some people saying art is useless and boring. They say it’s waste of time to go to the theatres, galleries and listen to symphonies. They prefer others kinds of activity. Moreover some people don’t understand impressionists, surrealists and others schools of art. They think such works of art affect the mind and the psyche of people.

To sum up there is no agreement about the role of art in our life.

Personally I think art is very important in our life. Each respectable person should know about famous composers, painters, architects, sculptors. And he should love and respect art.

2. Why is pollution a big problem for people now?

Nowadays the situation in our environment is very difficult and dangerous. A lot of wastes from factories, electric power stations, chemical industry, and heavy industry go into the air, soil and water.

The water in rivers has become polluted in many places. If people drink this water they can get ill and even die. Fish in such rivers become toxic and dangerous to eat. A lot of trees on the banks die.

On the other hand some people don’t think it’s a big problem. In fact, we can’t close all factories and prohibit using ships in the rivers. Moreover it’s impossible to look after all people pouring domestic waste into rivers.

In any case people must do everything possible to keep the rivers clean.

In my opinion it’s very important to save the water for ourselves and for next generations. We should be nature’s best friends and take care of it.

Проверти пожалуйста,правильна написала?)))))если есть ошибки исправляйте) Life is a mystery; it dodges at every corner but still there are some

moments which take us out of its worries, your birthday is a great source of happiness for all of us. Wish you a special birthday and thanks to keep us together. On your birthday today, most people will wish that you earn lots of money, but I wish you wealth. Most people will wish you fun times but I wish you healthy times. Most people will wish you delight but I wish you pure joy. Most people will wish you many friends, but I wish that we always stay together. Happy Birthday! Life is a journey and birthday is its beginning. As birthday comes every year, it provides an opportunity to start a life with a better passion. Wishing you great moments and a life full of fun specially on this Birthday. I wish you the happiest moments of life on your birthday. May you always enjoy your life. Wishing you fantastic people and friends like us on this Birthday.

Переведите! The Pot of Gold Ralph worked nights on a plan that promised him a well-paying job in Texas, but through no

fault of his own this promise was never realized. In the third year of his marriage with Laura, a firm that was almost identical in size and character with the firm Ralph worked for underwent a change of ownership, and Ralph was approached and asked if he would be interested in joining the overhauled firm. His own job promised only meager security after a series of slow promotions and he was glad of the chance to escape. He met the new owners, and their enthusiasm for him seemed intense. They were prepared to put him in charge of a department and pay him twice what he was getting then. The arrangement was to remain tacit for a month or two, until the new owners had secured their position, but they shook hands warmly and had a drink on the deal, and that night Ralph took Laura out to dinner at an expensive restaurant.
They decided to look for a larger apartment, to have a child, and to buy a secondhand car. They faced their good fortune with perfect calm, for it was what they had expected all along. The city seemed to them a generous place, where people were rewarded either by a sudden and deserved development like this or by the capricious bounty of lawsuits, eccentric and peripheral business ventures, unexpected legacies and other windfalls.
He was twenty-eight years old; poverty and youth were inseparable in his experience, and one was ending with the other. The life they were about to 'leave had not been hard, and he thought with sentiment of the soiled tablecloth in the Italian restaurant where they usually went for their celebrations, and the high spirits with which Laura on a wet night ran from the subway to the bus stop. But they were drawing away from all this. Shirt sales in department-store basements, lines at meat counters, weak drinks, the roses he brought her up from the subway in the spring, when roses were cheap - these were all unmistakably the souvenirs of the poor, and while they seemed to him good and gentle, he was glad that they would soon be memories.
The reorganization and Ralph's new position hung fire, but they talked about it freely when with friends. "All we need is patience," Laura would say. There were many delays and postponements, and they waited with the patience of people expecting justice. He decided to telephone his potential employers. Their secretary told him they were both out. This made him apprehensive. He called several times from the telephone booth in the lobby of the building he worked in and was told that they were busy, they were out, they were in conference with lawyers, or they were talking long-distance. This variety of excuses frightened him. He said nothing to Laura that evening and tried to call them the next day. Late in the afternoon, after many tries, one of them came to the phone. "We gave the job to somebody else, sonny," he said. Like a saddened father, he spoke to Ralph in a hoarse and gentle voice. "Don't try and get us on the telephone any more. We've got other things to do besides answer the telephone. This other fellow seemed better suited, sonny. That's all I can tell you, and don't try to get me on the telephone any more."

Помогите, буду благодарна. хоть чем то) Внутренний мониторинг по английскому языку (8 класс) 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the

Present Continuous. Interviewer: Today, I'm in London and I'm interviewing (interview) Josh Ellis. Josh 1 ….. (come) from Wales. What2 ….. (you do), Josh? Josh: Well, I'm a student. This term we 3 ….. (study) modern music. I 4 ..… (play) the guitar and saxophone quite well and I 5 ….. (learn) to play the trumpet. Interviewer: 6 ..… (you belong) to a band? Josh: Yes. There are five of us. We usually 7 ..… (practise) at the weekend. At the moment we 8 ..… (make) a recording of our own songs and we 9 ….. (organise) a tour to Germany and France. Interviewer: So life is busy for you? Josh: Well, yes. In fact, life 10 ….. (get) quite stressful right now because of college exams next week! 2 Write sentences. (he/like/play tennis?) Does he like playing tennis? 1 (he/prefer/swim) ….. 2 (I/not Like/eat/meat) ….. 3 (Matt/enjoy/dance?) ….. 4 (I/can't stand/be/indoors all day) ….. 5 (They/quite like/live/abroad) ..… 3 Complete the sentences with these words. after, back, on with, up, up to 1. I'm not sure when they'll get back home. 2. The boys are very quiet. I wonder what they're getting ….. . 3. He never gets ..… early in the morning. 4. She doesn't get ….. her brothers very well. 5. She always takes the dog for a walk when she gets ….. from school. 6. I like looking ….. my young nephew. 4 Complete the sentences with these verbs. do, have, go, make My grandfather lives in a cottage in the country. Every morning he has breakfast at eight o'clock, 1 ..… his bed and then 2 ..… the housework. He always 3 ….. his main meal at one o'clock. In the afternoon, he 4 ..… his shopping in the village. He 5 ….. swimming once a week. 5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous. We had (have) our end-of-year party Last Saturday in the big hall at college. In the afternoon, Pete and I 1 ..… (get) the hall ready. But while we 2 ..… (put) up the decorations, Pete 3…... (fall off) the ladder. Fortunately, he 4 ….. (not be) hurt. That evening, when I 5 ….. (arrive) at the party, the band 6 ..… (play) and some of the students 7 ..… (dance). We 8 ..… (want) to have a barbecue outside, but it … (rain) so we 10 ….. (eat) inside. 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Anna: I got (get) an email from my English penfriend, Julie, yesterday. Maria: That's nice. 1 ….. (you ever meet) her? Anna: No, but we 2 ….. (speak) on the phone. She 3 ..… (never visit) our country and I 4 ..… (never go) to England. Maria: My French penfriend 5 ..… (came) here last year and he 6 ….. (stay) with us for a month. I 7 ..… (not visit) him yet. His parents ….. (invite) me to stay with them next summer. Anna: That's great. 19 ….. (go) to France two years ago with my family and we 10 ….. (like) it very much. 7 Complete the sentences with a, an, the or no article. What time do you get up in the morning? 1. She can speak ….. Japanese. 2. I've forgotten my pen. Have you got ….. pen I can borrow, please? 3. I want to go to ..… new Leisure Centre next week. It's just opened. 4. We're not really interested in ….. sport. 5. He wants to be ..… film director. 6. Excuse me, waiter, can we have ….. bill, please? 7. Does he know a lot about ….. computers? 8. A: What are you doing at ..… weekend? В: I don't know. 9. A: Here's ..… phone number of his college. B: Thanks. I'll ring them now. 10. My niece wants ….. book about dogs for her birthday but I don't know which one to get her. 8 Complete the sentences with the correct words. There is one extra word. angry, energetic, excited, happy, sad, tired, worried She's worried, about her exams because she hasn't worked very hard this year. 1. Their parents get ….. when they come home late. 2. He's been jogging in the park and now he's really ….. . 3. She's ….. because her boyfriend hasn't phoned her. 4. I'm ..… because I've passed my driving test. 5. The children are going on holiday to America. They're very ….. because they've never been abroad.

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