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раскройте скобки употребив правильную глагольную форму

5-9 класс

Elephants can (1 — be) a danger to themselves. In one game park they (2 — grow) in number so fast that soon there (3 — be) too many of them. They (4 — destroy) everything as they (5 — look) for food and drink. Very soon they (6 — start) to ruin the countryside (7 — belong) to farmers outside the park.

Svetarealty 04 авг. 2014 г., 19:24:48 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 авг. 2014 г., 20:22:26 (9 лет назад)

1) be
2) were growing
3) were
4) destroyed
5) were looking
6) started
7) belonged


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Переведите на английский язык Дэши долго стоял под дверью,но набравшись смелости он постучал в дверь.И вот вышла она он очень растерялся и покраснел.

Протянув письмо,она открыла его,но письмо было на непонятном ей языке.Дэши перестал смущаться и сказал ей давай я помогу тебе,после этого случая они сдружились,и часто проводили время вместе.

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Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Isaac Newton so much (1 — interest) in
different problems that he (2 — become) quite absent-minded. One day a
gentleman (3 — come) to see him, but he (4 — tell) that Sir Isaac Newton
(5 — be) busy in his study and that nobody (6 — allow) to disturb him.
As it (7 — be) dinner time, the visitor
(8 — sit) down in the dinning room (9 — wait) for the scientist. The
servant (10 — come) in and (11 — place) on the table a (12 — boil)
chicken under a cover. An hour (13 — pass) but Newton not (14 — appear).
The gentleman (15 — feel) hungry, (16 — eat) the chicken, and (17 —
cover) up the skeleton. He (18 — ask) the servant to prepare another one
for his master.
Before the second chicken (19 — cook),
however, the scientist (20 — enter) the room and (21 — apologize) for
his delay. Then he (22 - add), "As I (23 - feel) rather tired and
hungry, I (24 -hope) you (25 — excuse) me a little longer, while I (26 —
take) my dinner, and then I (27 — be) at your service." With these
words he (28 — lift) the cover, and without emotion (29 — turn) round to
the gentleman and (3*0 — say), "See how strange scientists (31 — be). 1
quite (32 — forget) that I (33 — dine) already."
At this moment the servant (34 — bring)
in the other chicken. The visitor (35 — explain) how matters (36 —
stand). After he (37 — laugh) heartily, the hungry scientist (38 — sit)
down and (39 — eat) his dinner.

Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

IThe next day we (27 — come) to the farmyard by 7. That day we (28 — be)
lucky. We (29 — send) to pick strawberries. Some of the others who (30 — pick) strawberries before (31 — tell) us what to do. We (32 — start) working. After I (33 — work) for five minutes I (34 – get) a backache, but I (35 – keep) on (36 – work). We (37 – work)
hard till twelve when we (38 — have) an hour off for lunch. By that
time I (39 — pick) thirteen boxes and my friend (40 — do) fourteen.

1.Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в одном из следующих времен Active: Present, Past, Future Indefinite; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past

Perfect. 1.You ( to go) to the library tomorrow?-No, I already (to be) to the library this week. I ( to be) there on Monday. As a rule, I ( to go) to the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I ( not to go) there, because I ( not to read) the book. I ( to read) it now. I ( to go) to the library on Saturday if I ( to finish) the book by that time. 2.As soon as I ( to receive) a letter, I shall go to Moscow. 3.Yesterday I ( to put) five apples into the vase. Where they ( to be ) now?-I ( to eat) them. You ( to bring) some more tomorrow?- Yes, if you ( not to make) noise when granny (to sleep). 4.You ever (to be) to the Hermitage? 5.What Nick ( to do) when you (to ring) him up yesterday7?-He ( to play) the piano. He ( to tell) me that he already ( to write) his composition. 6.Why she ( to sleep) now? It ( to be) too early. She never ( to sleep) at this time

2.Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в одном из времен: Present, Past, Future Indefinite Passive.
1.Bread ( to eat) every day.
2.The letter ( to receive) yesterday.
3.Nick ( to send) to Moscow next week.
4.I ( to ask) at the lesson yesterday.
5.I ( to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.
6.Many houses ( to build) in our town every year.
7.This work ( to do) tomorrow.
8.This text ( to translate) at the last lesson.
9.These trees (to plant) last autumn.
10.Many interesting games ( to play) at our PT lessons.
11.This bone ( to give) to my dog tomorrow.
12. We ( to invite) to a concert last Sunday.
13.My question ( to answer) yesterday.
14.Hockey ( to play) in winter.
15.Mushrooms ( to gather) in autumn.
16.Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.
17.His new book ( to finish) next year.
18.Flowers ( to sell) in shops and in streets.
19.St.Petersburg ( to found) in 1703.

раскройте скобки, употребив необходимую глагольную форму.

1. when she (finish) speaking, I (go up) to her (ask) her a few questions.
2. she (be) kind enough to answer my questions, and I (find out) that the church (be designed and built) at turn of the 15 th century by an unknown architect.
3. we'll leave the house as soon as this horrible hurricane (stop).
4. the discussion won't take long if everybody (speak) to the point.
5. the table (be made) of expensive wood.


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глагол в правильной видо-временной
форме. Глагольную

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