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Read Nina s story. Compare the city and yhe town. Change the sentences according to the model. Model^ The city is bigger than my town. - My yown is

5-9 класс

smaller than the city.

In summer i often visit my cousin. She lives in a big city. I live in a small town. The city is bigger than me town. Life in the city is more interesting than in my town. The city has dirtier streets than my town. The city is busier than my town. The city is more modern than my town. But I am always happy to come back home. East or west, home is best

Lika261263 19 авг. 2013 г., 18:35:39 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 авг. 2013 г., 20:40:10 (10 лет назад)

1. Life in my town is less interesting that in the city

2. My town has cleaner streets than the city

3. My town is calmier than the city

4. My town is less modern that the city



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Помогите придумать 10 предложений в Present Simple и Present Continuous используя слова

(слова можно использовать не все но желательно что бы они были во всех предложениях)

A)1)Don't rush ... conclusions.Everything can change soon.2)Doctors were rushed ... the plase of the accident.3)They rushed John ... the hunter's house.4)

Please don't rush ..., we still have something to discuss.5) I rushed ... my lunch.6) He rushed ... the concert hall but there was nobody there.7) Nick had to be rushed ... hospital when the snake bit him.8) The dog rushed ... him.

B)перевести на англ. 1)Большой гусь набросился на маленького мальчика.2)Не торопись с выводами.Он починит все сам.3)Маленький Джонни ворвался в комнату и закричал:''Мы выиграли!'' 4)Ученики бросились к двери, чтобы поприветствовать старого учителя.5)Нам нужно спешно отправиться на вокзал.

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Mke sentences comparing life in the city and country. the city is,the countryis.

noisier , cheaper,bigger,healthier,faster,dirtier,slower,unfriendlier. than the country, than the city

Помогите!!!D. Read the text and open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Perfect tenses.

It (to happen) two years ago. Martha (my sister) and I (to decide)to make a trip to Canada. We (to pack) our suitcases rather quickly. Martha (not to be fond of) ironing very much that time so, she (to be) very surprised that I (to iron) all her clothes beforehand. When we arrived in Toronto we suddenly (to understand) that we (to leave) the address of our hotel on the table at home. Martha (to be) in panic of course I (to try) to pull myself together. We (to start) searching for our hotel. It (to turn) out that they have six hotels with the same name located in different parts of the city. We (to take) a taxi and (to go) around the city. As I (to know) the city well we (to find) our hotel soon. Surprisingly, the driver who (to give) us a drive round the city (to offer) me to work as a tour guide for those who (to come) from Paris. I (to agree), moreover, I (to have) an experience in Morocco. I (to be) in charge of different tours around the city and fortunately I never (to deal) with complaints. Our trip (to be) fascinating and we (to be) glad that we (to forget) our hotel’s address at home.

E. Supply the suitable form of past tenses.
1) It (to rain) heavily so, we (to decide) not to go hiking but to invite friends to our house and cook dinner together.2) I (to refer) to John when I told the meeting about our current problem. 3) No, I (to go) to Italy two years ago. 4) When I last went to Italy, a team of scientists (to examine) the falling tower of Pisa. 5) What you (to do) when I phoned yesterday? 6) By the time we got to the cinema the film (to start), so we missed the first five minutes. 7) I spent a week in Miami recently. I (not to be) there before.8) She told me she (to attend) a lot of meetings in Prague.

Проверьте , пожалуйста, текст. Все ли верно? Заранее спасибо. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, and one of the cities of the country most

visited by tourists. Travelers are attracted here by sights of Edinburgh which in the city there is a lot of. I offer you will examine the most popular of these surprising places.

Heart of the city is the legendary Edinburgh Castle, the main stronghold of Scotland. The lock it is proud towers over the city, and it is necessary to notice it. Surely visit here, and then you will be able safely to claim that visited the heart of Scotland.

The lock of Edinburgh second for popularity is Holirudkhaus. From it the well-known road under the name the Royal mile connecting Holyrood to the Edinburgh Castle conducts. Round the basis in this place of abbey and construction of the lock the set of legends goes, but the true reason remains hidden. The Holyrood in translation from local language means the Sacred Cross.

Zoo of Edinburgh was it is open in 1913, it is located in only several minutes of walking from the city center. It is one of the best and best-known zoos of the world therefore don't miss the chance and visit here.

One of the most beautiful streets not only Scotland, but also the world, is the Royal mile about which I mentioned above. It connects among themselves the palace Holirudkhaus and the Edinburgh palace. Exactly here the greatest congestion of tourists, a set of gift shops, small restaurants and cafe is observed. Well and the number of beautiful buildings of different centuries here at all doesn't give in to calculation. If you in Edinburgh in transit, surely walk on this street and feel the city atmosphere.

All the towns were 1)_____ in the 1970s and many 2)_______ fre now museums.

Suzdal is part of the Golden Ring. Suzdal was 3)______ in the eleventh century. It was 4)_______ important religious centre in old Russia. There was a period an ancienht times when the town had forty churches for four hundred families. 5)______ Suzdal Kremlin 6)_______ wonderful museums. Its beautiful cathedrals were 7)_______ by Russian masters. In Suzdal you can see the monument to Dmitry Pozharsky, the monument was 8)_______ by Z. Azgur, 9)_______ Belorussian sculptor.
Thousands of tourists come to see the city and its wonderful 10)__________ and admire the 11)______ of its museums
1)a) built b) restored с) designed
2)a) things b) monuments c) buildings
3)a) invented b) founded с) made
4)a) the b) an c) -
5)a) the b) a c) an
6)а) houses b) collects c) prepares
7)a) founded b) invented c) decorated
8)a) designed b) founded c) housed
9)a) the b) a c) -
10)a) paintings b) cathedrals and churches c) masters
11)a) books b) manuscripts c) masterpieces

Write the past forms of the verbs in brackets. Bobby (to run) ____ along the streets of the city and at last he (to find) ____ his master/ the man (to be)

____ poor and ill. Bobby (to stay) ____ with his friend. He often (to go) ____ with his master to a cafe and Mr.Trail always (to have) ____ some food for the little dog. The dog (to come) ____ to the cafe five or six times. He (to take) ____ the food and (to run) ___ away.

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