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Решите и переведите

1-4 класс

Our new teacher ... English very well.
a)tells b)sreaks c)says

Darvin333 05 февр. 2015 г., 0:13:11 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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05 февр. 2015 г., 2:42:09 (9 лет назад)

Our new teacher ... English very well.
a)tells b)sreaks c)says


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Переведите предложение))))))))

Советуясь между собой мы решили что...

Переведи текст.

Katya: Come in Jim!
Jim: Oh, what a nice classroom! It's light and clean.And there are many plants .
Dima: Yes, we water them during the break.
Katya: We like our plants very much . Jim, look at these pictures!Do you like them? We drew them last year.
Jim : Yes! The pictures are very nice. I like drawing too!
Dima : Oh, and there is the new computer with a multimedua projector! Last year we watched films in our English and Literature lessons on video.
Katya: It will be better now blinds on the windows .There were no blinds before the summer. What a nice surprise!
Jim: There are many books on the bookshelves . Can I borrov some of them ? I enjoy reading.
Dima: Sure .You are welcome to them. There is a new computer classroom with the Internet in our school this year . You can use the computer during the break .
Jim : oh, great ! I just need to check my e-mail
Katya:OK. Let's go then!
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