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Write where your things are.Use all the prepositions you have had. My books are... My pen is...

5-9 класс

Aetpberezinaa 24 авг. 2013 г., 21:26:30 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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24 авг. 2013 г., 22:13:45 (10 лет назад)

Написать где ваши вещи .Все предлоги вы имели. Мои книги ... Мой перо ..         это перевод


Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите диалог. Подберите три разные формы предложений. Пожалуйста, перевод не с помощью переводчика, с соблюдением грамматических правил английского


-Давай покатаемся на велосипеде?
- Хорошая идея. Давай пригласим Диму?
-Конечно. Я позвоню ему.
-Давай и Сергея пригласим тоже?

Past simple tense правило

Читайте также

Present Perfect or Past Simple.60. All the shirts you (send) your father (fit) him perfectly so far.61 Although I (study) French for years I have

difficulties inPresent Perfect or Past Simple.
60. All the shirts you (send) your father (fit) him perfectly so far.61 Although I (study) French for years I have difficulties in speaking the language.62. John whose grades are the highest in the school (receive) a scholarship.63. Yesterday we (have) supper with the neighbours of ours.64. Some years ago I (come) across this photo in an old magazine.65. We (not/give) him a thing to eat since he (arrive).66. Jerry (fail) his exams. He'll have to take them again.67. It's ages since I last (see) a decent comedy film on television.68. We understood that it (be) just a slip of the tongue.69. The police (find) the bomb yet?70. When I (go) to book a ticket to Athens, I (find) that the flight (be) full.71. I'm not disappointed with today's result. After all we (win) ten matches already this season.72. I never (do) anything like it before. We'll have to start from scratch.73. My computer (break down) again. It's time for me to buy a new word processor.74. I can't afford a holiday abroad until I (pay back) all my debts.75. They always (bring) flowers when they came to visit me.76. The butcher (cut) some steak, (wrap) it up and (hand) it to me.77. Since the baby (be) born, they (have) a lot of sleepless nights.78. I'm sorry for her. She (has) bad luck all her life.79. Jack (climb) quite a number of mountains but he never (be) to Everest.80. You (see) my gloves, by any chance?81. He (give up) smoking yet? When he (do) it?82. What's up? You (hurt) your ankle? How you (do) it?

Combine the words from the two columns. Translate the words you have(Объедините слова из двух столбцов. Переведите полученые слова)

0) home side homework — домашняя работа

1) sea work

2) wind seeing

8) sun table

4) time bathing;

5) sight light

в) high surfing _
T) country _

2) Make up 5 sentences with the words you have.(Составьте 5 предложений с етими словами)


ПОМОГИТЕ, ЭТО СРОЧНО!!!! ДАЮ МНОГО ПУНКТОВ!!! Look at the text, find and read out the sentences where verbs are used in the passive voice. Jazz. Have

you ever heard anything about jazz? We are sure you have. Jazz is type of music and the only art form that was created in the United States.Jazz was created by black Americans.Many blacks were broght from Africa to America as slaves.Different native songs were sung by the black slaves and the music of their homeland was played in America. Jazz is a mixture of many different kinds of music.It is made up of the music of West Africa,the work songs of the slaves and religious music.The first jazz bands were formed at the end of the 19th century.They played in bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South,especially New Orleans. Nowadays New Orleans is an international seaport, and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz.Improvisation is an important part of jazz.This means that jazz music is made up or created on the spot.This is why a jazz song can sound a little different each time it is played. With time jazz became more and more popular.By the 1920s,jazz was popular all over the United States . By the 1940s, you could not only hear jazz in clubs and bars ,but in concert halls too.Today jazz is played all over the world.On every continent special festivals are held where jazz muscians from the United States,Asia,Africa,South America and Europe meet and share their music.In this way jazz continues to grow and change.Let's hope that no matter what happens in music jazz will always be performed and listened to.


Посмотрите на текст, найти и прочитать предложения, где глаголы используются в пассивной форме.

Ты когда-нибудь слышал что-нибудь про джазз? Мы уверены что да.

Джазз это тип музыки и единственная форма искусства которая была создана в США. Джаз был создан афроамериканцами. Много черных были перевезены из Африки в Америку в качестве рабов. Разные народные песни пели черные рабы и музыка их родины играла в Америки.

Джаз это микс различных жанров музыки. Он состоит из музыки западной Африки, песен рабов и религиозной музыки. Первые джазз-бэнды появились в концке 19ого века. Они играли в барах и клубах во многих городах и крупных городах Юга, особенно Нового орлеана.

В наши дни Новый Орлеан это международный порт, и люди со всего мира приезжают в Н.О послушать джазз. Импровизация ээто важная составляющая джаза. Это значит джаз создается спонтанно. Вот почему песни джаза всегда звучат немного по-другому,когда их играют.

Со временем джаз становился более и более популярным. В 1920 джаз был популярен везде в США. К 1940ому, ты мог слышать джаз не только в клубах и барах, но и в концертных залах тоже. Сегодня джаз играют по всему миру. На каждом континенте проводятся специальные фестивали где встречаются музыканты из США, Азии, Африки, Южной Америки и Европы и делятся своей музыкоц. Джаз продолжает расти и менятся. Давайте надеятся, что чтобы не случилось джаз всегда будут играть и слушать.

Прочитайте текст и расположите абзацы в правильном порядке в соответствии с содержанием текста.

The good points? Well, there are so many. People are gentle, on the whole. I mean the people I mix with -1 deal with. No I don't find much to criticise. I mean if I criticise, it's in a very nice way.
I first came here in 1947 to stay with friends in Yorkshire and I stayed there for six months, and as I always wanted to become a nurse, I applied to St Thomas's Hospital in London, where I was accepted. I did my nursing training, which I finished in 1952. You see?
Except perhaps certain aspects of food. You know, after living in Brussels for fourteen years, when one had such a choice of everything, it's sometimes difficult. But it's such a small thing, you know, mind over matter, and it really, it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. You know, it's lovely living here.
Well, the Brits are a strange race, but oh, no. There's something marvellous about Britain. Really, yes. Even now things are changing all the time. But I don't say that just because I'm a foreigner. People are very kind on the whole. I mean this is Wales and this is different. North Wales is different from South Wales. But there is a quality of life. Definitely. I love Britain. Really, I love everything about it.
So. But people are very kind on the whole. Of course you see I am -I mean, we are retired. My husband took an early retirement and perhaps if we were younger ... I forgot, I forget what it was like perhaps. But people have always been very kind and tolerant, much more tolerant than the French, I think. That's why I get so irritated. For instance the other day I saw on television some, I think they were Pakistani people, parents, in the Midlands somewhere. They wanted, if I heard right, they wanted a teacher to teach their children in their own language. Well, this is Britain, surely. You must do, you know, and live ... In Rome, do as the Romans do, surely. You can't just have your own way all the time, can you?

1.She will take some photos at the party tomorrow. Who___________________________________ What photos___________________________


They will communicate with children through the Internet.




He will do interviews in future.




2.Write about your future abilities as in the example.You may use the following words.



speak English well,take photos,do interview,use the Internet,send e-mail,ride a bike,fly a kite,drive a car,get a job,become a student,buy a house

I'II go to the Internet Club on Tuesday and I shall be able to use the Internet.

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