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помогите.. словообразование 1.Some adults think that teenagers spend too much time on their computers,Ipods and other gadgets. However,i thimk that the

5-9 класс

opinion that computers are evil is (FAIR).2. the computer is the reality of our new world and it is silly to (APPROVE) of children using it.3.We simply can not do without computers-we need for (EDUCATION) purpose and they help us in touch with freinds.4.Sometimes we use for (ENTERAIN).5.playing games is not a waste of time either-while playing we become more (SKILL) on the computer.6.This just my (PERSON) opinion but lots of my freinds share it.

Saadat01 01 мая 2015 г., 16:29:17 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 мая 2015 г., 17:01:51 (9 лет назад)

unfair, disapprove, educational, entertainment, skillful, personal


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помогите срочно надо!!!
переведите ПЛИЗ!!!!!!!!!! They enjoyed their picnic anddecaided to come back home.Suddenly they saw two big back animals running towards

them.The boys did not know what to do.Joshua started shouting at the animals. The animals were not frightened at all and the boy climbed up a big tree.

Переведите пожалуйста( корректно)So finish degree lots of money to banks for various debts you your wing you've built up during your time at university.

You already have chains around your ankles. You're firmly locked into society. You're on the conveyor belt and it's very hard to get yourself off You find a job, a girlfriend whom you might eventually marry, you buy a house together and start paying off your mortgage. You decide to have children and put them on the conveyor belt the same way you yourself were put on. You earn more money and retire, grow old, and finally put yourself into an expensive residential care home. Well done. You did it. You did exactly what this society asked of you. went to college until I ighteen. I passed A-levels, then my ent w surfing around the world what they call year". I really don't like the on a gap word "gap". When I looked in the dictionary for the word "gap", I found "Gap: A break in continuity, interruption.' allowed The society doesn't recognize this year as being important. You are to do it in fact you are told that future employers love it because it means you have done something interesting, shown your independence, and have something original to talk about in your job interviews. But once the year is gap over, you must start serious work earning money and making plans for the future. We love plans in the UK, because plans are security, and we adore security. The funny thing is, I don't believe security can come from a big house and a fast car or a degree. All these things create an illusion that you are secure. Security, in my opinion, comes from within oneself I'm on my fourth "gap year and I'm happy, truly happy. Every now summer I work as a beach lifeguard in Cornwall, the county which is a long peninsula in the southwest of England and where thousands of people go for their summer holidays. I don't earn a fortune but my life is rich. I wake up every morning and see the ocean. I surf every day if there are waves. can Surfing is the one thing in my life that truly makes me happy. If I couldn't surf, then, I think, I'd dry up and rot. Surfing means everything to me and nothing will ever remove me from the ocean. I save what little I earn in the summer which enables me to spend each winter in the sun with my surfboard Australia, Sri Lanka, Thailand.. maybe South Africa or South America next year so that's what am going to do I've realized that surfing makes me happy, so that's what I am going to do. I'll base my life around it in every possible way. I'll do any job and live anywhere, as long as I have the ocean on my doorstep. Many of my friends went to college and university and now live in the city and do the usual nine-to-five things along with everyone else. I spent a short time living in the city last year and I couldn't believe what I saw. People seemed so lifeless on the Underground in the morning. Nobody seemed happy or friendly. It was the land of the living dead. I truly believe that lots of people know what makes them happy but they choose to ignore it because it gets in the way of what they are really supposed to do: namely, work and earn lots of money. Life should be an adventure and if you're on that conveyor belt, it will not happen. Whatever happened to adventure? I don't want to get to the end of my life and think: "What if?" I often asked what my plans are. I also get asked where I see myself get going and what I want to do with my life. "When," they ask, "are you going to get a proper job?" They forget that I be the person who saves their child's may life on a beach one summer. Isn't that "proper" enough? I want to do exactly what I'm doing right now. Sure I'd like a little house and maybe bring a baby into the world, but I refuse to believe that the only way of doing that is by following the system. I don't want to see the world in the movies and read about it in books. I want to see it myself, smell it, hear it and feel it. I refuse to follow other people's footsteps

Читайте также

This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

…Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks
that I spend too much time hanging around with my friends. Do you often
meet your friends?

What do you usually do together? And what do you do when you disagree with your parents about how you spend your free time?

Write back soon.



Помогите плз ответ написать (100-140 слов)
(желательно соблюдая правила письма)

There are two opinions about building up weapons. Some politicians think that there are too many weapons on our planet. They say the nuclear

weapons that different countries have are enough to destroy all life on Earth ten times over. The progress in science and technology makes people invent even more destructive types of weapons and this vicious circle has to be broken.

Others contradict them and say that powerful modern weapons guatantee peace and stability in the world as they cool of aggressive countries and groups of people and make them think twice before starting a military conflict. Which of these points of view would you support? Give your arguments.

Задача, состоит в том, привести аргументы "за" и "против" оружия.

Заранее огромное спасибо!

There are two opinions about building up weapons. Some politicians think that there •re too many weapons on our planet. They say the nuclear

weapons that different countries have are enough to destroy all life on Earth ten times over. The progress in science and tech­nology makes people invent even more destructive types of weapons and this vicious circle has to be broken.

Прочитай отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы.

My parents are busy and my mum always asks me to help her about the house. I have to set the table and put the plates into the dishwasher clean my room and the sitting room also have to take our dog for a walk in the morning l think l spend too much time on my home duties what do you have to do at home? Do you share your home duties with your brother or sister? What do you do after school? Write back soon.
With best wishes.
Срочно! Если возможно, напищите текст с переводом)))

ПОмогите срочно!!!ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ!! -

Interviewer: I know you have been learning English for almost five years and you are planning to become an interpreter. What do you feel about learning grammar? Do you think your teacher spends too much or too little time on it?
Int. So grammar is important, but not too much of it. But should it be taught in
Int. With vocabulary — is it better to learn a few words at a time and practice them, rather than a lot of words by heart?
Int. One of the problems for learners of English is phrasal verbs — to get on, to get along with and so on, and, of course, idioms. Is it a problem for you? Have you
learnt enough idioms to cope with?
Int. So, make sure the idioms you learnt are up-to-date. Now, how about pronunciation?A lot of students find that hard.вы-,,,,,,
Int. What advice would you give to people who are just beginning to learn

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