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помогите сделать неправильные глаголы и правильные глаголы.

1-4 класс

со словами:to meet,to laugh,to study, leave,to join,to sing,to count,to work,to get(on witf smb),to be(over)

Turezhan0207 24 июля 2013 г., 13:22:33 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 июля 2013 г., 15:35:24 (10 лет назад)

to meet – met - неправильный

+ 0 -
24 июля 2013 г., 17:32:30 (10 лет назад)


+ 0 -
24 июля 2013 г., 20:27:43 (10 лет назад)

предложения составить?

+ 0 -
24 июля 2013 г., 22:33:51 (10 лет назад)

там написынно these verbs make past indeinite in defferent ways. can you write them into two groups

+ 0 -
25 июля 2013 г., 1:11:39 (10 лет назад)

а сразу это написать нельзя было?

+ 0 -
25 июля 2013 г., 1:57:19 (10 лет назад)

ну сори


Другие вопросы из категории

разгадать анаграммы из букв состоящих в алфавитном порядке: ceilnp, bellorstyu

P.S предыдущий вопрос был не корректно задан сорри

Переведите рассказ плиз на русский язык прошу умоляю!Буду очень-очень благадарна!

Dear larry and lulu. hope you're having a good time in australia!We're in italy now and having a great holiday!Rome is wonderful - tomorrow we're going to visit the Colosseum,then on Tuesday we're doing to travel to Venice.We can't wait!
lt will be very hot today. Dad and l are going to swim in the pool in a while. After rhat we' re going to have lunch in a really nice restaurant close to the hotel. This evening we' re going to have a walk around the city and Dad is goig to take some photos.There' s so much to see and do here! Anyway,that''' s all for now, Take care and be good...we miss you!

Читайте также

помогите вставить неправильные глаголы прошедшего времени. yesterday I ....at the party. The party.....its theme.It ..... Teddy Bear Party. I.... it very

much. My friend's mother.... a big cake in a form of bear. We..... bear mask, party hats, posters. My friends and I..... the room with pictures and toys. We... games and..... each other presents. We also.....the songs and dances. ( made, decorated, played, liked, was, celebrated, had, gave, enjoyed.)

Найди в рассказе об Анином выходном глаголов-дракош в плащах.

Правильные глаголы: Без плаща, в плаще.
Неправильные глаголы: Без плаща, в плаще.

Ann and I had a very nice day yesterday. It was Sunday and her Mum and Dad were at home. She got up late, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She went to the kitchen and helped her mother cook breakfast. They had breakfast together. The day started as usual, but then Ann's father had an idea. He said, "We must go for a walk." "But I wanted to buy new clothes," the mother said. "And I wanted to ride on the London Eye," Ann said. "We can go to the city centre and do all these things," said the father. And they went to the city centre and bought new clothes for Mum and Ann. After that they rode on the London Eye and walked in the park.
At 2 p.m. Ann said, "I'm hungry." "I know a very interesting cafe," I said to Ann. "But you must close your eyes. Don't look. It's a surprise." Ann and her parents closed their eyes and went into the cafe. They heard the sounds of water and rain, a monkey cried, a lion roared. They opened their eyes - they were in the rainforest. They saw green trees and funny toy animals. It was winter in the street, but in that cafe it was summer. The food was interesting too. They had Rainforest Soup, a Flying Dragon pizza and a sweet chocolate Volcano. I had a piece of Ann's pizza. I don't like sweet things.
Ann really liked the cafe and her father bought her a small toy elephant in the souvenir shop.

поставьте глаголы в правильную форму:

1.Christie is ( be ) the head of a school explorers club .
2.Last month she ( visit ) the international meeting for young explorers in London .
3.She ( be ) responsible for the presentation by her local club .
4.There ( be ) a lot of children from different countries there .
5.They ( get ) an invitayion to take she ( tell ) her schoolmates about a new Internet project .
6.Tomorrow , Chtistie and her friends ( begin ) to build the website " The Internstional Explorers Club"

помогите пожалуйста . поставьте глаголы в скобачках в правельные глаголы

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