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My friend is a goalkeeper of this football team, that is why i can not quit supporting it.

5-9 класс

Можете перевести это предложение нормально.? Заранее спасибо)

Боканова 28 дек. 2014 г., 19:19:04 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 дек. 2014 г., 19:55:51 (9 лет назад)

Мой друг - вратарь этой футбольной команды, поэтому я не могу перестать за нее болеть.


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Переводите на английский язык пожалуйста

Друзья нужны нам и в горе и в радости. С друзьями можно поделиться насущными проблемами, они всегда готовы выслушать и поддержать, они приходят на помощь в трудные минуты. Если у человека нет друзей, ему не с кем разделить радость и горесть своего бытия, он не может выплеснуть накопившиеся внутри его переживания, от чего начинает страдать и болеть.Настоящую дружбу нельзя купить за деньги

Помагите пожалуйста!!! Help! Вот задание: Yes/No and Wh- questions with to be and other verbs. 1)Q: _______________________ at their Flat?

A: I was at their flat because my parents were away.

2)Q: _______________________ your parents?

A: They were in Rome.

3)Q; In Rome?_______________________ to Rome?

A;They went to Rome on Saturday.

3)Q: ______________ your grandparents _______________ the show?

A: Yes, they watched it with me.

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Theme:Possessive Case употребите притяжательный падеж 1 The room of my friend. 2 The wife of her brother 3 The

book of his sister

4 The name of this boy

5 The table of our teacher

6 The dress of my sister

7 The room of her parents

8 The books of these students

9 The toys of the children

10 The dressen of women

11 The room of these men

12 The map of England

13 The name of your girl- friend

14 The poems of Pushkin

15 The letter of my aunt

16 The car of my parents

17 Show me the letter of Pete

18 The flat of my sister is large

19 The children of my brother are at home

20 The room of the teachers is on the first floor

21 The name of this girl is Jane

22 The work of these students is interesting

23 This is family of my uncle

24 The father of my friend is a doctor

25 Those notebook is it?- It is a notebook of Tom

26 Do you have books of Diskens?

27 What colour is the bag of Maxim?

28 What part of the city do you live in?

29 What is the surname of that first-year student?

30 The questions of our students were interesting

Проверьте орфографию: I have many friends. I like my friends. When we gather, we play computer games, chat, make lots of noise. I like noise.To my mind,

people should have many friends as possible, because if you have not friends, you just become very dull and boring person. It is fine when you have friends, who are able to understand you and support and help in difficult situations.We have much in common and we enjoy communicating with each other.One of my friends is Sergey. He is thirteen. I can say that he is a good guy. He is a schoolboy. He wants to be a businessman like his father. He studies well, but he is not a hardworking person.When we gather together we like to play computer games, to watch new movies and discuss them. His favourite subject at school is Maths. He is keen on Maths. I guess he might become a great mathematician, but he wants to be like his father.We are friends for a long time. We trust each other. We have some personal secrets. I can tell him about my troubles and he always helps me, if he can.I'm happy to have such a good friend as Sergey.

СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ!1)my car is ______ than of my friend's a)faster b)fastest c)the fastest

2)she is ________ person in class a)the intelligent b) more intelligent c)the most intelligent
3)my book is ______ than yours a)better b)good c)best
4)supermarkets are ______ than corner stores a)bigger b)biggest c)big
5)your work is _______ in class a)the worst b)worts c)worse

надо перефразовать следующие словосочетания применяя притяжательный падеж . 1.The room of friend .2.The questions of my son.3.the wife of my brother

.4.the table of our teacher .5.the poems of Pushkin.6.the voice of this girl.7.the new club of the workers.8.the letter of Pete .9.the car of my parents .10.the life of this women.Прошу помогите ,зарание спасибо!!

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