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Составить вопросы к тексту I will never forget my first visit to the theatre. My mother took me to the Bolshoi theatre to see "The Sleeping Beau

5-9 класс

ty". We took the underground there, as the Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theatre we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programmes in their hands . My mother bought one for us. Then she lad the way to our seats. They where not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could here beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause. My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera at a later date

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DemidovGeorge 18 февр. 2015 г., 8:10:01 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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18 февр. 2015 г., 9:52:09 (9 лет назад)

1. What have you never forget? 2. who did give you to see 'the sleeping Beauty?3. Where is Bolshoi theatre ? 4. When you arrived the theatre , what did first you see? 5. Did some people have programmers in their hands? 6. How was your seats? 7. Did your seats were expensive? 8. What did you hear? 9. What did you see? 10. Do you like ballet? 11. What about your mother's impress?


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I am from Russia in North Eurasia. Moscow is the capital city. I live in Tyumen. Russia is a great country with lots to see. In the south, there's a sea, in the north of the snow and ice. Tourists come to Russia to visit Like Baikal, Moscow's Red Square, the Hermitage, the Big Theater, the Tretyakov Gallery.
Russia is wonderful place to live but also to visit.

ПОМОГИТЕ! Надо сделать сочинение на тему " Почему колючка-символ Шотландии."

Сразу говорю, я знаю почему, но переводить в переводчике опасно.
Нужен краткий текст на английском языке (правильный текст). ПОМОГИТЕ,

перевести стих Т.Г.Шевченка с укр.на англ ,оч срочно

Червоний місяць аж горить,
З-за хмари тихо виступає.

Перевод на английский!

Розовый жакет,синий свитер,оранжевый шарф,оранжевая шапка,зелёная кепка,красный шарф,зелёные перчатки,оранжевые носки,желтый шарф,фиолетовые носки,розовые перчатки,зелёный жакет,синяя шапка,зелёные брюки,розовое платье,оранжевые носки,оранжевая кофта.
Помогите!!!! дам 35 б

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I will never forget my first visit to the theatre. My mother took me to the Bolshoi theatre to see "The Sleeping Beauty". We took the underground

there, as the Bolshoi Theatre is in the centre of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theatre we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programmes in their hands . My mother bought one for us. Then she lad the way to our seats. They where not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could here beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause. My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera at a later date

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CONTINUOUS) ТЕКСТ: Peter goes shopping every day. He buys fruit and vegetables. He likes oranges and tomatoes. At lunch-time he goes home to have lunch. He has a pet dog. It's brown. Its name is Rover. In the evening Peter likes to watch videos. He goes to bed at 11. He is now reading a newspaper and listening to the radio. Peter's favourite sport is tennis. His hobby is music. ВОПРОСЫ ДОЛЖНЫ НАЧИНАТЬСЯ НА ЭТИ СЛОВА: 1) Who 2) What... 3) Does... 4) When... 5) What... 6) What colour... 7) What... 8) When... 9) Who... 10) What...

Закончите предложения. Сделайте их верными. 1)When I meet my friends , we usually talk about ... 2) I never forget to thank me parents for ... 3) I've

been thinking of ... for a rather long time . 4) I've never dreamt of ... in my life . 5) My ... often complains of ... 6) Once I tried to stop my friend from ... 7) I don't often complain of ... 8) Nobody can keep me from ... 9) I will never forget how once I had to apologize for ... 10) Only ... can keep me from ...

По правилу : во многих случаях в англиском языке после глагола с предлогом или глагольного оборота с предлогом употребляются "ing-forms" . Например : I am tired of telling you this again and again.

I. Choose the correct item (2)l.By the time we get to the theatre the film will start/will have started/is going to start- 2. Experts say machinesthat

will do most chores around the house will soon become/overcome/exist part of our life. 3. You don't need toworry about Maria. She's foo old/enough old/old enough to stay home by herself. 4.Susan hod never tried/hasnever tried/hod never been trying skydiving before, and she was very excited about her first dive 5. Hurry up! Theparade starts/is starting/will start in an hour and you are still getting ready. 6. Tom must/con't/may be playingfootball at the stadium. I saw him at the supermarket 10 minutes ago. 7. Don has done all his household chores solet him to go/going/go to the cinema with his friends. 8. The child said he had spotted/glanced/looked a strangecreature in the sky, with the head of eagle and the body of a lion. 9. Tomorrow at this time i will help/will havehelped/will be helping my parents with the gardening. 10. He doesn't forget meet/to meet/meeting her in thecorner of the park. 11. Jane's new house is very spacious/local/crowded, nothing like her old one-bedroomapartment. 12. Since (if) you saw Jake broke/breok/to break the vase, why didn't you say anything? 13. Can youimagine having/to hove/have a household robot at home? 14. You don't need to make out/ up /of an excuse forbeing late; just tell your teacher the truth. IS. Are you pleased of/with/about the decorat.ons we have chosen?16. Emma'can speak Spanish too well/enough well/well enough to have a simple conversation.

ЗАДАЙТЕ 5 ВОПРОСОВ К ТЕКСТУ Three men came to New York. They arrived at a very large hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth

floor. In the evening the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late. "I am very sorry," said the clerk of the hotel, "but our lifts aren't working tonight. If you don't want to walk upstairs to your room we will make beds for you in the hall." "No, no," said one of the three men. "No, thank you. We don't want to sleep in the hall. We will walk up to our room." Then he told his two friends, "It won't be easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor, but I think I know how to make it easier. On our way to the room I will tell you some jokes. Andy willjsing us some songs. Then Peter will tell us some interesting stories." So they began to walk upstairs to their room. Tom told them many jokes, Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty-fourth floor. They were tired and decided to have a rest. "Well," said Tom, "now it is your turn, Peter." "I will tell you a sad story," said Peter. "We have left the key to our room in the hall."

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