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СОСТАВИТЬ К ЭТОМУ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ отрицательное предложение :They walked to school yesterday.

5-9 класс

Rtgwhrthtryh 04 нояб. 2013 г., 15:37:34 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 нояб. 2013 г., 17:43:14 (10 лет назад)

They didn't walk to school yesterday.


Другие вопросы из категории

Напишите текст Summer holidays
Вставьте в пропущенные места Present Perfect или Past Simple:

1) I...(you/go) on holidays last year? 2.Yes,I...(go) to Spain. 3)....(you/ever\be) there?4) I...(not/finish)my homework yet.5) We..(not/see) him since he...(leave) school.6) We...(go)to bed early last night because we...(be) tired. Kevin....(lose)his key. He...(leave)it on the bus yesterday.8) I...(not play) tennis since I...(be) at school.9) I think our teacher...(forget)about the test. He...(not say)anything about it in the last lesson.10) Sarah...(break) her leg. She...(fall) off a horse last week. 11. I...(finish) decorating my room


Помогите пожалуйста!!!!

IV. Make these sentences passive. Make the underlined words subjects of the passive sentences:
1. They offered me a cup of tea. 2. Students take examinations at the end of each term. 3. The waiter will serve you breakfast in five minutes. 4. We have just sent for the doctor. 5. The lights went out when they were serving the meal. 6. The police were following him until he got to the office. 7. They haven’t brought back my skates. 8. They are repairing the clock now. 9. He had interrupted me. 10. I will have read this book by 10 o’clock tomorrow.

Write 6 to 8 sentences about your usual holiday. use the table for ideas

Write 6 to 8 sentences about your usual holiday. use the table for areasWhere (abroad. camping. to the village. to the sea)What's the place like?(beautiful. exciting. boring. interesting. cold. warm)With who (alone. with my family. with my friends)Who do you there?(by train. by plane. by car. walk)Where do you stay? (at my granny's. at the hotel. at our friends. at the campsite)What do you do there? (swam. play. read. help. with the garden. visit interesting places. take pictures. meet old friends)

Читайте также

write sentences using the present simple and present continoys. образец : 0) I/usually/walk to school-go by bicycle I usually

walk to school but today/now I am going by bicycle.

1)she/usually/wear trainers-wear high heels

2)he/usually/watch TV-read a book

3)they/usually/wear blue shirts-wear green ones

4)we/usually/go swimming-have a picnic


Задать общие вопросы.Образец:Shi lived in Minsk.Did shi live in Minsk. 1)They walked to school..........to school???2)They talked about children.

........about children???3)The cat pushed the box. ............the box????4)They invited their friends. ............their friends?????5)They collected stamps.......stamps ????Помогите пожалуйста.После предложения стоят многоточия там надо задать вопросы.Заранее спасибо!!!!

Напишите вопросительную или отрицательную форму к предложениям:1)They brought to school many books.2)He took his umbrella........Вот образец:как то так

надо:Liza went to Britain last year,did not she? Did liza go to Britain last year? Did liza go britain or russia last year? Who went to britain last year?

Put the verbs in bracket into the correct tense

1)I.....(have) lunch while my mum....(wash)the dishes
2)......(You/finish)your homework yet?
4)Jeff.....(watch) A documentary on tv at 7 oclock yesterday evening
5)diane.....(buy) a new computer 2 months ago
6)I.....(tidy) my room when the lights suddenly...(go)off
8).........(She/walk)to school yesterday?
9)Mike.......(just/come) home from work

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