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Как переводится слово 'landowner'

5-9 класс

Sheshenin2014 09 июля 2014 г., 10:43:17 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 июля 2014 г., 12:15:01 (9 лет назад)

землевладелец он самый, еще помещик, но землевладелец вероятнее


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This company has been selling perfumes, soap, shampoo and skin-care products for men and women since 1976. There are 300 shops worldwide and 130 shops in

the UK. They have been using only natural ingredients as far as possible, since their first shop was opened. They care about the envivonment. The Body Shop advertises itself throungh its philosophy, which is concernad about pollution and the envirvonment. They have been reusing and recycling containers and bottles for all these years. Each shop has a refill section.All the shops have a strong simple desing, they are dark green, have wide open doors and a feeling of space and colour. They have all been carrying the distinctive yellow and green Body Shop logo for about 30 years. все это перевести

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