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помогите срочно пожалуйста!Надо сделать отрицательные предложения на англ. языке. 1. They must sit. 2. He sleeps well. 3. We often draw. 4. They have

1-4 класс

got a hen. 5. I am big. 6. Mum has got a son. 7. Students are clever. 8. A dog may run. 9. The parrot is funny. 10. Pupils can read.помогите срочно пожалуйста!

Леонидовна 18 апр. 2013 г., 18:20:05 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 19:46:58 (11 лет назад)

1. They must not sit.

+ 0 -
18 апр. 2013 г., 20:38:31 (11 лет назад)

1)They don't have to sit
2)he doesn't sleep well
3)we never draw
4)they haven't got a hen
5)I'm not big
6)mum hasn't got a son
7)students aren't clever
8)a dog may not run
9)the parrot isn't funny
10)pupils can't read


Другие вопросы из категории

Amelia Bedelia looked in all the stores. She cam to a dress shop. It had HELP WANTED sign in the window. Amelia Bedelia went into the store. "What kind

of help is wanted? " she asked. "Sewing help", said the lady. "Can you sew? " "Yes", said Amelia Bedelia. "I am very handy with a needle". "Then come with me", said the lady. She took Amelia Bedelia into a back room. "Please shorten these dresses. They are already marked", said the lady. "All right", said Amelia Bedelia. The lady left her. "I don't need to sew to do this", said Amelia Bedelia. She took the scissors and shortened those dresses. Amelia Bedelia went back to the front of the store. "I'm finished", she said. "What is next? " "Finished! " said the lady. "How could you be? "

используйте глаголы в скобках в форме present continuous или present simple .............. [you to see] that man over there which man the man in the brown

jacket no l ................. [to taik] about the man who ............. [to wear] the blue shirt. oh that man .......... [you to know] him no l ............[not to think] so. I............ [to know not ] him either.

Напиши,кому принадлежат эти вещи,и переведи.

Образец: tea set(Mum)- Mum"s tea set-мамин чайный сервиз/сервиз мамы
1. train(Larry)______________________________________________________
2. rocking horse (Lulu)_______________________________________________
3. teddy bear (Betsy)________________________________________________
4. toy soldier (William)_______________________________________________
5. ballerina(Rose)___________________________________________________
6. jeans(my big brother)______________________________________________
7.school bag (my little sister)__________________________________________
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смотри фото пожалуйста !1!

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