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10 предложений на Present Simpe

5-9 класс

Vica9981 19 июля 2014 г., 8:25:28 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 июля 2014 г., 10:43:27 (9 лет назад)

1.Mary gets up at seven o"clock every day. 2.I usually tidy my room on Saturday.  3.They work in the office. 4.Мy brother does not go to school. Нe is ill. 5.Does  Mike like ice-cream? Yes, he does. 6. I never drink milk. 7. Sometimes we go to  the cinema. 8  My sister goes to dance. 9. I read  books  every evening. 10 My cat sleeps all day. 


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Вставьте артикль a,аn или другой

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2. Open the brackets. Use the proper tense form.

41) Every summer they (to go) to the country to see their parents.
42) Last month he (to celebrate) his sixty-fifth anniversary.
43) When you (to be) in Rome? – Two years ago.
44) Why you (not to go) to the cinema with us yesterday? – I (to be) very busy. I (to have) much work to do.
45) She (to know) English? – When she (to study) at school she (to be) good at it. But now she (not to remember) a single word.
46) It (to rain) yesterday? – It (to be) rainy and cold yesterday.
47) Why you (to be ready) only in an hour?
48) The day before yesterday he (to have) an important appointment.
49) I (to phone) you before I (to leave) next Sunday.
50) She (to be) twenty the day after tomorrow.
51) It (to snow) tomorrow? – I (to be) sure, the weather (to be) fine tomorrow.
52) If you (to help) her, she (to finish) her work in an hour.
53) They'll contact us as soon as the delegation (to arrive).
54) When Father (to come) we (to have) supper. – When it (to be)? – In half an hour. He always (to come) home at 6.
55) If you (not to come) at 8 I won't wait.
56) Don't worry. He (to phone) you as soon as he (to come) back.
57) When I returned home it (to be) midnight.
58) When I return home today it (to be) midnight.
59) You always (to return) home at midnight? – Sometimes, but very seldom.
60) My aunt (to come) to see us tomorrow. – She (to come) to see you every year?
61) Please, send me a telegram when you (to get) to London.
62) If I (not to be busy) tomorrow I (to join) you.
63) She (to leave) next Monday. – When the train (to leave)? – At 3.15.
64) You (to be) rude to that woman just now.
65) If you (not to know) the word in English, ask your teacher.
66) She (not to be) here next week. She (to be) abroad.
67) When he (to go) to Finland? – About six years ago.
68) When you (to have) breakfast yesterday? – It (to be) 7 o'clock.
69) We (to go) to the country unless it (to rain) tomorrow.
70) What time your classes usually (to begin)? – At 8 o'clock.
71) I wonder if he (to be) a student.
72) The other day she (to get) a letter from her cousin.
73) His train (to leave) at 9. He'll call a taxi as soon as he (to pack) his things.
74) She (to be married)? – Yes, she (to have) a family of her own. She (to get married) last year.
75) Robert often (to miss) his classes. I think he (to fail) his exams next month.
76) He said that he (to like) to receive letters from his friends.
77) I'm sure it (not to rain) tomorrow.
78) Where you (to spend) last weekend? – At home. The weather (to be) cold.
79) Who (to take) your children to school, as a rule?
80) She (to go) for a walk if she (to have) some free time tonight.

Читайте также

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и 10 предложений на past simple
соответствующему на возраст ( мне скоро 16)
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заранее благодарю!)

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Составьте 10 предложений на Present Continuous,5 предложений на Present Simple,5 предложений на Present Perfect

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