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1. What monument were the friends going to see? 2. What is special about the size of the monument? 3. What is the exact height of the monument? 4. What's

5-9 класс

the monument made of? 5. When was it started and when was it finished? 6. Does the monument commemorate only great people in American history?

Arakelovavlada 12 июня 2014 г., 14:55:20 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 июня 2014 г., 17:39:49 (9 лет назад)

Какой памятник друзья ходили увидеть?

Что необычного в размере памятника?

Какая точная высота памятника?

Из чего сделан памятник?

Когда он был начат и закончен?

Памятник напоминает нам только великих людей в американской истории?

Вроде бы так)


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Look at the doss"s plans for this evening ahg say:What"s the boss going to do? Модель:write a repor adout Agent Cute -The boss is going to write a report

adout Agent Cute. 1 write a letter to Mun 2 have dinner with Sally 3 phone father 4walk the dog 5 read secret documents 6 go to bed at 9 0"clock Помогите:*)

Сделайте 8 вопросов к тексту. I'm going to talk about a phenomenon which happens very often in spring and summer and causes a lot of damage and even the

deaths of people and animals. This is flooding. We call it a flood when a very large amount of water covers an area that is usually dry.
I am going to use St Petersburg as an example of an area that gets regularly flooded. Floods in St Petersburg have a long history. Some of the floods were really disastrous. They not only destroyed buildings and streets but also killed and injured people.
When people started living on the Neva River in 1700, they didn't build houses — they just built light huts which could be easily put on rafts and tied to trees, so as not to be carried away by floods.
In 1715, there was a very big flood. If you look at the picture at the top you can see that some people used boats and others stayed on the roofs of their houses. All the city bridges and buildings on the banks of the river were destroyed by the flood. Many people drowned. Lots of cows, pigs and goats died.
The second picture illustrates the biggest flood the city has ever seen. It was in 1777 when the water was about 3.5 metres higher than its usual level. There were no streets and squares any more — just one big lake. The storm was severe. The following facts show the scale of the disaster: 2,000 trees were torn out and carried away. Just imagine a wooden house was moved to the opposite bank of the Neva River.
Since that time there have been big floods in the city every five years. So people started building firm constructions. They also decided to build a dam to protect the city from flooding.
To conclude I'd like to say that though floods can be severe and dangerous, people can learn how to tame them and survive.

что нужно вставить вместо пропусков? какие предлоги? 1)in 2) am 3)is 4)are I ....... going to visit Alice in the hospital.-Will

you go with me?

What ........ William going to do?-I don't know.

The students ...... going to arrange a concert for their parents

Why ......... John going to see a doctor?

We ......... going to take part in the project

1. The friends were responsible for the project,________ ?

2. Tomorrow the students will arrange the date and time,__________?
3. Jim didn`t take part in the project,________?
4. There were a lot of students in the hall,_______ ?
5. Mary is going to see the dentist,_______?
6. It was sunny and warm yesterday,________?

поже перевидите даю 86 баллов I am going to the village where my grandfather lives.I love him.Iam going to help to work in garden.At 9` clock next Sunday I

am going to the bas station and I`ll be in the village at 12 o`clock.I am going to see my friends at 3 o` clock. I am going to do my homework at 6 o` clock.At 9 in the evening I`m going to watch T.V.

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